View Full Version : First Gambler 36hr tuna

Pennsy Guy
09-21-2023, 11:09 PM
Just back from a trip with nays and yeas. First, NOAA was spot on; it was almost perfect weather. First day with breeze light/variable and 1 kt. drift in 70.4* beautifully clear blue water made it extremely difficult for flat lining.
Being somewhat of an exploratory trip, Bob headed us to the Triple wrecks to see if there was any action--45 minutes later, there wasn't so we headed for the Bacardi and set up south of the small fleet already there. I think lines in a bit after 11AM. First fish in shortly after-a nice fat YF. Bite continued and diminished as we slowly drifted out of the zone. Bob moved us back several times to continue the bite. We ran a bit for the night and drifted with nothing happening with but 2-3 lines in. Back to the start point and the hookups continued until we headed for the barn around 3:15 this PM. Sharks were a constant problem with more than half the "fish ons" being blue dogs, although there was a black tip hooked and boated.4 or 5 of us joined the "5 shark" club. I think one of us did catch a YF. Of the two Skippies caught, I got one; of the two mahis caught, I got one--they cost me 10 demerits in the 5 shark club :D. Major plus was that whales were present 95% of the time--5 times one passed stern to bow 20-25' down and 1 under @ mid-ship--just an incredible sight!! Also, we had YF streaking 15-20' down 20' from the boat--1 came through 15' down, 5' from the boat--don't see that every trip.
Fish totals: 2 mahi 2 skipjacks 1 black tip shark 25 YF's(pool fish 69#)
Hopefully, weather calms enough for next week's 36...

Ol Pedro
09-22-2023, 09:38 AM
Chuck, always love your reports. With the clear water and it being a day bite what worked?

09-22-2023, 01:59 PM
I gotta say...that trip lands solidly in the top 5 best trips ever.
The weather was PERFECT. We caught some tuna, not too many. We ate well. Had no reason not to get some rest at night. My buddy Chuck caught a Mowy Wowy for my wife which gets me permission to go fishing next week. We had a superb Captain and Crew. Flowing comradery among fishermen. And even got to see some great old friends when we got back to the dock. Just a genuine, good time.
The only improvements could have been: Tonk's company and Chucky catchin a tuna (but don't worry Pal, we have 180 hrs of tuna fishing left this year).


09-22-2023, 04:11 PM
Thanx for the report !

Ol Pedro
09-22-2023, 05:26 PM
Shorts, Chuck will pull through like he always does.

Pennsy Guy
09-22-2023, 05:58 PM
Not to worry Pete. Since I still have tuna from last year, i decided not to bring a cooler for loins...another lesson learned.

Pennsy Guy
09-22-2023, 06:09 PM
I just remembered; first fish was a 12" bluefin on the jig after 2-3 minutes after the start whistle.
As 2na said, crew and Capt. were always there when we needed them and that was a lot, lots of blue shark tangles as well as tuna picking up lines on their travels. Several familiar faces from previous trips and several new faces who we'll see again.

09-22-2023, 07:15 PM
Forgot to mention…EVERY first timer on the trip caught at least one tuna. A tribute to the crew for good instruction.

Gerry Zagorski
09-23-2023, 05:10 PM
Sounds like you all had a great trip!

09-25-2023, 05:49 PM
Thanks for the report, Chuck.

A few of the guys caught limit YFT. Most had one or two. Everyone at some point hooked up.

In the dark, we drifted the Hudson in order to give the guys an oppertunity to hook into a sword. Although I had heard it was slow out there, the reports were that the inside bite had been off at night.

Weather has got us pinned, unfortunately, this week.

Long range for the weekend even sounds shaky.

Looking forward to the next one.

09-25-2023, 10:59 PM
I gotta try this some day... saw you guys out there wed/Thursday. Very curious about the tuna party boat shenanigans!

Pennsy Guy
09-27-2023, 03:53 PM
I gotta try this some day... saw you guys out there wed/Thursday. Very curious about the tuna party boat shenanigans!

Not what they used to be when my two Buds were on board, especially Lefty (Dennis) in his Halloween costumes. On the other hand, 2na (Shorts) does an admirable job keeping us entertained with his costumes.
We still have fun, but guys seem to be more serious about tunaing---I think I'm included, also----aging will do that!!!

09-28-2023, 07:48 AM
The old Andy S NJF tuna trips on the Gambler were the absolute best!

We always had a ball whether we killed it or had a crappy bite. Learned a ton from the seasoned off shore guys on those trips. Gotta dig up some pics to share.

Haven’t done a gambler tuna trip in years. Anyone willing to pick some prime dates for next year maybe we can get a group together.

Pennsy Guy
09-28-2023, 04:38 PM
Yes, they were some good, no great trips. I was a late comer--only did the last 2 or 3. I've often thought about getting another one together.
With a trip limited to 24 tuna fishers, pretty sure we'd be down to 21 sites left---you, 2na and me. I can think of a few more without trying.
I'll ask Capt. Bob what he thinks next week on the 36hr trip.

09-28-2023, 05:47 PM
I'd be game next season. A proverbial young buck lol. I'm very accustomed to fishing on a private boat and have been for 25 years since age 15. It'd be an adjustment but I'm malleable!

09-28-2023, 06:29 PM
We always have a good time. Sometimes the antics need to be curved so we can reel in tuna. I guess the big difference between charter and party boats is that it sometimes takes cooperation to work around the additional lines in the water but that also develops unity in the crew. I've made alot of dear friends on The Gambler. I enjoy sharing information with other guys and girls, especially first timers, and if I catch a fish that's just bonus.

And we eat good too...


09-29-2023, 10:19 AM
I'll take Party Boat TUNA fishing over small boat, and think GAMBLER if not the best, a TOP CONTENDER.