09-06-2023, 12:34 AM
Went fishing in Manasquan Inlet on the north jetty this evening on a hot, humid, sunny day with a light east wind on the outgoing tide during Hurricane Idalia rip current warning. Lots of surfers were in the pocket. Caught, tagged and released my first ever blue runner on my first cast with brother John’s homemade synthetic pink, white and silver buck tail. Then caught tagged and released an 18” bluefish that made 3 spectacular jumps on my thirteenth cast of the day with my last Grumpy’s Tackle Shop plain hook Ava A-17. Caught and released a calico crab. Just before I quit after 7 PM, I caught, tagged and released another bluefish on brother John’s homemade synthetic black, white and silver buck tail teaser for my 8,300 th fish tagged since 1985. 251 fish were recaptured in 11 different states from NH to NC. Caught 79 fish in 27 trips to the inlet this year including landing fish (71) on my last 19 consecutive trips. Saw an old kayaker get towed up the inlet because the current was too swift for him. Drones were flying nearby. Double crested cormorants were fishing. Two spear fishermen swam across my spot. A kid asked me for a hook and sinker. I took lots of pictures.