View Full Version : Big Jamaica Tuna Report

08-29-2023, 12:01 AM
Tuna Are Biting
Sail 10PM Wednesday Sept 6
We just returned from another good Offshore Tuna trip and we’re on our way back to where we left biting.
We caught 50 to 80 pound yellowfin tuna plus, a 220 pound big eye.
More areas are beginning to hold yellowfin tuna that are within our range for these trips.
On these Offshore trips we will go wherever we think we will do the Best up to, 100 miles from Brielle.
It may be the Triple wrecks, the Princess, the Bacardi, or one of the canyons.
Next weeks trip is wide open since we just added it to the calendar.
We are sailing Wednesday night, September 6th at 10PM returning approximately 6 PM Thursday evening.
This week, the Big Jamaica will be sailing at 7:30 AM Wednesday through Sunday for blue fish, mackerel, and bonito.
Day trips for bluefish sail 7:30 PM on Friday and Saturday
for further information and to purchase tickets go to www.bigjamaica.com or call 732-528-5014
you can also purchase tickets at the boat for most of our trips.

08-29-2023, 09:04 AM
Bigeye on a party boat is a great catch. Congratulations!

08-29-2023, 09:43 AM
I see a spinning rod, is popping for tuna becoming a "thing" on party boats now ?