View Full Version : ~~~~~ Tagged Fish .. Fluke, Bonita,Blues & Seabass ~~~~~

08-18-2023, 09:18 AM
Some really good trips last few days.
Tuesday we took Joshua & friends out for his annual birthday trip.
We had a bunch of beautiful Bonita & Blues that are headed for the smoker, we kept the biggest SEABASS & Fluke for a great fish fry afterwards. Wednesday we took the boys & grandpa for a afternoon Bluefin trip that unfortunately ended in heartbreak.
Thursday we had the pleasure of fishing with Derek & Bob of the Fisher Price crew. The all star crew put their limit of fluke on ice then headed for home..
We wil be Fluke fishing through September
Come get em before the season ends
We have room for
Private charters & single reservations

Broad Bill
08-18-2023, 10:57 AM
Not fair saying the bluefin trip ended in heartbreak and leave everyone in suspense! Details? What did he hit on? Those bonita would be great live lined for the bft's in the area.

08-18-2023, 02:28 PM
When is the squid trip?