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View Full Version : Redeemer Sportfishing - July 5th Fluke Report with the Kids

Redeemer Sportfishing
07-05-2022, 06:45 PM
Had out Chris and his daughters for his daughters birthday. Left a little early due to the forecast. Fished the Red Church hard for 5 hrs, landed a dozen fluke but all shorts. Girls had a blast. Same as last week at the SG reef. Not sure what's going on with the fluke.

07-05-2022, 08:03 PM
Nice work. I think it's still early/chilly for the keepers to set up out front.

Redeemer Sportfishing
07-06-2022, 10:14 AM
I agree, bottom water temp is frigid, too much SW winds and upwelling.

Would of fished further out but it was too rough for the kids.

07-09-2022, 09:30 AM
Fluke have been almost completely absent from the Shrewsbury River this year. VERY strange. Everywhere I have fished in the past 8 years (normally very productive) have been void of fluke of any size.

I originally thought the family of porpoise that have been in the channels for the past couple months was the cause. But after reading your report - I'm not so sure about that. Something is up. Just don't know what.

I liked your tuna report Mike. Let me know when they are in closer.