View Full Version : Striped bass:

03-09-2024, 11:49 AM
New Jersey Conservation Officers Association
CPO Klitz conducted an evening patrol in Barnegat Light where, just prior to dark, he observed a recreational fishing vessel returning to the municipal ramp. Upon inspection, the fishermen claimed they had three legal-sized striped bass located in a rear hatch of the vessel. CPO Klitz noticed the fishermen appeared nervous and eager to end the inspection. CPO Klitz located the three striped bass and began inspecting additional compartments on the vessel. Located in a live-well under the seat were an additional 19 striped bass, filling the live-well to capacity. Summonses were issued for 19 striped bass over the daily limit, seven undersized striped bass, and two oversized striped bass. The defendant plead guilty to possessing 19 striped bass over the daily limit for a total penalty of $1900.00. From the January 2024 Bureau of Law Enforcement report to the Fish and Game Council.

Broad Bill
03-09-2024, 12:10 PM
Fine should've been $19,000 and loss of privileges salt and fresh water for 10 years. Confiscate their equipment and boat, auction it off and use the proceeds to fund more law enforcement resources.

03-09-2024, 12:47 PM
I was just wondering if he signed up for the Saltwater Registry ?

03-11-2024, 01:34 PM
Didn’t take long for the poaching to get started along the Raritan bayshore. Funny how everyone on the planet knows what’s going on but nothing is done.

03-11-2024, 04:15 PM
We'll be seeing "grouper" as dinner specials in some local restaurants...:confused:

03-11-2024, 04:55 PM
Fine should've been $19,000 and loss of privileges salt and fresh water for 10 years. Confiscate their equipment and boat, auction it off and use the proceeds to fund more law enforcement resources.

I agree. The penalty should be much more severe.

03-11-2024, 10:20 PM
Easy fellows' penalties were fine, and the police work good case closed. The whole country is falling apart. Commercial fishing are the ones killing our fishery.

03-11-2024, 11:17 PM
Commercial fishing are the ones killing our fishery.

Not in the case of striped bass.

Broad Bill
03-11-2024, 11:18 PM
Commercial fisheries are materially more at fault in just about every failing or failed fishery but recreational has a big impact on stripers. The amount of illegal poaching taking place with stripers is disgusting and a $100 a fish fine won't change behavior. You want teeth in law enforcement, make the penalties hurt or as you admit the world will continue falling apart because in the world we live in today anything goes without consequences. A slap on the wrist doesn't cut it.

03-12-2024, 07:42 AM
I dunno, I guess I don't understand the need to poach, and take the chance these guys took and lost.. We're not talking stretching one 17 3/4 fluke so it 'makes the cut" here... Do these guys need this meat to "feed their families"?
Lots of free food out there these days, food pantries everywhere... Are they selling them?... I never thought Stripers were all that great anyway, they seemed to me to have an oily rag kind of taste for some reason.. Not awful, but not great... I tend to be VERY naive' about everything, and try and see the more positive side of human nature, so instead of saying these guys are low life slime I just shake my head and try and think "what was the mindset?... Why was this necessary? Was selling these fish going to bring them big bucks?.. Was an extra hundred$$ or two going to make them rich?... If you can afford to live in NJ, is the price of a few hundred pound of poached in the round striper going to put you over the top?.... Honestly,, I just don't get it, why are we always seeing these stories?... bob

03-12-2024, 08:54 AM
I dunno, I guess I don't understand the need to poach, and take the chance these guys took and lost.. We're not talking stretching one 17 3/4 fluke so it 'makes the cut" here... Do these guys need this meat to "feed their families"?
Lots of free food out there these days, food pantries everywhere... Are they selling them?... I never thought Stripers were all that great anyway, they seemed to me to have an oily rag kind of taste for some reason.. Not awful, but not great... I tend to be VERY naive' about everything, and try and see the more positive side of human nature, so instead of saying these guys are low life slime I just shake my head and try and think "what was the mindset?... Why was this necessary? Was selling these fish going to bring them big bucks?.. Was an extra hundred$$ or two going to make them rich?... If you can afford to live in NJ, is the price of a few hundred pound of poached in the round striper going to put you over the top?.... Honestly,, I just don't get it, why are we always seeing these stories?... bob

The amount of illegal striper sales in New Brunswick, NJ during the season is asinine. They poach right from the raritan river and sell them openly on Facebook and in the small stores and bodegas. 99% of what I've seen and heard, it's central American immigrants--I watch them run short fish to their cars by the dozen along the Amboys all the way down thru Cliffwood Beach and keyport.

They ignore interference and rarely speak English.

I've spoken to marine police about it. They're aware. But they're stretched too thin. Impossible for them to regulate from northern Middlesex county all the way through monmouth bayshore beaches. They'd need over a dozen guys. They prob have 2 or 3. It's a shame. Watching a resource get blatantly abused is terrible.

