View Full Version : 6/18 PPB mixed bag

06-21-2022, 02:04 PM
Well like the old saying "if life gives ya AIDs ,make Lemonaids " thats what we did. The rowdy crew headed out in the gusty NW winds. Headed to where Capt. Jerry had the fluke great on Friday & area was dead, went looking for blues & they weren't schooled up we only picked a few. Wind came on crazy strong so jer dropped pick on some bottom & we had drop n reel sea bass but all 11.5-12.9999 models. New #regs really screwing us. Bunch of roaster tog went back to live as well & a few mountain trout hit the ice. Went into the beach for flukes & worked our way around until we finally got into bites. Loads of shorts were inhaling the baits & the action was great. Ended up with 17k total not the usual monger nation slaughter but well earned given the conditions. Directa dbag got his limit even though he did not bring any of his own Gulp or bucktails/jigheads so he owes me & orr. Someone put a fluke in my pants & the weather was excellent drinking conditions at sea as I ran out of beer. Dev also got her PB Bird! 12 days until LINGOMANIA 2022!

06-21-2022, 02:12 PM

bunker dunker
06-21-2022, 03:04 PM
1st,love the outfit{lol}.2nd,congrats to group for putting up with you.3rd,nice catching,congrats

Gerry Zagorski
06-21-2022, 04:22 PM
Oh my there are just some things you can’t unsee ��

06-22-2022, 08:12 AM
Now that's a "SLOT" fish!: