View Full Version : Dead Whales?
Capt Sal
01-14-2023, 09:31 AM
Dead Whales are showing up on the beaches but curiously there are no propeller marks on them? Who gets blamed next????
01-14-2023, 11:26 AM
I wonder if they have OLD plastic bags in them......................
01-14-2023, 02:00 PM
I saw on the tv someone blaming seismic tests they are doing for windmill foundations. They were proposing the tests are interfering with the whale's sonar. The environmental groups want to pause the tests but the governor said no.
01-14-2023, 03:31 PM
Reporting here in florida is the whale died of a disease. They also stated it’s not unusual for orcas to be gulf waters , but very offshore.
01-14-2023, 03:39 PM
Now I know why the random speed limit law is being pushed. They needed a scapegoat because they knew this would happen once they started work on the windmills. If they blame the destruction on something else, they can keep lining their pockets.
01-14-2023, 05:48 PM
7 dead whales washed up in the last month or so near AC. Just inshore from where the Wind Project is being worked....NOAA granted the project an incidental take permit, covers them if they kill or injure a whale or two, or three.....
01-14-2023, 07:36 PM
Cant blame boaters , ocean pretty empty this time of the year .
Before this it was 1 whale every 3 years .
7 in a short time def points to something else .
But they will def spin the finger towards us
01-14-2023, 09:41 PM
I thought I remembered a post from a year or more ? ago discussing the Acoustic shock technique that NOAA ? was proposing using in this area to plot the bottom for energy projects. I also remember a lot of people raising points about the damage the acoustic waves could do to sea mammals and their biological sonar but they were being dismissed by the energy interests and whatever government agencies they have in their pockets. Come on 7 dead whales in and area where they said they would be doing this is no coincidence. This is OK ? This is Acceptable ? There's got to be another way.
01-15-2023, 10:14 AM
If this is accurate , seems to be more than coincidence
Gerry Zagorski
01-15-2023, 12:09 PM
Foul Hook
01-15-2023, 04:55 PM
I recall several years ago they were doing this seismic scanning searching for sand for beach replenishment. We knew when they were scanning because the seabass would just shutdown. It definitely has an effect on the sea life.
01-15-2023, 05:44 PM
“Federal agencies … sadly, I think they have said this has been happening at an increased rate since 2016,” he said. “That was long before there was any other offshore wind activity. Unfortunately, it also looks like some of these whales have been hit by vessels. But we take it very seriously and we’ll continue to.”
Blaming something on something that you don't like, is just playing on people's emotions. And emotions aren't facts...
Via the Marine Mammal Stranding Center webpage.
On Saturday January 7th at 8:00am the Marine Mammal Stranding Center responded to a call for a Humpback whale that washed ashore deceased at Georgia Ave. and the Boardwalk in Atlantic City. After an initial assessment, the whale was moved by heavy equipment towards the dunes to prepare for a full necropsy of the animal on Sunday January 8th. A team of eleven people was assembled to perform the necropsy, including MMSC staff and volunteers, and led by two staff members from Atlantic Marine Conservation Society in New York. The sub-adult whale measured 33.5 feet in length and was a female. Marks from a suspected ship strike were observed just behind the blowhole on the whale’s right side. When that area was opened and examined, a large hematoma (bruise) was observed. Samples of the affected muscle tissue were collected to be analyzed by a pathologist to confirm if this was a contributing factor to the whale’s death. The other significant finding was scars from a possible entanglement, which were also sampled to confirm their origin. Otherwise, the whale appeared to be in good body condition with a thick layer of blubber, and fecal material in the colon. At the conclusion of the necropsy, the whale was buried on site.
As with all large whales, sample results can take several months to come back before a cause of death can be determined, if at all. Special thanks to the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society, NOAA Fisheries Law Enforcement, NJ Fish and Wildlife, Atlantic City Police Department, Atlantic City Fire Department, Atlantic City Public Works, and the Atlantic City Office of Emergency Management for their assistance.