03-12-2024, 10:20 AM
I dunno, I guess I don't understand the need to poach, and take the chance these guys took and lost.. We're not talking stretching one 17 3/4 fluke so it 'makes the cut" here... Do these guys need this meat to "feed their families"?
Lots of free food out there these days, food pantries everywhere... Are they selling them?... I never thought Stripers were all that great anyway, they seemed to me to have an oily rag kind of taste for some reason.. Not awful, but not great... I tend to be VERY naive' about everything, and try and see the more positive side of human nature, so instead of saying these guys are low life slime I just shake my head and try and think "what was the mindset?... Why was this necessary? Was selling these fish going to bring them big bucks?.. Was an extra hundred$$ or two going to make them rich?... If you can afford to live in NJ, is the price of a few hundred pound of poached in the round striper going to put you over the top?.... Honestly,, I just don't get it, why are we always seeing these stories?... bob


bunker dunker
03-12-2024, 12:22 PM
poaching stripers has been going on for a hundred years,nothing new.just a another sign spring is near.

03-12-2024, 01:01 PM
The first response from the general public is "seize their gear" when they see such arrests made by those bank fishing. Do people really think they are using G. Loomis rods and VanStaal reels ?? I find these around the river, this is "the gear"

Broad Bill
03-12-2024, 01:24 PM
Think the guys in your original post were using that rig? Poaching comes in many forms with many degrees of severity. Punishment should match the severity of the infraction whatever that might be.

03-12-2024, 01:51 PM
Imagine going under cover and filming a documentary about all the illegal activity that takes place during the evening hours in the Raritan bay area, I think it would be an award winner !!

03-12-2024, 06:24 PM
The amount of illegal striper sales in New Brunswick, NJ during the season is asinine. They poach right from the raritan river and sell them openly on Facebook and in the small stores and bodegas. 99% of what I've seen and heard, it's central American immigrants--I watch them run short fish to their cars by the dozen along the Amboys all the way down thru Cliffwood Beach and keyport.

They ignore interference and rarely speak English.

I've spoken to marine police about it. They're aware. But they're stretched too thin. Impossible for them to regulate from northern Middlesex county all the way through monmouth bayshore beaches. They'd need over a dozen guys. They prob have 2 or 3. It's a shame. Watching a resource get blatantly abused is terrible.

understood.. I lived in NJ 37 years, Lyndhurst, Union Beach and Forked River.. moved out in 91.. It simply was not that way during my years there.. Thats before the massive influx from the south... People did not behave that way to any extent that I was aware of, regardless of race or skin pigmentation but "seasons and bag limits" were not yet the law of the land. so there's that... My good friends and fellow forum members here must remember that in NJ, Pa. and NY, clear headed ,realistic, patriotic voters are outnumbered close to 2 to 1 by those that vote with emotions, outstretched hands saying "gimmee", or those that see everyone that does not think as they do as "bigoted, racist, fascist,Nazis that hates anyone that doesn't look an act as they do.. Its been a while since common sense has prevailed in the tri state area, and we are seeing the results... bob

03-12-2024, 09:38 PM
Can various municipal police officers authorized to arrest/cite poachers?

03-13-2024, 08:04 AM
Can various municipal police officers authorized to arrest/cite poachers?

With the shit that goes on locally in the highest poaching areas the last thing the local PD’s have time for is poaching.

03-13-2024, 08:06 AM
Imagine going under cover and filming a documentary about all the illegal activity that takes place during the evening hours in the Raritan bay area, I think it would be an award winner !!

That’s actually a really good idea that would probably be a pretty good money maker if it went to Netflix. You know, that is until you never are seen again.

bunker dunker
03-13-2024, 08:16 AM
lol!!!!!!!you are so right Duff.if ya think about it,no one really cares about a few stripers when they are finding bodies & body parts azll along that strech

03-13-2024, 08:20 AM
understood.. I lived in NJ 37 years, Lyndhurst, Union Beach and Forked River.. moved out in 91.. It simply was not that way during my years there.. Thats before the massive influx from the south... People did not behave that way to any extent that I was aware of, regardless of race or skin pigmentation but "seasons and bag limits" were not yet the law of the land. so there's that... My good friends and fellow forum members here must remember that in NJ, Pa. and NY, clear headed ,realistic, patriotic voters are outnumbered close to 2 to 1 by those that vote with emotions, outstretched hands saying "gimmee", or those that see everyone that does not think as they do as "bigoted, racist, fascist,Nazis that hates anyone that doesn't look an act as they do.. Its been a while since common sense has prevailed in the tri state area, and we are seeing the results... bob

Spot On! I'm still stuck in this Libtard state but retirement is in site and then I will leave the crime, taxes, congestion and liberal nonsense for good. Maybe move to CA! Yeah, right.

03-13-2024, 02:44 PM
Spot On! I'm still stuck in this Libtard state but retirement is in site and then I will leave the crime, taxes, congestion and liberal nonsense for good. Maybe move to CA! Yeah, right.

