View Full Version : FLUKE REPORT SUNDAY JULY 10, 2022.

Prowler 5
07-10-2022, 06:03 PM
Hey Gang, We took a ride into the ocean today to try a new area and the conditions were pretty good to start the day. The fares picked away at some nice keepers fluke, sea bass and shorts the first few drifts. When the tide changed we lost the clean water and had to bounce around to put a few more fish in the boat.No limits today, couple guys with two on down. We did end up with a boat limit on the Sea Bass. Joey worked deck today and has the pictures so we will post them up later. Thank you. Capt. Jack.

07-10-2022, 07:08 PM
What are these runoff poppers that you refer to. I looked on runoff lures website and I do not even see that they make a popper. I consider a popper something for surface popping. Please elaborate on this. Thank you

07-10-2022, 07:11 PM
Sorry wrong thread.