View Full Version : Funny Fishing Stories
Gerry Zagorski
01-30-2024, 08:12 PM
I have a million of them and I'm sure you all do as well so please pile on here. There's one that popped into my head just now in the winter doldrums that continues to make me laugh....
So we're in a State Marina and it's a base for the State Marine Conservation boats and we're slipped within a close eye shot of them and that convenience had them checking us pretty regularly at the dock. This younger guy who we've seen at the marina and boarded us many times before, is probably 40 years younger than me approaches the boat AGAIN and asks to see what we caught...
We take the fish out of the cooler and he takes out this wimpy tape measure and I start to laugh to myself that it looks like something he got from a Barbie set and decide to have some fun with him and without thinking I say "Come on... Did your Mom or Sister give you that Barbie tape measure" ???
Needless to say for the next few years, if there was 100 boats out there, we were the one boat he was going to board.. He must have got a new tape measure since I never saw him pull out that "Barbie tape" again...
01-31-2024, 12:47 AM
I have a million of them and I'm sure you all do as well so please pile on here. There's one that popped into my head just now in the winter doldrums that continues to make me laugh....
So we're in a State Marina and it's a base for the State Marine Conservation boats and we're slipped within a close eye shot of them and that convenience has them checking us regularly. This younger guy who we've seen and boarded us many times before and is probably 40 years younger than me approaches the boat AGAIN and asks to see what we caught...
We take the fish out of the cooler and he takes out this wimpy tape measure and I start to laugh to myself that it looks like something he got from a Barbie set and decide to have some fun with him and say without thinking " Come on... Did your Mom or Sister give you that Barbie tape measure" ???
Needless to say for the next few years, if there was 100 boats out there, he targeted us and when he boarded us, we both made eye contact and he never brought that "Barbie tape" out again...
Ha ha 😆
01-31-2024, 04:36 AM
I use to do a lot of fluke fishing around chapel hill channel with my buddy and we decided to have some fun on the local guys who also fished that area. I had an old house welcome mat that I cut and painted to look like a fluke. Dark on one side white on the other with the tail and all. Well when no one was looking I slipped it over the other side attached to my rod. Thats when the fun started I started hollering and going through the motions of a real fight on my hands. My buddy was laughing so hard he almost pissed himself. Pulled it up so the other boats could see and unhooked it and sent it down. All you heard was HE RELEASED IT....... You cant make that stuff up...
Gerry Zagorski
01-31-2024, 03:38 PM
I use to do a lot of fluke fishing around chapel hill channel with my buddy and we decided to have some fun on the local guys who also fished that area. I had an old house welcome mat that I cut and painted to look like a fluke. Dark on one side white on the other with the tail and all. Well when no one was looking I slipped it over the other side attached to my rod. Thats when the fun started I started hollering and going through the motions of a real fight on my hands. My buddy was laughing so hard he almost pissed himself. Pulled it up so the other boats could see and unhooked it and sent it down. All you heard was HE RELEASED IT....... You cant make that stuff up...
A true door mat :)
01-31-2024, 06:06 PM
Soo Many but a few below:
1) Fishing the deep blue on a private 55 Ocean trolling during the day was slow so I took a sun nap in the fighting chair. Capt, mate and my "friends" chose to put a 5 gallon bucket on a 50W in the chair. Naturally I woke up to a screaming reel only to fight a bucket for 20 minutes. Knew it wasnt a tuna but maybe a thresher but alas a bucket. Capt even backed down on it LOL.
2) Night Bluefishing and lets say "brian" had too much cooler time! Boat catching fish on bunker chunks fed into the slick letting line out. Everyone but Brian catching. We and the mates knew his bait was stuck solid on the side of the boat near the bow above the water line. We all let him and told him to pay out more line. He wasnt in the mode to check or change baits so this went on for hours with his frustration growing! Lots of laughs
3) Every trip with Shrimpman Steve and Lefty Reeler. What happens on those trips stays on those trips but they are funny guys!
Gerry Zagorski
01-31-2024, 07:45 PM
Soo Many but a few below:
1) Fishing the deep blue on a private 55 Ocean trolling during the day was slow so I took a sun nap in the fighting chair. Capt, mate and my "friends" chose to put a 5 gallon bucket on a 50W in the chair. Naturally I woke up to a screaming reel only to fight a bucket for 20 minutes. Knew it wasnt a tuna but maybe a thresher but alas a bucket. Capt even backed down on it LOL.
2) Night Bluefishing and lets say "brian" had too much cooler time! Boat catching fish on bunker chunks fed into the slick letting line out. Everyone but Brian catching. We and the mates knew his bait was stuck solid on the side of the boat near the bow above the water line. We all let him and told him to pay out more line. He wasnt in the mode to check or change baits so this went on for hours with his frustration growing! Lots of laughs
3) Every trip with Shrimpman Steve and Lefty Reeler. What happens on those trips stays on those trips but they are funny guys!
