View Full Version : Inshore and offshore?

06-05-2024, 12:44 PM
Good morning! New guy here, looking forward to learning from you all! I did a little reading back and unless I missed something, I don’t see this topic too recently. I’m new to salt, I want a change of scenery and tired of fishing for fish that don’t taste good lol. Im not buying a boat till fall/winter ish probably, but trying to find a boat I can do the most with. For the record, I know there is no perfect do all boat, and especially with a limited budget. But I’m looking for something with a trolling motor up front that drafts shallow ish so I can fish in/nearshore for flounder/stripers/blues/etc and probably will do that type of fishing most. But when the water is pretty smooth and the fish are there, I’d love to be able to get out to mahi mahi and maybe even some tuna if that’s not too much to ask for? I understand I’d have major limitations, but that’s my hope for when conditions allow.

Looking at boats like the Carolina Skiff Ultra Elite series currently, but hoping to find some other recommendations to keep an eye out for as well. I’ll have around $30k available, and don’t want to take on a loan.

Thanks a ton in advance for your help and recommendations. Again, I promise I understand there needs to be some give and take and there will be big limitations. Just wanting to be able to go play when the stars align.

Side note too, I do have a wife and 3 kids, so I don’t intend to go too small on the boat. Need some space for them to enjoy the water with me :)

06-06-2024, 08:35 AM
So many variables to consider before any recommendations can be made.

Whats your boating experience?
What port will you be out of?
Trailering or slipped?

Only thing I can tell you right off the bat is with a wife and 3 kids you’ll want a port o potty and a boat that offers some kind of cover.

Gerry Zagorski
06-06-2024, 09:24 AM
Welcome and smart of you to do some research before jumping in.. If you plan to make trips out to the mid range grounds in the mudhole for tuna and mahi you'll need a more capable boat with the fuel range to do that. Depending on where you're starting and how far you want to go, that could mean anywhere from a 50 to 100 mile round trip so you need to be sure the boat has the fuel capacity to do that.

Sounds like you want a trolling motor up front and if that's the case, you probably want a center console since mounting a trolling motor on a boat with a cabin, although it can be done, is much more difficult to install and deploy...

In general I'm thinking you should be looking at something in the 21 - 25 foot range, preferably a closed, not open transom with an outboard. Depending on the size of the boat, you're probably looking at something in the 200 to 300 horsepower range and a more modern 4 stroke would be best. They are more reliable and get a lot better mileage than an older 2 stroke... The motor brands I'd be looking for are Yamaha, Mercury or Suzuki. I'd stay away from the modern Evinrude's since they are no longer in business, the parts can be hard to find and the G2s are very problematic.

Good news is the boat market has cooled off a great deal since the crazy run up in pricing around covid and the fall is one of the better times to be buying as well...

As far a the Carolina skiff, they've come a long way but many of the earlier ones had fairly flat bottoms and you want something in the deep v or semi deep v for a better ride in choppy or steeper seas.

Answering Duff's questions above will give us the information needed to give more pointed advise...

06-06-2024, 10:34 AM
So many variables to consider before any recommendations can be made.

Whats your boating experience?
What port will you be out of?
Trailering or slipped?

Only thing I can tell you right off the bat is with a wife and 3 kids you’ll want a port o potty and a boat that offers some kind of cover.

Great points! I should have listed that. I have a lot of boating experience but all freshwater. Mostly bass boats and a bit of jon boats. My last bass boat was a 21’ with a 250 outboard, and I’ve taken it on fairly big water but nothing like the ocean of course. I do have my boaters safety card but I took it 20 years ago, and don’t deal with a lot of the buoys you guys do, so u plan to retake that just to be safe.

I don’t have a port in mind, I will be trailering and want to be mobile. I have friends in Tom’s River so would probably use Point Pleasant a lot, but would want the ability to go where the fish are.

Thanks a ton for your reply and your help already! I really appreciate it!