A 20-year Summary of New Jersey Whale Stranding Data
January 11, 2023
01-15-2023, 06:32 PM
“Federal agencies … sadly, I think they have said this has been happening at an increased rate since 2016,” he said. “That was long before there was any other offshore wind activity. Unfortunately, it also looks like some of these whales have been hit by vessels. But we take it very seriously and we’ll continue to.”
Blaming something on something that you don't like, is just playing on people's emotions. And emotions aren't facts...
Via the Marine Mammal Stranding Center webpage.
On Saturday January 7th at 8:00am the Marine Mammal Stranding Center responded to a call for a Humpback whale that washed ashore deceased at Georgia Ave. and the Boardwalk in Atlantic City. After an initial assessment, the whale was moved by heavy equipment towards the dunes to prepare for a full necropsy of the animal on Sunday January 8th. A team of eleven people was assembled to perform the necropsy, including MMSC staff and volunteers, and led by two staff members from Atlantic Marine Conservation Society in New York. The sub-adult whale measured 33.5 feet in length and was a female. Marks from a suspected ship strike were observed just behind the blowhole on the whale’s right side. When that area was opened and examined, a large hematoma (bruise) was observed. Samples of the affected muscle tissue were collected to be analyzed by a pathologist to confirm if this was a contributing factor to the whale’s death. The other significant finding was scars from a possible entanglement, which were also sampled to confirm their origin. Otherwise, the whale appeared to be in good body condition with a thick layer of blubber, and fecal material in the colon. At the conclusion of the necropsy, the whale was buried on site.
As with all large whales, sample results can take several months to come back before a cause of death can be determined, if at all. Special thanks to the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society, NOAA Fisheries Law Enforcement, NJ Fish and Wildlife, Atlantic City Police Department, Atlantic City Fire Department, Atlantic City Public Works, and the Atlantic City Office of Emergency Management for their assistance.
A 20-year Summary of New Jersey Whale Stranding Data
January 11, 2023
Why is there no photography of this suspected vessel strike. In addition there is nothing in the article of the whale auditory condition or inspection ? As I’m sure you know the inner ear of whales will show damage from high energy survey activity. Until the necropsy is complete all offshore wind project work should be suspended immediately to prevent further damage to the endangered species ! Let’s not let money influence common sense !
01-15-2023, 07:16 PM
“Federal agencies … sadly, I think they have said this has been happening at an increased rate since 2016,” he said. “That was long before there was any other offshore wind activity. Unfortunately, it also looks like some of these whales have been hit by vessels. But we take it very seriously and we’ll continue to.”
Blaming something on something that you don't like, is just playing on people's emotions. And emotions aren't facts...
Via the Marine Mammal Stranding Center webpage.
On Saturday January 7th at 8:00am the Marine Mammal Stranding Center responded to a call for a Humpback whale that washed ashore deceased at Georgia Ave. and the Boardwalk in Atlantic City. After an initial assessment, the whale was moved by heavy equipment towards the dunes to prepare for a full necropsy of the animal on Sunday January 8th. A team of eleven people was assembled to perform the necropsy, including MMSC staff and volunteers, and led by two staff members from Atlantic Marine Conservation Society in New York. The sub-adult whale measured 33.5 feet in length and was a female. Marks from a suspected ship strike were observed just behind the blowhole on the whale’s right side. When that area was opened and examined, a large hematoma (bruise) was observed. Samples of the affected muscle tissue were collected to be analyzed by a pathologist to confirm if this was a contributing factor to the whale’s death. The other significant finding was scars from a possible entanglement, which were also sampled to confirm their origin. Otherwise, the whale appeared to be in good body condition with a thick layer of blubber, and fecal material in the colon. At the conclusion of the necropsy, the whale was buried on site.
As with all large whales, sample results can take several months to come back before a cause of death can be determined, if at all. Special thanks to the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society, NOAA Fisheries Law Enforcement, NJ Fish and Wildlife, Atlantic City Police Department, Atlantic City Fire Department, Atlantic City Public Works, and the Atlantic City Office of Emergency Management for their assistance.
