View Full Version : Anyone have experience with lung transplant patient or process?

01-21-2023, 01:28 PM
Hey Gerry, while not directly fishing related, my father is an avid fisherman, boat owner and die hard salty veined mule. I'm posting here bc this section gets the most eyeballs. Feel free to move to another section.

My father was suddenly hospitalized the day after Thanksgiving this November. He was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. He's since been hospitalized twice more and is currently in the hospital, likely not leaving unless he gets a transplant or the other outcome we're holding out hope to avoid. He's 72.

I've been posting here for years. Nearly all of my offshore tuna posts are trips with my dad. He's my best friend. I am who I am today bc of him. Not solely, but mostly. My obsession with all things fishing, especially offshore pelagics, are rooted by his passion. And I've accelerated the obsession to the finer intricacies of preparation, etc., becoming a never ending student of the deep blue under my father's tutelage.

Anyhow, my family and I were fortunate to be endless squeaky wheels to push our Healthcare system beyond its boundaries to get him a bed at NJ's only transplant facility. They've fast tracked him to undergo a litany of test in a 5 days period....tests which usually take 2 plus weeks. He's healthy. He's muscular. He's strong like bull...for now. Halfway thru his testing already and all is coming back clean. Thankfully...

My long winded question for all of you njf folks, have any of you had experience directly or within your family or extended family, with lung transplant? There was sooo many boxes to check before even being accepted as a candidate in any program...then there's the dreaded wait for a match.

I'm just looking for ANY experience. My world has been turned upside down in 6 weeks time...as has my entire family's. He's got way too much left in the tank to go out like this, but we all know so much of things are out of ours hands. Just this October, a day before my 40th birthday, we were in the Hudson Canyon slaying slob yellows. He was the captain and part time gaff man. It was hands down the best tuna fishing I've ever experienced in my life on the chunk. And now he's in a hospital bed barely able to breathe on his own.

Any insights would be HUGELY appreciated. And positive thoughts for the outcome most desired. He deserves a shot to keep going... thanks. #NoQuit

01-21-2023, 02:03 PM
If you google search "Lung transplant survivor stories" I think you will find a lot of the info you are looking for.

01-21-2023, 05:19 PM
Try the Mayo clinic website. Some good info there.

01-21-2023, 07:19 PM
I've combed through more content and video in the past several weeks than I could possibly imagine. Was looking more so for njf community experience with the procedure. Thanks for the suggestions!

Gerry Zagorski
01-21-2023, 08:41 PM
We'll leave right here Jig. Hope you get some answers and your Dad pulls through with flying colors! And in the mean time, thoughts are prayers to you, your Dad and family..

shrimpman steve
01-21-2023, 10:21 PM
Jig. Wish I could help. Sending good thoughts his way.

01-22-2023, 01:23 PM
Quote Jigman
" He's healthy. He's muscular. He's strong like bull...for now.
Halfway thru his testing already and all is coming back clean. Thankfully..."

That is half the battle Sir. The other key ingredients are never give up & some prayer.

A friend, 5 years ago, lost her battle while awaiting a lung transplant.
She was in a weakened condition when she was hospitalized.
Don't let your Dad get down and deteriorate. Stay optimistic.
PM for my phone # if you want to discuss. I am not real experienced in this matter by any means, but I can lend an ear
and will say a couple prayers for your Dad.

Dawn Treader
01-23-2023, 09:30 PM
A good friend, golf partner and former coworker is recovering from a double lung transplant. I think he’s 66 and wasn’t in the best shape. He had progressive onset of breathing trouble and went on oxygen just to aid in walking. Went through what your Dad is doing now.

Got transplants done at NYP Columbia. Other options are NYU and Beth Israel Newark. He was hospitalized in normal recovery for quite a while until good enough to leave hospital. Lost weight

I had lunch with him in November and he looked great and was his old self talking and joking around. Plans are for another lunch in 2 weeks. He seems better and stronger all the time.

This is serious stuff and a lot of variables play into potential outcomes, but it’s being done locally by skilled medical teams with good outcomes.

Good luck!