View Full Version : GAMBLER --Stripers! Bonus Tag Boat. Room on Sunday.

11-18-2022, 08:49 AM
Striper fishing remains good! Lavalette middle school --and sponser Nick Honachefsky joined the Gambler crew yesterday and did a great job. Awesome to see the next generation get into fishing!

Several schools of fish, spread miles apart, breaking the surface on peanut bunkers.

The fish are grabbing artificial shads and kroc spoons and top-water lures.

We had one fish oversize, yesterday --43". Most were between 28 and 35 inches and we caught our first pair of bonus slot fish yesterday.

Tomorrow is looking pre-booked but there is still plenty of space on Sunday. Don't let the westerly winds keep you home! The bass love it and it is not going to be rough --even at 35 knots-- fishing inside of 3 miles.

Trips are sailing at reduced capacity for your comfort

We have state issued bonus tags on board --keep and extra striper 24"-28"

Heated cabin with hot-food galley

Book on-line or show-up at the dock --if we are not fully booked, we will gladly get you on-board

Capt Bob