View Full Version : 40' Kill Shot Availability for Thanksgiving week

Kill Shot Charters
11-20-2022, 09:26 AM
Gabe Farina <gabe.farinajr@gmail.com>
9:24 AM (1 minute ago)
to me

Striper fishing has been insane on every single trip! Now is the time to get out there. We run out of Atlantic Highlands, NJ daily.
We can accommodate up to 6 people on the 40’ Kill Shot. The large cabin stays heated all day!

Call or text Capt. Gabe at (732) 608-4077 to book

Availability is as follows:

Tuesday 11/22: PM - 6 spots or private charter available

Wednesday 11/23: AM - 6 spots or charter available

Thursday (Thanksgiving) 6am-noon - private charter available

Friday 11/25: AM - 2 spots left

Saturday 11/26: AM 6 spots or charter available
PM: 6 spots or charter available

Pricing and timing:
$170 +tip per person
$1,020 +tip for the private charter

Morning trip: 6-11:30am
Afternoon trip: 12-5:30pm