Number one has my vote :D
02-01-2024, 10:23 AM
I did a solo 1/2 fluke trip on the Teal years ago. Beautiful day, only me and an old timer on the bow. We didn't talk at all during the trip. He was catching pretty good, only a VERY slow pick for me. Just before noon he looks at me with sea robin strip in hand and says "Here, put this on". So, I did. 5 minutes later I caught the would be pool winner. As the mate was unhooking, the final horn went off. The mate took the fish to the back and came back up front with my fish on the scale with the runner up, then hands me the pool money. My good samaritan friend says quietly to himself "Son of a b**ch". We both laughed.
I offered to split the pool. He declined, so I paid the mate his tip.
02-02-2024, 08:00 AM
If anyone ever wants to share a funny story on the podcast they are always more than welcome to either contact myself or Gerry (and he will let us know) or leave a message at our voice-mail and we will play it, if you're too shy to come on in person haha
NJ Multispecies Podcast
(551) 361-0667
John D.
02-06-2024, 01:15 PM
I don’t know why but always find this one funny and am laughing as I type….
20 years ago I was on a party boat for fluke about a mile off the beach and the wind was 15-20kt SE with a sloppy sea. There was a guy who got very green about 1/2 way through the trip and ran outside to hang and eventually toss over the rail. The only open rail spot was halfway up the port side in the middle of the boat and a bunch of guys wisely moved to give him space. The green guy was downwind as the wind was at this point blowing towards the stern. Also in the stern was this idiot who was boasting “people who get sick shouldn’t be on boats”. Must have loudly said it half a dozen times while downing beer as this poor guy literally was turning shades of light green getting ready to vomit.
Well, the green guy eventually let loose. I swear his back slowly lit up like Godzilla before he projectile vomitted off the port side stern. As soon as he vomitted, the wind took it and carried it 25 or so feet directly to the idiot in the stern. It was like the vomit was laser guided to his face and torso, covering him like a spray paint machine. Literally a second after impact the loudmouth started vomitting and was done for the day as he couldn’t wipe to vomit slime reside off him and he also spend the rest of the day being sick.
Karma is not just a b!tch, it’s also hilarious.
02-06-2024, 04:01 PM
Boat should have vomit bags like airplanes.
cool hand fluke
02-06-2024, 05:21 PM
When I first moved to the Jersey shore, about 20 years ago, I reacclimated myself ocean fishing patronizing a large party boat that mostly catered to tourist crowds in the summer on half day trips. I became friendly with a couple of the mates. After a few weeks I found out on Saturdays and Sundays the mates usually had a pool between themselves on who the first person on the boat would be to get seasick. One mate I got to know pretty well told me his strategy was always bet on the person with the newest pair of sneakers and/or nicest clothes.
02-07-2024, 02:12 PM
A ways back I was at the Ah Marina and this guy was backing his boat down the ramp, while his wife held the lines and walked alongside. She calls him trying to tell him something and he just yells at her to shut up so he can concentrate, she tries again and again gets the shut up from her husband, the third time she calls him he tells her to shut up and just hold the rope stupid. So she does and he gets the boat in the water. By the time he parks gets back to the boat he is ankle deep in water. His wife calmly hands him the plug and says, "I was trying to tell you that you gave me this to hold but you told me to shut up".
Gerry Zagorski
02-07-2024, 02:42 PM
A ways back I was at the Ah Marina and this guy was backing his boat down the ramp, while his wife held the lines and walked alongside. She calls him trying to tell him something and he just yells at her to shut up so he can concentrate, she tries again and again gets the shut up from her husband, the third time she calls him he tells her to shut up and just hold the rope stupid. So she does and he gets the boat in the water. By the time he parks gets back to the boat he is ankle deep in water. His wife calmly hands him the plug and says, "I was trying to tell you that you gave me this to hold but you told me to shut up".
Classic.... Open mouth and insert foot :D
Blind Archer
03-02-2024, 09:46 AM
A young fellow brought his non fishing girlfriend on the Sea Tiger for a fluke trip. She landed a fluke and was amazed by the coloring and both eyes on the top. A short time later she caught a sea Robin. Again...what in the... orange and white, wings and croaks like a seal. She later pulls in a star gazer. She's told that it is able to deliver an electric shock.
By now she's blow away by all the strange stuff in the ocean. As the trip ended, she hooks up again and lifts in her fish just as the Capt. blew the horn 3 times . The mate tells her she has caught a "whistle fish". She gives him a look and says" no way., that's a fluke".
Pennsy Guy
03-03-2024, 05:23 PM
I guess 30-35 years ago I was half-assed mating on a Grady (winter-reworked all the trolling gear) and took turns with hookups, black-purple on the shotgun goes off, owner's son (was a lineman at Delaware), grabs the rod, 15 minutes later, after a hell of a fight, we have color, an empty Bud 30 pack. I relinquished and let him have next run off. Didn't happen that day but funny as hell as I gaffed it!!!!
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