View Full Version : Wave runner aXXXXXXs!!!

08-07-2023, 09:33 AM
Never thought I would be assaulted by a Waverunner while in my kayak. Did a late afternoon crabbing trip on the yaks yesterday with two of my teen age girls and a buddy as we have done many many times. We were anchored up by the seven bridges road bridge off the second piling from the shore (nowhere near the channel) Two punk aXX kids on a wave runner idled up real close to land to mess with the families crabbing off the bulk head, came around the bridge to the pilling we were anchored on, almost like they were scooping crabs, and floored it right as they came around by us causing easily a 2-3 foot wake at a 45 degree angle of our bow and port side from 3 feet away. Luckily we were ok and lost no gear and all stayed out of the drink.

To these two spoiled brat teenagers who will grow up to become nothing in life, please remember Karma is a bitch and I hope mommy and daddy take away your toy, throw you iphone in the drink, take your fancy jeep and piss away your trust fund. To your parents, nice job raising a bunch of ahxxxes that could have hurt someone in the blink of an eye.

I take yakes out a lot to get away from everything. I am not loaded and cant and dont want to own a boat. I know a lot of boaters hate the yaks out there. I always stay out of channels, always put safety first (life jackets on everyone, whistle, floating waterproof bucket with phone, etc) and stay to myself out of the way of everyone. I don't go in the ocean, I always stay in the back waters. To be blatantly targeted is very worry some with two of my girls out there, especially since I thought about going out myself that morning. I do believe the water should be shared, no one owns it whether you have a boat, a wave runner, a kayak or fish from land.

To the boaters, please report anything you see that is stupid. Obviously, I don't have the electronic equipment on a yak.

As for crabbing. It was slow. we got 18 but nice size. Lots of small and females coming up. My daughter and I had a big boil right next to the yak and the black mud got kicked up (6 foot of water about). Must have been a cow nose eating/chasing something.

Thanks for listening. The stupidity in the world today never ceases to amaze me.

Gerry Zagorski
08-07-2023, 10:34 AM
Amazing how inconsiderate or deliberately evil some of these wave runner operators can be... Would be great if you were able to get a shot of them on your phone and report them. BTW the new iphones 12 and up are waterproof.

08-07-2023, 02:49 PM
Mosquito’s of the water...

08-07-2023, 08:19 PM
State police been writing LOTS of tickets in Shark river to PWC guys .
They think no wake means 30 in the river .
Good to see some enforcement before it gets worse

08-08-2023, 10:51 AM
To the boaters, please report anything you see that is stupid. Obviously, I don't have the electronic equipment on a yak.

You should have at least your cell phone within easy reach, and a VHF radio is highly recommended.

08-08-2023, 12:48 PM
Malicious acts and lack of concern for fellow watermen.
Acts of kindness and guys rescuing boaters 3.5 offshore.
Some deserve a can of whoop ass.
Some deserve a beverage at the bar.
Hopefully the crotch rockets learn the easier of ways.