View Full Version : Sea bass:

07-17-2023, 10:51 PM
On the early evening of May 22nd, CPO Bahrle conducted an inspection of a recreational fishing vessel returning to a local boat ramp. The four fishermen on board the vessel told the CPO that they had kept 30 to 40 black sea bass. CPO Bahrle boarded the vessel and quickly realized the fishermen had over their limit of black sea bass as well as numerous undersized fish. CPO Bahrle counted the fish and found that the vessel had 65 black sea bass which made them 25 black sea bass over the limit. Of the 65 black sea bass 51 were under the legal-size limit of 12.5 inches. One tautog was also located on the vessel which was possessed during the closed season. A total of nine summonses were issued to the fishermen for the possession of undersized and over limit black sea bass and the possession of a closed season tautog. From the June 2023 Bureau of Law Enforcement report to the Fish and Game Council.