View Full Version : Greek Islands Recs?

07-19-2022, 08:26 PM
Wondering if anyone has recommendations for charter boats or captains in the Greek Islands? Or any reputable contacts who may be in the know?

Doesn’t look like there’s a lot of good options based on internet research but hoping someone here may have gone down this rabbit hole in the past.


07-20-2022, 08:24 AM
I spoke with some locals while we were there and they said local to the island fishing is terrible. Your best bet is to take a break from life, drink wine, eat the freshest food and head into town to soak up the culture. Enjoy the trip!

Capt Sal
07-20-2022, 08:39 AM
Bend Over Charters LOL

07-20-2022, 09:54 AM
I fished a number of times out in the Greek islands. There is some variability to each island. Some of the more popular islands are heavily overfished (Santorini/Mykonos etc) with none existent fishing. If you are visiting a very smaller, less visited island fishing seems marginally better.

But in general fishing is very lousy there. I fished with a number of local captains and the fish are very small, and sparse. Also they generally fished with hand lines which was fun and enlightening. Usually fishing 60-100 feet with handlines targeting Bergall sized fish, which they all ate whole with bones. I don't think i caught anything over 1/2 pound, and the majority were like 4-7 inches.

While it was an interesting and eye opening experience, it's not something i really recommend if you are interesting in getting big game or looking to get in on an awesome catch. This was one of my earliest experiences of fishing with locals and adopting their methods (i.e. handlines) so that was the best part of the experience. And seeing how the locals cooked their fish whole and having a family cook it for me was a blast. But the fishing itself was pretty bad. Certainly if you opt to attempt to fish, the greatest experience was the cultural aspect of the fishing.

This was from 2004-6 so the captains won't be the same, but what i did was ask the fishing captains by the beach. At the time i paid around 50 Euros equivalent for a few hours.

I eventually learned the best method to fish there is spear fishing, but I didnt have the ability to go to the depth they advised, which was 60+ feet on the free dive. I did see scuba diving spear fisherman and they had a decent catch but when i asked them, they declined my offer of paying them to take me out. I explained to them I was PADI certified and an experienced diver, but they were just a bunch of friends that didnt want the responsibility of taking someone along. I did explain to them i was a novice spearfisherman, so that was probably the reason they didnt take someone.

So i hope this helps and gives you a snippet of my experience and what seems to be the norm. But you may luck out and have a totally different experience from me.

07-20-2022, 10:06 AM
Oh I will add more quintessential aspect to sea life there. If you are a decent snorkeler, and the snorkeling is beautiful there ... freediving shallower water for Sea urchins is a local thing to do.

While i tried it for a day and the experience is fun and exhausting - it's a fantastic workout - I'm not particularly fond of the taste of Uni.

Have a snorkeling buddy, swim down to 10 feet (pretty easy to do), wear heavy duty leather glvoes so the spines don't poke you. Rinse and repeat, and then eat them back at shore uncooked.

Not sure if the same Sea Urchin life is out there, but they are a blackish Sea urchin. They were plentiful at the time, and the locals gladly harvested them becuz they were bad for the tourists (who would inadvertently step on one or kick one while swimming). I remember seeing them by the hundreds while snorkeling anywhere.

07-20-2022, 01:48 PM
If you'll be on Crete, specifically Chania there are a couple of boats on the waterfront. Some American military stationed nearby use them on occasion. I never have when I've been there.

07-20-2022, 05:47 PM
Appreciate all of the responses!

Thanks for the intel and feedback!

07-20-2022, 07:09 PM
I know Cape Cod Charter Captain Jimmy the Greek catches some nice sized bottom fish when he goes back to visit. No idea where in the islands he is fishing though.