A 20-year Summary of New Jersey Whale Stranding Data
January 11, 2023
So since your an advocate of the 10 mph speed limit that causes 1 whale death every three years .
You see nothing wrong with them at least not investigating the deaths of the other 6 ? .that happened in a very short window of time.
Since they Also are labeling the current death a ship strike , since that wasn’t as apparent on the last 6 ?
01-15-2023, 08:56 PM
Study on how whales react to sonar....Whales flee sonar sometimes to their death ! 0Y6gSNl4F0GVBl1GRqMYmlkM
01-16-2023, 11:47 AM
More facts from the Marine Mammal Stranding Center in reference to Jan 12 stranded animal.
Marine Mammal Stranding Center
22h ·
More than 36 people, including about 25 stranding network members from MMSC, AMCS, Mystic Aquarium, and MERR Institute, were on hand this morning to conduct a necropsy on the humpback whale that washed up on the North End Natural Area in Brigantine on Thursday, January 12, 2023. The response was led by Sheila Dean and Michele Pagel of MMSC. The necropsy team, led by Kim Durham of AMCS, was able to obtain the necessary samples of tissues and organs for further laboratory testing.
The whale was a female 32 feet 7 inches long, estimated to weigh about 12 tons.
Preliminary results based on observations during the necropsy suggest that the whale suffered blunt trauma injuries consistent with those from a vessel strike. Injuries and hemorrhaging were observed on the head and thoracic region, as well as along the right side and the pectoral flipper. These findings will be confirmed through laboratory analysis in the coming weeks. Blubber thickness indicated that the whale was in good condition. The whale’s stomach was full of partially digested fish and there was fecal matter in the intestines, indicating the whale had been actively feeding prior to these injuries.
From another referenced published paper, it showed that active Navy sonar changed the feeding behavior of some whales.
So, if in the necropsy there was fresh food, then there may not have been active sonar that prohibited the animals from feeding (prior to the mortality).
01-16-2023, 12:05 PM
Study on how whales react to sonar....Whales flee sonar sometimes to their death ! 0Y6gSNl4F0GVBl1GRqMYmlkM
Sept 2015
Navy and Whales. The Navy does take measures to avoid unnecessary harm to whales.
This paper showed that several species of whales and dolphins change their feeding behavior when exposed to some sonar AND killer whale produced sounds. So if in the necropsy there was fresh food, then there may not have been active sonar that prohibited the animals from feeding.
01-16-2023, 12:16 PM
I recall several years ago they were doing this seismic scanning searching for sand for beach replenishment. We knew when they were scanning because the seabass would just shutdown. It definitely has an effect on the sea life.
Yes, a temporary effect. (or is it affect?)
01-16-2023, 12:32 PM
Sept 2015
Navy and Whales. The Navy does take measures to avoid unnecessary harm to whales.
This paper showed that several species of whales and dolphins change their feeding behavior when exposed to some sonar AND killer whale produced sounds. So if in the necropsy there was fresh food, then there may not have been active sonar that prohibited the animals from feeding.
I was referencing the whale panic or fleeing the noise. The surveying is many times more powerful than ship sonar and may even be more powerful that some of the navy. They are using seismic arrays aren’t they ? The same as used for oil exploration, Which can penetrate the sea bottom hundreds of feet ?
Guess that’s why the survey company applied for and were granted a ITA from NOAA who is tasked with protecting the whales.
01-16-2023, 03:16 PM
There are wind farms off Montauk Point. How has fishing changed up there?
01-18-2023, 07:22 PM
More facts from the Marine Mammal Stranding Center in reference to Jan 12 stranded animal.
Marine Mammal Stranding Center
22h ·
More than 36 people, including about 25 stranding network members from MMSC, AMCS, Mystic Aquarium, and MERR Institute, were on hand this morning to conduct a necropsy on the humpback whale that washed up on the North End Natural Area in Brigantine on Thursday, January 12, 2023. The response was led by Sheila Dean and Michele Pagel of MMSC. The necropsy team, led by Kim Durham of AMCS, was able to obtain the necessary samples of tissues and organs for further laboratory testing.
