View Full Version : BIG MOHAWK

Big Mohawk
12-18-2022, 05:39 PM
12/18/22. Nice to be back out after a few days at the dock. Ocean has settled down nicely. Fish were sluggish today but we had some decent size Blackfish come up. You had to cast around and work for them. Pool fish was 10lbs today and is now leading our Blackfish Seasonal pool! Had another nice one around 8lbs and a few 3-5lb fish in the mix as well! Gonna have west winds right up until Thursday so fishing should improve as the water settles down from the storm the other day. Looking forward to tomorrow! WE ARE SAILING! Come on down and join us. 6:30AM departure! Open boat! For any questions you may have, please give Kathy a call at 732-974-9606. See you in the morning!