View Full Version : Luckiest Dad Ever..Fathers Day

06-16-2009, 02:57 PM
We haven't been able to do much fishing lately so I am looking forward to doing a little fishing Fathers day weekend. I was fortunate enough to have a dad that liked to fish and take me fishing as well. Now my son and I are "catching them up".
Any way we will be headed up to New York for some fly fishing and then the following Fri. June 26th is the SSFFF Fundraiser trip on the Voyager. Looking forward to both. What are you guys doing?


06-16-2009, 02:58 PM

06-16-2009, 03:06 PM
My son doesn't like to go fishing :( I know, it's a crime.... so we're headed down to Virginia to do Busch Gardens and King's Dominion. Have fun fishing and I'll see you on the 26th.

Tuna Tales
06-16-2009, 03:41 PM

Good luck...

I am sharking again...my father had back surgery so he will not be up and running for least another few weeks - and that will only be inshore for seabass and fluke. I am hoping he will be able to fish the SRYC Fluke Tournament on the 11th.

Joe T.

06-16-2009, 03:53 PM
We haven't been able to do much fishing lately so I am looking forward to doing a little fishing Fathers day weekend. I was fortunate enough to have a dad that liked to fish and take me fishing as well. Now my son and I are "catching them up".
Any way we will be headed up to New York for some fly fishing and then the following Fri. June 26th is the SSFFF Fundraiser trip on the Voyager. Looking forward to both. What are you guys doing?


The 26th I will be up in Ma. fishing for Cod..:D

Montauk Project
06-16-2009, 04:06 PM
Leif....you are a lucky man !
Your son is lucky to have a dad who spends quality time fishing with him .
I look forward to fishing with you both on the 26th...;)

Oh, my father was a bum....the only trolling he ever did was for women and whiskey...:eek: :eek:


06-16-2009, 04:20 PM
The best part of fishing with your kids is when they kick your a$$ and you hear about it for a week.

06-16-2009, 04:30 PM
Leif....you are a lucky man !
Your son is lucky to have a dad who spends quality time fishing with him .
I look forward to fishing with you both on the 26th...;)

Oh, my father was a bum....the only trolling he ever did was for women and whiskey...:eek: :eek:


Ditto for my dad. That's why I don't have any kids, didn't want the same thing to happen to them!

Life's A Beach
06-16-2009, 05:05 PM
Leif, that's GREAT. It'll come back to you in spades. Warning.......it's fleeting, grab every minute.

Montauk........that's so sad. I couldn't imagine growing up like that. I'm sure it's made you a better dad to YOUR kids because of it.

Both of you.....knock 'em dead on the SSFFF trip. Saw the Voyager drifting the river this afternoon. 4'ers outside with E wind (no where to hide) so I'm guessing a lot of peepz got ill.

Leif.........did she ever send you the survey?????? You've forgotten more about Cod/Pollack/Haddock then I'll ever know.

bunker dunker
06-16-2009, 05:35 PM
ya leif i hear ya.i've fished and hunted with my 2 sons since they could walk.
every now and then i go threw the photo albums.god has been very good to me and my sons.their 20 and 17 and we are still at it.to all the fathers out
there have a great fathers day.

06-16-2009, 07:10 PM
It wasn't for father's day but I just had a great moment with my dad fishing. I took him on the Fishermen last Wednesday for his first ever saltwater-fishing trip. He introduced me to sunnie fishing when i was very young, but it wasn't really his thing.

After me bringing home tilefish last year, he said I'll try fishing because you have fun and it tastes great. So, Capt. Ron set everything up so he would have a great time... I was so proud of my dad for his 22# striper. He won't forget that one!

http://thumb9.webshots.net/t/64/664/7/33/37/2888733370098291709NhjtwB_th.jpg (http://family.webshots.com/photo/2888733370098291709NhjtwB)

06-16-2009, 07:21 PM
I have to be the luckiest man alive, I get to be with my Dad and watch him fish at least 4 times a week. In the off season when we can manage to fish together it's priceless. There's something about a 73 and 50 year old guy who share the same passion....Thanks Dad for making me who I am!!!
Capt. Ron

06-16-2009, 07:37 PM
Going fluking this weekend. Last year on fathers day, we won the pool with a 6# fluke, then on thr afternoon trip, a huge bunker school went under the boat and my dad hooked up into a nice 33# striper!
Thats a fathers day he will never forget.