06-06-2024, 10:36 AM
Welcome and smart of you to do some research before jumping in.. If you plan to make trips out to the mid range grounds in the mudhole for tuna and mahi you'll need a more capable boat with the fuel range to do that. Depending on where you're starting and how far you want to go, that could mean anywhere from a 50 to 100 mile round trip so you need to be sure the boat has the fuel capacity to do that.

Sounds like you want a trolling motor up front and if that's the case, you probably want a center console since mounting a trolling motor on a boat with a cabin, although it can be done, is much more difficult to install and deploy...

In general I'm thinking you should be looking at something in the 21 - 25 foot range, preferably a closed, not open transom with an outboard. Depending on the size of the boat, you're probably looking at something in the 200 to 300 horsepower range and a more modern 4 stroke would be best. They are more reliable and get a lot better mileage than an older 2 stroke... The motor brands I'd be looking for are Yamaha, Mercury or Suzuki. I'd stay away from the modern Evinrude's since they are no longer in business, the parts can be hard to find and the G2s are very problematic.

Good news is the boat market has cooled off a great deal since the crazy run up in pricing around covid and the fall is one of the better times to be buying as well...

As far a the Carolina skiff, they've come a long way but many of the earlier ones had fairly flat bottoms and you want something in the deep v or semi deep v for a better ride in choppy or steeper seas.

Answering Duff's questions above will give us the information needed to give more pointed advise...

Thank you so much for all of that!! Yes, a center console in that side range is for sure my hope! Glad I’m on the right track. I replied to the other above, so hopefully that helps :)

And the CS I mentioned does have a mod V. Mixed reviews, especially since I’d be looking at one of their older (2010 ish) versions of it, but does seem to semi fit the bill so far.

06-06-2024, 11:02 AM
So I know I’ll bruise some egoes here but boating in lakes is obviously completely different than the salt. Been a lifelong saltwater boater and my boat handling skills are questionable at best. Brought my boat to lake George 2 years ago. First time on a lake. Couldn’t believe how easy it was when not dealing with current and tides. Just an example of what you’ll deal with in the salt.

Other consideration is port your coming out of. I’m rounding Sandy Hook to get to the ocean. Easy on almost all days. Guys coming out of Shark River, Manasquan or Barnegat is whole other animal. Boat handling skills are at a whole other level compared to what I do. If you want to talk about the PP Canal that’s a whole other discussion.

A 21-23 CC would suit you and the family fine. Some canvas to keep you dry and a portopotty in the console for wife and kids.

Good luck and happy shopping.

Gerry Zagorski
06-06-2024, 12:46 PM
If you are considering getting something used I'd stick with the higher end center console brands since they are well built and hold up much better over time.. On my short list would be Contender, Regulator, Yellowfin and Boston Whaler but they are likely going to be out of your price range. . You might find some older Mid tear brands in your budget like Grady White, Cape Horn, Proline, Aquasport, Wellcraft, Parker and Rabalo.

Some great much older hulls that I would not shy away from that you may be able to find in your price range are Sea Craft, Intrepid, Formula, Pursuit and North Coast. If the motor is tired could consider one and repower it but a new outboard is going to cost you at least $20K with rigging.

Good luck in your search and as you come across stuff feel free to check in here to get opinions.

06-07-2024, 09:11 AM
To do what you want I wouldn’t go below 24’ unless you can really pick your days .
Conditions on the ocean can turn in under an hour .
Bluebird day to 5’ almost in an instant .

While I did all your looking to in a 24’ sea pro .
I def got my butt kicked coming home more than a few times .(weekly)

A 26’ boat allows you way more comfortable fishing days .
While the cost is more , the time you get to use it doubles .

IMO 30k isn’t going to get you something that won’t become a money pit .
You’re looking at 20 year old boats to get in that range .
But there are some little used cherries out there if you have enough time to search .


06-09-2024, 10:01 AM
All great points from everyone and I really appreciate it all!! It will all help me research options :) I have a long way to go for sure and I promise I’m far from irresponsible with stuff like this. I am a safety professional for a living and will absolutely take my time to select the best equipment I can and learn the water before I take on more than I can handle.

