View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Wednesdays Report

08-30-2023, 04:05 PM
FISHERMEN/Wednesdays Report
After a little rain squall this morning, the day turned out beautiful!

Fishing was OK also but it was not easy once again....

Mustachio Richie, Jessie, Rich in the Bow, Shawn & Louis all had their 3 by days end with Lou taking the pool with a nice 5 pound Fluke. Once that hard outgoing came through the last hour, the bite was over. Started to drift at almost 2 knots! Good thing it was time to go!!

Tomorrow is the last day for the Monthly pool...Bill Venezia is leading with a 9 pound fish. Will see what happens with the wind in the AM, supposed to blow NE pretty good..

Capt. Ron