View Full Version : 7/22 & 7/23 Reports……

07-25-2022, 06:46 AM
7/22…..after work, trip got on the water by 3 at the top of the incoming. Shot out to some rough bottom between the channels. SSE started and it just flat out sucked! Wind had me sliding in a weird drift. Pork chops nipping gulp grubs short all trip. Gave one drift inside shallow and got swallowed up by brown grass. Kept 1 17.5 for dinner built that was it for the nite.

7/23…..kept it local where we hammered them last week. 7 days later and it was barren. Hopped around the shallows but never did much. Postage stamps aplenty and we managed 2 overs but slow slow day. Decided to hit the Sink to crab late day on the incoming. Another bust. Short city and many females. Current was ripping around the bridges. All in all a slow ass weekend.

Water temps 72 out front up to 80 in back in the heat. Gulp grubs and spearing on the fluke, freshly snagged bunker for claws.

Suprised how many widow makers I saw this weekend. No bad weather in weeks? Strange.

07-25-2022, 10:40 AM
Jason and I fished the ocean in our boat (finally got the engine issue resolved) on Saturday 7/23. Bounced around picking a few shorts here in there. Pulled a rabbit out of the hat at the end with 2 overs that needed no measuring. Found them on top of a lump that was in 30’ feet with the surrounding water 37-40’. We each caught 7. Very little by-catch-just 1 sea robin and 1 skate. Saw a few cow nose rays cruising just under the surface and saw a few what looks liked spanish mackerel breaking water. 5 of my 7 came on a Spro/5”GULP grub and all of Jason’s came on the teaser. Chartreuse caught a few early but salmon caught the majority.