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View Full Version : MA River Herring vs Alantic Herring Issue

12-09-2023, 03:00 PM
Just thought this was an interesting article and how things were similar in the 1800's vs 2023! So thought I would share it. Funny if we are not fishing we are reading about Fishing LOL

12-10-2023, 12:26 AM
I don’t want this to turn into a “thing”, however the herring were decimated by the commercial fleet for lobster bait. Now, since the herring is closed, they have set their sights on bunker. They, given the opportunity will decimate their population also. Some of the earliest fishing I did with my children was herring fishing in shark river. We would go in late Jan or early Feb to break up the monotony. Catch a few on light tackle and provide them to eager fellow fisherman. That fishery is gone, not due to the recreational fishermen….sound familiar ?