View Full Version : OCEAN FLUKE REPORT BANNER DAY! 8-11-23

Prowler 5
08-11-2023, 03:23 PM

we brought our A game today! We had quite a few limits on the boat, we had a nice crowd but a comfortable crowd with plenty of room to catch fish. We fished three different locations today, and had fish comin in all day. Big Joe was high hook on keeper fluke today with 7 ORL, TK had 5 nice flatties ORL and Gary had 5 in the boat too ORL! Did well on the big sea bass again.
Joey and John fileted for over 2 hours, and everyone on our boat went home with fresh fish! It really was a great day the people were so happy getting off the boat today, and to boot the weather was absolutely beautiful , good drift all day. Kudos to our new deck hand John, him and Joey Sr work so well together, and always get the job done for our team, it's really nice to see a young man that wants to work everyday, and bring a lot of passion to this job. It's going to be a beautiful weekend so don't miss out we look forward to seeing you on the dock!
PS: I was only able to snap 13 pictures there was many more I could have taken but things were a little hectic today, great trip today.

Prowler 5
08-11-2023, 04:09 PM
ooops one more