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View Full Version : [FLORIDA] Hammerheads, Lemons, Bull sharks, Surprise Goliath Grouper & More

12-31-2023, 03:15 AM
Winter shark season is off to a great start down here on Florida's Treasure Coast with a multitude of species making their presence known. From the classic stubbornness of the bull shark to the reel melting speed of the hammerhead, we've got it all down here. In fishing, there is always some degree of mystery, but in Florida the uncertainty is tenfold, as you truly never know what will swim by.

Apex Anglers is primed and ready to kick off the 2024 season in high gear and I expect it to follow the ongoing trend of each year being better than the last.

There has never been a better time to book a land based shark fishing adventure than right now. When kayaks were the only game in town for deploying the larger baits, the weather report held a lot of power over a successful night. Now, through technology, we have drones capable of dropping large payloads in heavy winds, bypassing the rough surf entirely. This breathes new life into certain hopeless situations and allows us to present baits in areas and conditions never before possible.

Come on down, all skill levels and families welcome!


12-31-2023, 12:53 PM
Where are you in Florida?

12-31-2023, 03:15 PM
Funny the website gives no physical location except florida's treasure coast.

A Google search sez it's a region of Florida on the state's Atlantic coast, comprising Indian River, St. Lucie, and Martin counties.

12-31-2023, 04:26 PM
Sorry, we don’t always fish the same beach! Fishing occurs between Fort Pierce and Palm Beach depending on a few different variables, but most importantly where the bite has been better and the area clients might be staying.

12-31-2023, 10:31 PM
Here in NJ they passed regulation against dragging sharks up on the sand as it is harmful to the fish.

01-01-2024, 01:03 AM
Here in NJ they passed regulation against dragging sharks up on the sand as it is harmful to the fish.

Quick releases are a priority. New Jersey has not passed anything new. The regulations have just been reiterated over the past 5 years. They insist on an instant release of prohibited species. This means not delaying release. We take action shots and videos to ensure compliance. However, Florida is a very different place where many species can be harvested if that were your intention. This is a growing sport that will not die anytime soon and I take pride in being proactive regarding sustainable practices. In New Jersey, I have personally cooperated in acoustic tagging studies (Monmouth University) regarding post release mortality rates. Every single fish that I handled reported back, as many as 1000 miles away. The fact is that the NE has the most resilient and sustainable land based shark fishery around, despite what the powers that be want to insinuate. NJ sharks are tough as nails and with a proper release (and in many cases improper from newbies) will be just fine.

01-01-2024, 10:30 AM
Yeah, I doubt a rod and reel fight and minute in the sand is going to do much damage to a shark,,, any shark... they are certainly not fragile...