View Full Version : NJ Marine Fisheries Council Meeting 1/5

Gerry Zagorski
01-04-2023, 10:56 AM
The NJ Marine Fisheries Council will meet On Thursday 1/5 at 5:00 PM. Sorry for the short notice and I can't make this one but hopefully some of you can.

While there is nothing immediately pressing on the agenda https://dep.nj.gov/wp-content/uploads/njfw/mfc_notice-agenda01-06-22.pdf there is an opportunity for general public comments at the end of the meeting. You can either attend in person in Galloway or join the webinar. To join the webinar you need to pre register https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7748458979969711704

As you all know, the recent annual meetings where the council chooses from various options are too hurried since this process occurs right up against the deadlines of the new season.

This has caused several concerns in the past:
- The council does not have enough time to digest public comments since it's sprung on them at the last minute.
- There are no means for a confirmation of the receipt of public comments or a quantitative ranking of which options the public favors.
- This causes public doubts in the process and it's transparency.

The result is:
- The public feels like their comments are not being heard, recorded or passed on to the council for consideration.
- Whoever has an opportunity to attend and actually speak at the final few hour meeting, are the only people able to be heard and potentially influence the councils decisions on the final option.

These decisions are far too important and need to be given the appropriate time and attention. If you agree, when public comments are allowed, you need to ask the council to consider expanding the timeline and opportunities leading up to the final meeting to receive, process, record and quantify public comments on the options. The comments should also be included in the final meeting agenda as public record.

01-04-2023, 11:19 AM
All Joined. Thanks for the Holiday Reminder Gerry.

01-05-2023, 11:09 AM
Thanks for the information. I hope they will consider comments submitted online. By the way, the link for the agenda appears to be for the January 2022 meeting. Here is the link for today's agenda (https://dep.nj.gov/wp-content/uploads/njfw/mfc_notice_01-05-23.pdf)

Gerry Zagorski
01-05-2023, 12:38 PM
Thanks for the information. I hope they will consider comments submitted online. By the way, the link for the agenda appears to be for the January 2022 meeting. Here is the link for today's agenda (https://dep.nj.gov/wp-content/uploads/njfw/mfc_notice_01-05-23.pdf)

Thanks for that and for those that do attend please let us know how things went.

01-05-2023, 03:18 PM
As stated by Gerry and although its only January this is a window to express your comments to the council before it gets to the final Summer Flounder / Sea Bass regs meeting where its already been pretty much done.

Also raise your comments on any other NJ Fisheries issues. Cant add to solutions if you don't participate.

I will be on the webinar but no one wants to hear from me anymore LOL so will be a silent witness

01-07-2023, 08:20 AM
Wish I had better news, but here goes
I will use fluke as an example, but other species will be affected
A decision was made several years ago to try to use a management protocol that would "soften" the impact of MRIP data affecting the next years catch. The thought was that would end 40% reductions or radical swings in catch rates. As Gerry stated there was talk of a 10% increase in fluke quota. However, a second model created a scenario where a 10% reduction was needed. The geniuses at NMFS decided to split the difference and call for status quo.
But, what is status quo? The same regs as last year? Will there be conservation equivalency so we can create our unique regs? Right now we don't have those answers and are waiting for guidance from Mid-Atlantic Council.
Also NMFS is only allowing THEIR model, and Their biologist to authorize seasons. Our Council would be allowed to submit proposals 1X/week and get an answer in days.
What I find most distressing is that our Council would have to submit proposals in January, would have to wait for ASMFC approval late in February, and there is a mandate to have seasons approved early March.
If I can summarize
1) Back room deal to lose 10% quota
2) Non-Transparent model with a Wizard controlling
3) Apparent disregard for Public Comment

Wish I had better news

01-07-2023, 08:39 PM
I say let’s loose 10% and keep 16” fluke. The fluke fishing sucked last year so let’s not act like we should be keeping more fluke 🤣🤣🤣

01-09-2023, 04:01 PM
I dunno but where i fish the fluking was bananas early then little slow mid to end of july and august was just straight stupid . Theirs to many fluke, sea bass & stripers around. lower size & up the keep limits. tired of these things getting in the way of everything else.

01-16-2023, 10:56 AM
Proposed register and link to comment here by Jan 17

"Summer Flounder- Changes to 2023 recreational management measures (bag limits, size limits, and seasons) are not considered in this action. Recreational management measures for 2023 will be decided on and finalized later this year through a separate rulemaking."

My comments were focused on Black Sea Bass and future liberalization of recreational allocations.