07-11-2022, 12:11 PM
The fluke fishing has been slow this past week. We are catching some but not like it should it should be for this time of year. Some sea bass and ling are are being taken on our fluke drifts, which helps. Hopefully the fluke get hungry soon.
Our night trips showed some improvement. A mix of ling, sea bass and squid were caught on Saturday night's trip. A keeper pollock and a lobster were also put in the boat. Anglers that tried for them, were able to land a dozen or so squid. If anyone were to try strictly for squid, they could probably put a good catch together.
To squid fish: A light weight, 10lb spinning combo is best. Pick up a couple of small squid jigs from one of the local tackle shops on your way to the boat. Cast your squid jig just outside of the boat's lights, let it sink for a ten-count. Reel and stop, reel and stop. Try to be courteous to the guys fishing around you --you don't want a big belly in your line. The deckhands will be happy to show you if you ask. It's a lot of fun and you'll have fresh calamari.
Our night trips showed some improvement. A mix of ling, sea bass and squid were caught on Saturday night's trip. A keeper pollock and a lobster were also put in the boat. Anglers that tried for them, were able to land a dozen or so squid. If anyone were to try strictly for squid, they could probably put a good catch together.
To squid fish: A light weight, 10lb spinning combo is best. Pick up a couple of small squid jigs from one of the local tackle shops on your way to the boat. Cast your squid jig just outside of the boat's lights, let it sink for a ten-count. Reel and stop, reel and stop. Try to be courteous to the guys fishing around you --you don't want a big belly in your line. The deckhands will be happy to show you if you ask. It's a lot of fun and you'll have fresh calamari.