View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Mondays Report & Update

09-04-2023, 05:09 PM
FISHERMEN/Mondays Report & Update
Been beyond a struggle the past two days....

We covered many miles looking for the right conditions, every where we have been, I found No Current, No Drift. Power drifting in 95 ft of water isn't my idea of good Fluke fishing! The little current we did have naturally had the slight wind against all day.The whole Sea Bass thing is another joke, tossing back dinner for those who don't catch a Fluke.......

Only managed a handful of keepers today with the Shawn landing the Big one at 6.6 pounds for the pool. Tomorrow is another day, Fluke better watch out cause I am one Pissed off Captain!!


Capt. Ron

09-04-2023, 06:04 PM
Shouldn’t even have to fish 95’ of water for fluke if it was a good fishery. This is why I’ve been saying for a long time the fishery is in trouble. Fluke fishing was lousy for me all year for the most part. Rocks and reefs and ocean fluke fishing. Nonsense. It shouldn’t be that hard. Very very sad.

09-04-2023, 06:21 PM
3 Breeder females at 18” or 17-17.99 is stupid.

09-05-2023, 09:26 PM
Shouldn’t even have to fish 95’ of water for fluke if it was a good fishery. This is why I’ve been saying for a long time the fishery is in trouble. Fluke fishing was lousy for me all year for the most part. Rocks and reefs and ocean fluke fishing. Nonsense. It shouldn’t be that hard. Very very sad.
I agree no fish near the beach crazy

Capt John
09-06-2023, 02:53 AM
Thank you NOAA for the outstanding fishery management....disgrace!