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View Full Version : Big Jamaica & Paramount Sea Bass Report Sunday

06-12-2022, 08:39 PM
6/12/22 report

Sea Bass fishing was good again today with many limit catches around the boat. Everyone caught sea bass plus a few ling.

The pool winner was
Mike McLeod from Howell NJ with a 5lb Sea Bass

Sea bass fishing has been good everyday and it closes after June 19th. If you want to catch sea bass to bring home, now is the time to go!
It looks good for this week.

The Jamaica & the Paramount will sail for Sea Bass every day at 6:30AM & 7AM through June 19.
Paramount 6:30AM
Big Jamaica 7AM

Night Trips will begin on Saturday sailing 7:30PM
When sea bass closes we will be fishing for blue fish, fluke, and ling.

There have been good reports from the Hudson down to the Wilmington canyon. On these early season trips we normally fish the 50 to 70 mile areas however, we will be fishing wherever we think we have the best shot at catching fish on our upcoming trips.

Special Tuna Trips
Sail 11PM June 20, 27 (Departure time may vary slightly)

Sail 10PM June 21, July 25, August 8, 29

Night Trips
Start June 17 @ 7:30PM

You can see our complete schedule and purchase tickets for all our trips at www.bigjamaica.com
For further information and group rates call Capt Howard at 732-528-5014 or 732-573-8301
**There is presently space available on all of our trips.