The whale was a female 32 feet 7 inches long, estimated to weigh about 12 tons.
Preliminary results based on observations during the necropsy suggest that the whale suffered blunt trauma injuries consistent with those from a vessel strike. Injuries and hemorrhaging were observed on the head and thoracic region, as well as along the right side and the pectoral flipper. These findings will be confirmed through laboratory analysis in the coming weeks. Blubber thickness indicated that the whale was in good condition. The whale’s stomach was full of partially digested fish and there was fecal matter in the intestines, indicating the whale had been actively feeding prior to these injuries.
From another referenced published paper, it showed that active Navy sonar changed the feeding behavior of some whales.
So, if in the necropsy there was fresh food, then there may not have been active sonar that prohibited the animals from feeding (prior to the mortality).
What do you mean "more facts". It is actually more "cover up". Where is the autopsy of the other whales? And do you really think for a minute that a whale can die from "blunt trauma" by the blow hole? They invented that because there was no prop marks. I mean do they expect us to believe that something weighing several tons came out of nowhere and hit it? If a boat hit it fast enough to cause trauma, it was fast enough for the props to have raked it.
01-19-2023, 09:36 AM
If a boat hit it fast enough to cause trauma, it was fast enough for the props to have raked it.
Excellent point
Pennsy Guy
01-20-2023, 07:03 AM
Could it be that the survey vessel Fugro Enterprise was the cause of the blunt force trauma observed in the whales? Maybe caused when actively seismic scanning. A person can be in a car accident and die days later from injuries. Just a thought.....
01-20-2023, 07:02 PM
I just did a search, and these came up. Yet there's no such evidence that any wind energy survey activity was going on. Most of the animals didn't even get past the bow of these ships so I would imagine there's no prop marks.
01-20-2023, 09:47 PM
I just did a search, and these came up. Yet there's no such evidence that any wind energy survey activity was going on. Most of the animals didn't even get past the bow of these ships so I would imagine there's no prop marks.
Well then the obvious answer is to put a speed restriction on all size boats from Maine to FL form Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st at a speed limit of 3 knots out to 1,000 nautical miles. That will save 1 or 2 whales as we completely destroy the commercial and recreational fishing industry and create massive job losses and hundreds of millions of dollars in lost economic revenue. Can someone remind me again of how a few whales can be prioritized over the economic losses of jobs and hundreds of million of dollars in economic value? Oh wait, I'm sure the revenue will be made up from a few whale watching boat rides, right? I'm all for protecting right whales but within reason and with honest facts about the percentage of whales killed by vessels from 35 to 65 feet as opposed to larger vessels, and commercial fishing lines and lobster pot lines. All replies welcome except from liberal trolls.
01-21-2023, 01:03 PM
Prior Navy studies showed brain hemorrhaging and decompression sickness in marine mammals due to sonar exposure.
Pennsy Guy
01-23-2023, 04:16 PM
Well then the obvious answer is to put a speed restriction on all size boats from Maine to FL form Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st at a speed limit of 3 knots out to 1,000 nautical miles. That will save 1 or 2 whales as we completely destroy the commercial and recreational fishing industry and create massive job losses and hundreds of millions of dollars in lost economic revenue. Can someone remind me again of how a few whales can be prioritized over the economic losses of jobs and hundreds of million of dollars in economic value? Oh wait, I'm sure the revenue will be made up from a few whale watching boat rides, right? I'm all for protecting right whales but within reason and with honest facts about the percentage of whales killed by vessels from 35 to 65 feet as opposed to larger vessels, and commercial fishing lines and lobster pot lines. All replies welcome except from liberal trolls.
Tog, better make that speed restriction world-wide Of shresearchdude's posted items, two West coast, one East coast; the rest (5) were all foreign port reported and vessels football field length, at least.....