06-16-2009, 07:37 PM
Always fished and hunted with my dad, lost him too young when he was only 52

Last 7 years my wife and kids have taken me and my F-I-L on a charter for Fathers day. We will be with Carlos on the Andreas Toy next Thursday for this years fun. Looking forward to it big time because we always have a great time

Fathers Day one year on the Megan Beth with Capt Dan was our greatest Sea Bass trip ever. Boat limit on one drop Last few years we have fished with Capt Carlos and have had a great time, rain or shine, catching or just fishing while enjoying family time. My son and daughter both enjoy fishing with us and it is just a day we look forward to all year

06-16-2009, 07:45 PM
Me and my dad are going on the fish monger for stripers and fluke.

06-16-2009, 07:49 PM
Great pics, better memories enjoy
Missymisfit73 Live (http://camslivesexy.com/cam/missymisfit73)

06-16-2009, 07:52 PM
I have to be the luckiest man alive, I get to be with my Dad and watch him fish at least 4 times a week. In the off season when we can manage to fish together it's priceless. There's something about a 73 and 50 year old guy who share the same passion....Thanks Dad for making me who I am!!!
Capt. Ron
Both of you are fortunate that you have a passion for fishing, and you are able to make a living at something you truly enjoy. Very, very few of us enjoy our work that much.

Got Bottom?
06-16-2009, 09:39 PM
can't wait, father's day i'm heading up with my dad and a couple buddies to hyannis, mass to go cod fishing and the day after going for the jumbo porgies up there. should be a blast.

06-16-2009, 09:58 PM
I was never close with my dad, wish things were different. This year I will be at my in-laws who are throwing a father's day bbq. Last year was Monmouth Park, which was a blast. I would like to start a tradition going fishing with my daughter, probably next year when she grows up a little bit. At this point she likes to eat the bait. For those of you that still have their fathers and get out together, enjoy every minute of it.

06-16-2009, 11:13 PM
Nothin better than fishing with your kids and seeing the excitement and joy on there face when they hook a fish,,,,,great job DAD!

Tin Squid
06-17-2009, 07:55 AM
My dad was not a big angler but he supported and enabled me to do things like jig blues on the Claire out of City Island and fly fish Cairns pool on the Beaverkill. He took me and my brother camping at Uncle Pete's just outside of Phoenicia, NY and bass fishing at lake Tiorati. He put me where the fish were and I got the knack of it by determination and a strong willingness to read and work at it. Thanks dad for all of the help! He saw the interest and he helped me to take my game up several notches by supporting my love of angling.

Thanks Again Dad!!

06-17-2009, 10:56 AM
My dad was my fishing partner for years - boy could he kick my ass!!! Now my brother will be taking his son for his first fluke trip on Sunday. Good Luck Tyler :) :) :)

06-18-2009, 10:55 AM
Thanks for all the responses. I am pretty lucky. Hope everyone gets out there and has a good weekend.

Lab, Thanks. I hope we get them too. Also never got the survey forms.


06-18-2009, 11:14 AM
im taking my son on the atlantic star out of the highlands.hes 8 this will be his first trip ever on a fishing boat..should be a real memory maker..

06-18-2009, 11:29 AM
. . . he's 8 this will be his first trip ever on a fishing boat.. should be a real memory maker..

Be sure to enter him in the pool. The pic below is from 6 years ago, my daughter's 1st trip on the Sea Hunter. Her 8 lb-er won both pools and got her in the Star-Ledger . . . . a real memory maker :D

Blind Archer
06-18-2009, 12:20 PM
Hey Dads ... don't forget about the daughters. Mine can still put a hurtin on their spouses any day with a rod and reel. Now I get to be fishing Grandpa. I've got big shoes to fill...mine was the greatest person in my life.

06-18-2009, 03:15 PM
I attribute my love of fishing to my Dad. We mostly fresh water fished to gether but would occasionally hit the salt. In the mid nineties we started an annual tuna charter trip and they were some of the best trips ever. By 1999 it ended when he past away two days after retiring at the age of 59. I still go on a tuna charter every year and hope to continue until my 5 yo son is old enough to go. My Dad never got to see or fish with his grandson but I'll make sure he grows up and learns from me what I learned from him. Most weekends we are at the south pocket of the Manasquan Inlet catching his favorite sea robins. I just purchased a seine net and will be Yakin him out to Gull Island to hang out.

I miss fishing with my Dad but I know his spirit remains within us.