NJ was a great state until it became woke.. It was a working mans place to raise a family, and I enjoyed my 37 years there, and was sorry I moved out for quite a long time.... NJ must change its voting habits and end soft sentences for criminals, especially in urbean areas, and it REALLY needs to stop letting the state get over run by the 3rd world.. It needs to get back to its roots- The Garden State... It was at one time... bob

03-13-2024, 06:29 PM
Spot On! I'm still stuck in this Libtard state but retirement is in site and then I will leave the crime, taxes, congestion and liberal nonsense for good. Maybe move to CA! Yeah, right.

Please advise if you need any help moving,

03-13-2024, 06:31 PM
NJ was a great state until it became woke.. It was a working mans place to raise a family, and I enjoyed my 37 years there, and was sorry I moved out for quite a long time.... NJ must change its voting habits and end soft sentences for criminals, especially in urbean areas, and it REALLY needs to stop letting the state get over run by the 3rd world.. It needs to get back to its roots- The Garden State... It was at one time... bob

3rd world really?

03-14-2024, 08:00 AM
3rd world really?

Yes 3rd world really... NJ has changed a LOT. When I drive down to it or through it, there is garbage piled thick on the roadsides everywhere, the waterways are FULL of tires and shopping carts, there is loud latino music blaring from storefronts in small once quiet and peaceful rural towns that I used to know well as a young man, Some small towns you won't even find a sign in English on the front windows any longer... I guess that ok if thats what NJ really wants, but I know what NJ was years ago, and its a degraded state in many areas, sorry if you don't like me saying so.... bob

03-14-2024, 08:46 AM
One look at the summer time river gatherings on the raritan river and you'll understand what bulletbob is saying. Or what the bayshore waterline looks like Saturday morning after a hot worm/clam bite on a Friday night during striper season. He's not wrong...

03-14-2024, 10:31 AM
Listen I respect everyone on this site and their opinions / contributions here just think "3rd world" is a bit drastic.

If you ever had to work or live for a bit ( I have not but know many who have) in a real 3rd world area / country I think you would realize even with what is written here that we (USA and NJ) is far from a 3rd world environment. Think we are spoiled a bit and look at so called invasion of certain ethnic groups with a broad brush. There is a percentage of all ethnic groups that take advantage of a freedom based republic but still believe its small.

I have fished and worked with many Latinos as well as other groups and for the most part are very dedicated and hard working individuals. I am sure the Monmouth / Ocean County residents aren't complaining about the services these people provide where the average spoiled born here white kid wouldn't get off their ass for a hard days work.

Not to mention I am sick of the Liberal vs Conservative division in social media political hypocrisy. There are plenty of "libetards and conservatards" to go around and neither is correct. The rest of us in either party that tow the line are the future.

NJ and the USA has a lot to offer other than a real 3rd world. No need to make America great again as its already better than then the rest.

03-14-2024, 11:07 AM
Well this was a pretty good discussion. Too bad the padlock is about to come out.

03-14-2024, 11:24 AM
Well this was a pretty good discussion. Too bad the padlock is about to come out.

LOl Wait for it and hope for it:eek:

03-14-2024, 11:46 AM
I know this is going to get locked soon... I know we're off topic, but some of these thoughts ARE relevant to this discussion... It is the permissive attitude in some states, that lead to things like rampant poaching and a total disregard of size and bag limits... These things have always happened, but lets be real, when you get a big influx of folks from totally different cultures, without a stake in the culture and heritage of a nation/state, or even a town, you get language and culture issues that are hard to resolve.

All I know is this- the quality of life for everyone was better, and things such as poaching, stealing from stores in broad daylight, total disregard for the rule of law and social decorum were not near as prevalent as they are today when each citizen had a stake in his culture and heritage... "Melting Pot" societies do NOT always flourish, even though it may be politically incorrect to dare mention that fact... I have no axe to grind with anyone, but the NE states have degraded due to a disregard for the rule of law, and societal norms that we accepted for many years.. Is it really poaching or merely "fishing to feed their families"? I don't know, but the increases we see today coincide with the changing demographics in many urban areas in the NE.... We see it here in upstate NY, but its minute to what you NJ guys deal with..... bob

duranautic al
03-14-2024, 01:18 PM
Seriously Bob,you moved out of state years ago... please let it go.Is there not a fishing forum in NY that you can jump on and remind everyone what a shit hole Jersey is?...I'm awful tired of your griping...meanwhile I'll continue to enjoy the worldclass fisheries that we have here...be it freshwater or saltwater.

03-14-2024, 06:02 PM
Seriously Bob,you moved out of state years ago... please let it go.Is there not a fishing forum in NY that you can jump on and remind everyone what a shit hole Jersey is?...I'm awful tired of your griping...meanwhile I'll continue to enjoy the worldclass fisheries that we have here...be it freshwater or saltwater.

Exactly! Not as much about Bob but the non 3rd world/ world class fisheries we have here!

03-14-2024, 06:19 PM
You guys are bunch of bullies. Leave Bob alone. The chem trails in upper NY state take a lot out of you.

I’m joking Bob of course……….but wait for it…….right Dave ?