Gerry Zagorski
06-09-2024, 10:29 AM
All great points from everyone and I really appreciate it all!! It will all help me research options :) I have a long way to go for sure and I promise I’m far from irresponsible with stuff like this. I am a safety professional for a living and will absolutely take my time to select the best equipment I can and learn the water before I take on more than I can handle.

Great! Having the right equipment is key but as or even more important is reading the weather and learning to predict the waters behavior in different areas during different wind directions, speeds as well tide stage. This is what keeps you out of harms way in the first place…

06-10-2024, 07:35 AM
I have a bit different take on this..

You said you will be having $30K to play with..

Not all that much if you want a boat thats truly offshore capable... You might want to consider a clean, used,great condition Center console of around 20-21 feet.Something like an Aquasport, Mako etc... You would be surprised at what 10-15K will buy you in a used boat if you look around!... That boat will get you 90% of what you want.. plenty of boat for near shore fishing for Fluke/Blues/Stripers/Bottom, and can certainly be taken mid range on good days.. For the truly offshore fishing, you would still have half that 30K left, and that will get you on a lot of open charters that go after pelagics, or long range party boat trips that go far off for tiles/exotics... Just a thought.. If I had 30 K, I would get a good used inshore boat thats seaworthy, tough and capable,and would keep a considerable sum available for offshoresome/long range fishing with highly experienced crews, and much better equipment than your 30K will ever buy.. You can do a LOT of great fishing in NJ with 10-15 K, with captains that will put you on fish every time. I can just about guarantee that your dreams of taking that trailerable boat offshore will hit reality very soon after purchase when you find it costs you $300 just in gas every time out, the weather never cooperates on the days when you want to go,you find out how much work ,prep and time is involved,you get caught 40 miles off in a sudden, intense,pop up thunderstorm out of nowhere, etc... Some guys do well in their "offshore aspirations", many if not most do not... Takes a lot of time, prep, money, experience, even luck...Weigh all your options carefully.. just remember, that vast majority of salt water fish caught by recreational fishermen are caught within sight of land.. The ones that aren't are more easily caught with help from highly experienced pros... a LOT of people buy offshore capable boats, and then downsize mainly from lack of use... Just consider carefully, and best of luck!... bob

06-10-2024, 08:46 AM
I have a bit different take on this..

You said you will be having $30K to play with..

Not all that much if you want a boat thats truly offshore capable... You might want to consider a clean, used,great condition Center console of around 20-21 feet.Something like an Aquasport, Mako etc... You would be surprised at what 10-15K will buy you in a used boat if you look around!... That boat will get you 90% of what you want.. plenty of boat for near shore fishing for Fluke/Blues/Stripers/Bottom, and can certainly be taken mid range on good days.. For the truly offshore fishing, you would still have half that 30K left, and that will get you on a lot of open charters that go after pelagics, or long range party boat trips that go far off for tiles/exotics... Just a thought.. If I had 30 K, I would get a good used inshore boat thats seaworthy, tough and capable,and would keep a considerable sum available for offshoresome/long range fishing with highly experienced crews, and much better equipment than your 30K will ever buy.. You can do a LOT of great fishing in NJ with 10-15 K, with captains that will put you on fish every time. I can just about guarantee that your dreams of taking that trailerable boat offshore will hit reality very soon after purchase when you find it costs you $300 just in gas every time out, the weather never cooperates on the days when you want to go,you find out how much work ,prep and time is involved,you get caught 40 miles off in a sudden, intense,pop up thunderstorm out of nowhere, etc... Some guys do well in their "offshore aspirations", many if not most do not... Takes a lot of time, prep, money, experience, even luck...Weigh all your options carefully.. just remember, that vast majority of salt water fish caught by recreational fishermen are caught within sight of land.. The ones that aren't are more easily caught with help from highly experienced pros... a LOT of people buy offshore capable boats, and then downsize mainly from lack of use... Just consider carefully, and best of luck!... bob

A few years ago that was true .
You are not finding a decent used boat cheap anymore .
In actuality boats prices have double since Covid .


