06-21-2022, 08:48 AM
Its approaching soon! Our 40th Anniversary Tourney is quickly approaching & the fishing is getting hot again.
**CORRECTION EVERYONE** Captains meeting the 15th. FISH on the 16th & 17th!!!
Anyone who hasn't entered yet and is interested in doing so before the late entry fee kicks in, head over to our new website...
https://sandyhookbayanglers.org and go to the tournament page. You can download the entry form and mail it in or you can pay for your entry on-line with PayPal or a CC. Its a new feature we just added this year.
Please email at sandyhookbayanglersfc@gmail.com if you have any questions!
Thanks again for your support of our 40th Anniversary running this great event for everyone.
Tight Lines!
Bill DiStaso
Pres. SHBA Fishing Club
**CORRECTION EVERYONE** Captains meeting the 15th. FISH on the 16th & 17th!!!
Anyone who hasn't entered yet and is interested in doing so before the late entry fee kicks in, head over to our new website...
https://sandyhookbayanglers.org and go to the tournament page. You can download the entry form and mail it in or you can pay for your entry on-line with PayPal or a CC. Its a new feature we just added this year.
Please email at sandyhookbayanglersfc@gmail.com if you have any questions!
Thanks again for your support of our 40th Anniversary running this great event for everyone.
Tight Lines!
Bill DiStaso
Pres. SHBA Fishing Club