View Full Version : Blackfish Tips

Gerry Zagorski
11-15-2023, 08:56 AM
With the season about to open up to 5 fish I thought I'd share some of the great Blackfish posts over the years. Enjoy and feel free to pile on.

How to jig for blackfish https://www.njfishing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99595

History of blackfish jigging https://www.njfishing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94234

Blackfish set ups https://www.njfishing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=119467

The Belmar Rig https://www.njfishing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78024

An old article before jigging was popular https://www.njfishing.com/NJ_Blackfish_Fishing.php

Gerry Zagorski
11-15-2023, 10:14 AM
Some simple tips

- If you're fishing a rig it needs to be sitting perfectly still so use more weight than you think you need to hold bottom. I start with an 8 and work my way up as needed. Keep a bow in your line and don't fish tight to your sinker. Lower and raise your rod tip when fishing in seas so your sinker stays put. Wait for the right bite and don't swing on just anything. It won't feel like a tick if will feel like a thump.

- When fishing jigs you need to make sure you feel the jig hit the bottom and this is where a light sensitive rod is needed. You won't feel it with a heavy set up. Once you're on the bottom reel the the slack out of your line and fish tight to the jig. Some say wait for the thump, not the tick bites. With a jig and especially when the fish are not committing to the bait, I swing on everything. Some also say wait until the fish picks it up and starts running with it. I can count on my one hand the times I had that happen so once again, I swing on anything.

- In either case when you get a bite your job is to set the hook and keep the fish from going back into the wreck and cutting you off.. You want to set the hook hard with a strong fast upward motion of the rod tip and don't drop your tip. Keep your rod bent while fighting the fish, no pumping here, ever!

- I like to tie my own rigs and pre snell hooks. I use owner 5/0 cutting points and 50 pound floro for the hook leader since floro is stiffer it keeps the hook from wrapping back up on your line. For the other part of the rig I use 50 mono. No need for floro here these fish are not line shy so why spend the extra money on floro. See above how to tie a Belmar rig.

- When fishing with jigs I use a 30 pound floro leader and a loop knot to tie the jig on. https://youtu.be/iv1aNhz7btU?t=25

- Rig or jig I'm using braided line to get a better hookset and then joining it with a top shot of mono. No need for swivels to join the two lines, I use this knot https://youtu.be/3yGGJihU4z0