Let the U.S. initiate restrictions, the rest of the fishing world will follow suit...just look at Japan's limit of 50 whales killed for "research"...pen roundup tuna fishing, the Mediterranean Bluefin fishery...and on and on and on.....just sayin...
Capt Sal
01-24-2023, 08:58 AM
It is still Government and we all know "They tell us everything and never lie''.
01-25-2023, 09:47 AM
I just did a search, and these came up. Yet there's no such evidence that any wind energy survey activity was going on. Most of the animals didn't even get past the bow of these ships so I would imagine there's no prop marks.
If they aren’t surveying I guess they’re lost ?
Capt Sal
01-25-2023, 04:23 PM
"AND" We can only speculate????? Transparency Does not exist in our Government!!!! At least kiss me first??? Read between the lines snowflakes LOL
02-19-2023, 11:38 AM
02-22-2023, 05:45 PM
I heard today the sonar mapping is suspended due to the carnage and uproar
02-22-2023, 10:28 PM
7 documented hits in a 12 year period all by large ships . yes thats more than ample reason to make sure that all party and private fishing boats should be restricted to the 10 kt speed.
02-23-2023, 10:02 PM
7 documented hits in a 12 year period all by large ships . yes thats more than ample reason to make sure that all party and private fishing boats should be restricted to the 10 kt speed. Where is the proof to justify such an asinine suggestion? This is not rocket science. If the deaths coincide with the seismic testing then that is your answer. Now that the testing is suspended the deaths will stop. Circumstantial evidence. It is surprising that there have never been this many whales dying prior to the seismic testing. Coincidence? I think not.
Capt Sal
02-24-2023, 09:24 AM
Where is the proof to justify such an asinine suggestion? This is not rocket science. If the deaths coincide with the seismic testing then that is your answer. Now that the testing is suspended the deaths will stop. Circumstantial evidence. It is surprising that there have never been this many whales dying prior to the seismic testing. Coincidence? I think not.
First of all there are more whales since we got the CCP and other idiots to stop killing them. We are dealing with government and that means logic is out the window along with common sense.
Ol Pedro
02-24-2023, 10:28 AM
7 documented hits in a 12 year period all by large ships . yes thats more than ample reason to make sure that all party and private fishing boats should be restricted to the 10 kt speed.
Are you being sarcastic?! Yanking our chain? Not funny!
02-24-2023, 01:48 PM
#36, Hey Pete, U know without naming F V, I worked TUNA that went eleven knots down hill with Wind on my back. Safest Boat I ever Operated.
I hand Fed Whales , chunking on that Boat.
I remember leaving Shark River, two hours later, and looked like, I can SWIM faster !!!!!
02-24-2023, 02:49 PM
Where is the proof to justify such an asinine suggestion? This is not rocket science. If the deaths coincide with the seismic testing then that is your answer. Now that the testing is suspended the deaths will stop. Circumstantial evidence. It is surprising that there have never been this many whales dying prior to the seismic testing. Coincidence? I think not.
I think he was being facetious...Thats how I took his statement.
02-24-2023, 03:06 PM
of course im being sarcastic. i have another point, if a 65 - 100 foot party boat hits a whale is the boat able to make it back to the dock? props/shafts and struts and rudders are all left in tact of course and fully functional how many times have we read that a CG or tow service had to pull one of these boats back to shore? this 10 knot rule is just stupidity in action.
02-24-2023, 03:16 PM
How many people have been killed by car hit and runs are they going to lower all speed limits to 10 MPH...... U C F stupid
02-24-2023, 03:22 PM
this 10 knot rule is just stupidity in action.
All it is is a guise. They knew whale deaths were coming so they got out ahead of it by blaming boaters
02-24-2023, 05:35 PM
All it is is a guise. They knew whale deaths were coming so they got out ahead of it by blaming boaters
You are 100% correct!
the directa
02-25-2023, 08:29 AM
Follow the money
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