View Full Version : Is Raritan bay dead ?

06-02-2024, 08:49 AM
I remember years ago it seemed like every other post was about fishing Raritan bay, now I never see any. Years ago my friends would fish the channel edges for fluke in the spring and catch 8 and 10 pounders. Do no party boats fish Raritan bay anymore. Even the reports I have seen posted seemed dismal at best. Is it a spot burning thing that the fishing is actually that good but people don't want to give it away ???:confused:
I read a lot of FB posts and it seems Barnegat bay is pretty good and consistent fishing.

06-02-2024, 10:31 AM
the amount of boats that fish Raritan bay has definitely diminished over the years. It's been a few seasons since fluking was great in the spring and early summer in the bay. The fish stay in the rivers mostly now.

06-02-2024, 11:49 AM
The days of mindlessly pounding channel edges are long gone. Fish are around but in smaller patches - guys who understand shallow structure and current are still on them but the vast majority of weekend warriors who follow the pros around the bay are hurting.

06-02-2024, 11:50 AM
Raritan Bay was a fish bowl years ago.. A lot of the species that called the bay home are greatly diminished everywhere.. Weaks/Blues/Fluke/Winter Flounder... We also had spectacular black fishing in the bay IF you knew where to go.. [we did]. Just as good as the ocean...Only Stripers are doing well these days compared to years ago.. It only makes sense that fewer people fish there, and there are fewer,less optimistic reports... bob

06-02-2024, 12:27 PM
I have friends who never travel more than a mile or two from their marinas .
They catch all the fluke they want .
And nice fish at that

06-02-2024, 02:15 PM
Flynn's Knoll still holds some decent Fluke. Same with the CG Station area early in the year. There are people catching fish though out the bay but a lot of shorts. The bottom line is finding 18"+ in the bay can be tricky for those not in the know. Back in the day when the bay was fished a lot the size of a keeper was a lot smaller. Now most run out to the rocks or up the rivers to find keeper sized fish! So the bay is not dead but certainly has changed. Tight lines!

06-02-2024, 03:42 PM
It's just I don't see anyone posting anymore so I guess people don't want to give away a good thing. The spring clamming for striped bass seems to have gone by the way side though. Wasn't sure if it was a water quality issue also.

06-02-2024, 03:54 PM
You can’t even buy a bushel of clams anymore fresh. Anyone that knows where you can buy them please let me know. Sad. There’s a lot of things that aren’t what they used to be.

06-02-2024, 03:56 PM
You can’t even buy a bushel of clams anymore fresh. Anyone that knows where you can buy them please let me know. Sad. There’s a lot of things that aren’t what they used to be.

When I say a bushel of clams, I mean a bushel of clams in the shell in a burlap bag

06-02-2024, 05:04 PM
I thought Spring Lake Freezer had them. I used to go right to boat Skimmer in Point Pleasant and buy a bushel. Also down the road where the commercial boats dock for Campbells soup I used to go back there and pick up a bushel just from discarded clams.

06-02-2024, 05:54 PM
When I say a bushel of clams, I mean a bushel of clams in the shell in a burlap bag

Sea fresh clams in Belford .
Right off the boat .

I believe AH bait and tackle almost always has them

06-02-2024, 06:55 PM
The water in the bay has been putrid this year so far from all of the spring monsoons followed by a pretty wicked full moon phase. Once the water cleans up and the bait sets up in the back, the fluke fishing will Once again be lights out.

I clean up year after year waaaaay back in the bay shore-based fluke fishing. Most of the time I'm the sole person around aside from some small skiffs that pass by wondering wtf I'm doing lol. Water clarity and bait are KEY.

Sea Horse
06-02-2024, 08:33 PM
There have always been ups and downs to the bay fishery. Back in the early 90’s we had a season or two with no fluke.

This past spring we did have a couple of weeks with a fair amount of fish but unfortunately it did not last long.

I’m not a scientist by no means but strongly feel that the beach replenishment projects over the past few years has played a big part in the fisheries decline.

06-02-2024, 10:16 PM
I clean up year after year waaaaay back in the bay shore-based fluke fishing.

Not everyone can be a landbound fluke ninja ;)

06-02-2024, 10:19 PM
If you asked me this time last year, I would’ve said no.

However, I spent much of last Aug/Sept in the channel en route to the extremely popular fluke grounds and I can tell you the commercial boats are hard at work there. I used to think the issue was participation but I just think there’s been so much pressure there over the years (and I’m not blaming commercial guys they have to make a living, too) that the fish are spread out around the bay, making it harder to find concentrations.

Of all the formerly abundant species, Bluefish to me are the biggest mystery. I grew up on the Point boats running up to the channel or 17 Fathom Banks to catch absolute monsters and you just don’t see it anymore, not even in small numbers. Definitely miss that summertime fishery.

06-03-2024, 04:23 AM
The fact is, that the guys who were posting reports about the Raritan no longer post reports. They are all still fishing the bay just not reporting it anymore. IMO it’s a forum issue not a members posting issue.

FWIW, yeah both SH bay and the Raritan have changed drastically since Sandy. The days of dragging killies aimlessly and putting together a catch are over.

Like Jigman said it’s all about the water quality and lately it’s been awful.

And agree with Hammer as well. Been hitting a spot literally 150 yards out of my marina. Conditions have to be perfect but it will produce all the time and spend zero in fuel to get there.

Gerry Zagorski
06-03-2024, 07:51 AM
FWIW, yeah both SH bay and the Raritan have changed drastically since Sandy.