06-10-2024, 12:01 PM
A few years ago that was true .
You are not finding a decent used boat cheap anymore .
In actuality boats prices have double since Covid .


I won't argue, but will say this- I see a LOT of nice used 19-22 ft center console boats under 15 K.. You won't get a late model for that, but a clean well maintained used 20 footer with a good running 175?.. I see plenty of them around, and I don't even live in NJ..

06-11-2024, 08:13 AM
I won't argue, but will say this- I see a LOT of nice used 19-22 ft center console boats under 15 K.. You won't get a late model for that, but a clean well maintained used 20 footer with a good running 175?.. I see plenty of them around, and I don't even live in NJ..

Look on boat trader right now .
See how many you can find under 35000 in Nj.

My sea pro 238 cost 43000 with a trailer in 2007
I sold it in 2016 for 25000 with 850 hrs on engines
Guy I sold it to resold it this spring for 39000 with 1600 hrs on engines .

And that’s a typical price now .
Many boats that are 15-20 years old are selling for approx what they cost new in their year built .

Why, because new boat prices are insane .


Gerry Zagorski
06-11-2024, 01:12 PM
Look on boat trader right now .
See how many you can find under 35000 in Nj.

My sea pro 238 cost 43000 with a trailer in 2007
I sold it in 2016 for 25000 with 850 hrs on engines
Guy I sold it to resold it this spring for 39000 with 1600 hrs on engines .

And that’s a typical price now .
Many boats that are 15-20 years old are selling for approx what they cost new in their year built .

Why, because new boat prices are insane .


Yes - no way we could afford to replace our boat @ these prices.. I think the best option for him might be to find and older high quality boat that might have older power on it and look to repower it. Not that any boat should be looked at as an investment but you won't get hurt as much going this route then you would if you bought a lesser brand new or newer and decided to sell it.

06-12-2024, 07:20 AM
There are a LOT of meticulously maintained Great lakes boats for sale, in the 10-20- k range.. Typically with kickers hooked into their steering systems, and set up for big water trolling.. Aquasport/Logic/Penn Yan/Abemarle/Wellcraft/Grady etc.. Even some CC boats.. As I stated, he won't get a new boat for 15 K, but there are a ton of well built, good condition boats in many configurations that would do very well for near shore to maybe 20 miles offshore salt water fishing... Great lakes boat owners take their rigs very seriously, and most are pristine despite age.. Most look new no matter how old....NJ is probably not the best place to look for a used boat, and BoatTrader is the WORST place to look... Prices listed there have been crazy for as long as I can remember.. if the OP would like he can PM me, and I will let him know some sites to have a look at some really nice
heavy duty boats that are well within his price range.... bob

Gerry Zagorski
06-12-2024, 08:28 AM
There are a LOT of meticulously maintained Great lakes boats for sale, in the 10-20- k range.. Typically with kickers hooked into their steering systems, and set up for big water trolling.. Aquasport/Logic/Penn Yan/Abemarle/Wellcraft/Grady etc.. Even some CC boats.. As I stated, he won't get a new boat for 15 K, but there are a ton of well built, good condition boats in many configurations that would do very well for near shore to maybe 20 miles offshore salt water fishing... Great lakes boat owners take their rigs very seriously, and most are pristine despite age.. Most look new no matter how old....NJ is probably not the best place to look for a used boat, and BoatTrader is the WORST place to look... Prices listed there have been crazy for as long as I can remember.. if the OP would like he can PM me, and I will let him know some sites to have a look at some really nice
heavy duty boats that are well within his price range.... bob
A Great Lake boat is a great idea. They typically get used less
because of their shorter boating season and the fresh water is much easier on boats and engines then salt water. A friend of mine did this a few years back and got a great deal on a pristine Formula cruising style boat. Shipping can however can be expensive but if you have a truck and boat comes with a trailer you can DIY.