View Full Version : Banged Them On The Bingo!

Gerry Zagorski
11-06-2022, 08:08 AM
I got that nasty cold that was going around and after being cooped up in the house for a week it finally broke on Thursday and I was ready for some salt therapy. Problem was the only time I could sneak out was Friday afternoon. Tim and Art were chomping at the bit too so I called the Bingo to see if we could put something together last minute. Dawn went to work and got 3 other people to fill out a trip on the Lil Bingo and off we went.

Was pea soup fog when we left the dock but 20 mins later we found a patch of sun and birds and it was game on for the next 4 hours. We had a mix of keepers and bonus tag fish, limited out the boat in short order and played catch and release the rest of the day.

The fish were very aggressive despite the boat traffic and hit Storm Shads and top waters plugs like it was their last meal.

Captain Jim wasted no time moving us around to work the birds and Nick did a great job in the cockpit making sure everyone had what they needed to get the job done.

Got to love it when a last minute plan comes together and you get to take advantage of t shirt fishing in November in what has been perhaps the best fall Striper run in years.

If you've never caught a Striper before, now would be the time to grab some friends or your kids and get out there. The boats have everything you need, the fish are thick, hungry and close to home.

11-11-2022, 03:04 PM
Just wondering… who did you bang first, Sven or Jarhead?? A friend asked… 😂