View Full Version : Surf shark fishing:

08-05-2023, 12:16 PM
I guess with the uptick and enthusiasm involved with this type of fishing the State stepped in and devised all sorts of rules. I think the chances of seeing a warden at the same time of C&R are highly unlikely, although I see many photos posted on Social Media showing the opposite of what the State wants you to do.
Here is a snippet from what I found:

Species listed as prohibited have all been identified by NOAA as being particularly vulnerable due to a combination of factors that include low reproduction rates (sand tiger sharks); vulnerability to certain fishing practices (angel sharks); stocks previously assessed as overfished and/or overfishing is occurring (sandbar and dusky sharks); or species for which there is a lack of data to make informed regulations, such as basking sharks.
“If a prohibited shark species is caught, it must be released immediately without removing it from the water and in a manner that maximizes its chances of survival,” said Division of Fish and Wildlife Director Dave Golden. “That means keeping it in the water when removing a hook, not taking photos of a shark out of the water and certainly not taking it home.”
Shark Fishing Regulations -Anglers fishing from shore should never drag onto dry sand a shark they plan to release. Dry sand can be extremely abrasive on a shark’s skin and can cause damage if it enters a shark’s gills. To safely release the shark, maneuver it into shallow water where it can be safely handled while keeping the gills wet (approximately 2 inches to 4 inches of water, depending on the size of the shark), with its head facing the open water to maintain a regular flow of water over its gills.
If surf conditions make handling the shark while it is still in the water difficult or unsafe, anglers are encouraged to cut the line as close to the hook as safely feasible.

08-05-2023, 12:58 PM
Whats the instructions for giving it MOUTH TO MOUTH.....