View Full Version : 11/12 South Nj Adventure

11-14-2022, 03:32 PM
Second week straight took the trip to coal mining country. First stop loads of perch & chonky slimers. Saw schools 2-4lb bass everywhere but it was a high holiday today in basstianity so they were fasting, we just couldn't get a bite except for Devon who almost got attacked by a slobbo from under the dock. Ginormous schools of juvenile bluegill were everywhere & we netted some but still the bass just wouldn't eat. Once again the sacalait were absent which makes me a sad panda. Kept a few perch that swallowed the 2/0 circle hook & weren't gonna make it.
Went over to the 🔥 pond & lots of perch again as well as small bass & a pb pumpkinseed. Hit cedar lake on way home & landed a few more small bass & bluegills which solidified my winning of species Saturday.
Big thanks to sharky for the 50 minnows we brought home 0 & the crawlers locked my species win. Now to watch the weather everyday as slippery bass season approaches.

11-24-2022, 02:10 PM
Action packed multi species mayhem. Great catching Queenie! :D