View Full Version : Marine Fisheries Management Reform

Gerry Zagorski
06-08-2022, 05:07 PM
If you remember, this past winter, we asked you all to write into the Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) in support of a movement for Recreational Fisheries Management Reform. See the press release below, it worked!

As brief refresher, our current fisheries management framework has a heavy reliance on the prior years catch assumptions from MRIP to determine our regulations for the current year. As we all know, MRIP data and assumptions are questionable at best and there were no provisions in the framework to take into account the real measure of a fisheries health, which is stock assessments. Take Seabass as an example.. The 2021 MRIP data had some serious anomalies in it but in spite of a fishery that has been overbuilt according to stock assessments, we were forced to reduce our regulations in 2022.

A tip of the cap to Captain Adam Nowalsky who serves as a board member on the NJ Chapter of the RFA and the MAFMC to spearhead this important initiative. This is a major victory not only for fishermen but for the fisheries and the businesses we all want to preserve for ourselves and future generations.

Nice work here Adam and thanks to all who wrote in to support it.
Marine Recreational Fisheries Management Reform Advances in the Mid-AtlanticAlexandria, VA – June 8, 2022

On Tuesday, June 7, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC), and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) jointly approved a harvest control rule framework action that brings important changes to recreational management for some of the region’s most popular fisheries. The new approach attempts to smooth out the volatility that has plagued recreational fisheries regulations from year to year, creating lost fishing opportunities and generating significant frustration for anglers and the industry.

Specifically, the harvest control rule approach will incorporate an evaluation of biomass level when making recreational management decisions for summer flounder, scup, black sea bass and bluefish. Status quo management currently only relies on a comparison of recreational harvest estimates to a harvest limit.

“Anglers and sportfishing businesses have been frustrated by recreational management changing almost every year based on the variability in recreational harvest estimates,” said Mike Waine, Atlantic Fisheries Policy director for the American Sportfishing Association (ASA). “The new approach incorporates more science into the decision-making process to better manage the recreational sector and conserve our fisheries resources.”

The harvest control rule approaches were in development for several years and are part of a collaborative recreational reform initiative between ASMFC, MAFMC, NOAA Fisheries and stakeholders. The goals of recreational management reform are to (1) provide stability in the recreational bag, size, and season limits; (2) develop strategies to increase management flexibility; and (3) align fishing access with availability and stock status. The approved harvest control rule approach represents a first step towards achieving these goals and is expected to be implemented on an interim basis while other alternatives are developed further.

Although this represents a small change, it is consistent with a longstanding sportfishing industry position that recreational and commercial fishing are functionally different activities that require different management approaches. The Modern Fish Act clarified that federal fisheries managers have the authority to implement improved management approaches for recreational fisheries, such as the harvest control rule approach.

“The Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP), the survey used to estimate recreational catch, has inherent uncertainties that create challenges when it’s used for fine scale quota management,” noted Waine. “Reforming management approaches that account for MRIP uncertainty is a much-needed change while we continue to work on improving recreational data collection.”

“The sportfishing industry recognizes MAFMC member Adam Nowalsky, a licensed charter fishing captain from New Jersey, for his leadership in advancing this management change” said Mike Leonard, ASA’s vice president of Government Affairs. “ASA and its coalition of sportfishing partners will continue to prioritize recreational management reform and data improvement efforts across all the regions to advance the conservation and management of recreationally important species.”

The approved harvest control rule framework action will be forwarded to NOAA Fisheries for final approval with an expected implementation in the 2023 fishing year.

06-10-2022, 05:14 PM
Thanks Gerry for posting this. real shame the drama posts get more traction instead of the hard work some folks do to keep us fishing.

06-10-2022, 05:21 PM
Happy that anything happened at all with Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) but most fishermen do not believe that they will follow through with helping US Citizens. They are too hungry for easy money, vacations and pensions .....and too hungry for power. We can hardly recognize this country anymore as these govt. agencies terrorize businesses and citizens as fishing enters the severe danger zone. So horrible...fishing saved my life as a child by giving me a place to turn after severe disaster hit my family with illness.

With their astounding incompetence and disregard for US citizens, their businesses and their families which the Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) has displayed over the years, the best thing to do is remove them from power and demand reparations. We no longer recognize these agencies as legitimate organizations. They should pay back the money they "made" by deceiving and disrespecting the citizens who pay them. Reparations are in order and new agencies who try to help instead of destroying dreams, lives and recreation.

RECALL these scam organizations.

06-10-2022, 06:09 PM
Happy that anything happened at all with Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) but most fishermen do not believe that they will follow through with helping US Citizens. They are too hungry for easy money, vacations and pensions .....and too hungry for power. We can hardly recognize this country anymore as these govt. agencies terrorize businesses and citizens as fishing enters the severe danger zone. So horrible...fishing saved my life as a child by giving me a place to turn after severe disaster hit my family with illness.

With their astounding incompetence and disregard for US citizens, their businesses and their families which the Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) has displayed over the years, the best thing to do is remove them from power and demand reparations. We no longer recognize these agencies as legitimate organizations. They should pay back the money they "made" by deceiving and disrespecting the citizens who pay them. Reparations are in order and new agencies who try to help instead of destroying dreams, lives and recreation.

RECALL these scam organizations.

Very sorry for the severe disaster / illness that hit your family. Glad fishing helped.
Can you provide any supporting documentation for the other claims?
Would like to see the salaries, pension and vacation data. Also describe the " reparations in dollars you are looking for?

I only work as a volunteer unpaid for some fishing groups but cant find the monetary compensation you are describing for MAMFC so just want to educate myself further.
Thanks and again Sorry you had a tough time.
My best to you and yours

06-10-2022, 07:59 PM
Here is some data. When I was a kid, there were over 40 fishing stations on Long Island. Now there are about 3. All put out of business because of utterly ridiculous regulations. Fluke fishing disappeared for these guys when the size regulation went to 21 inches. I used to go weakfishing every year in Peconic Bay....the regulation is now 1 fish and the fish are swarming out there. No fishing station to go weakfishing any more. The charter boats and fishing boats don't bother to go either.....they would limit out on one half hour drop. Flounder fishing down to 2 fish....killed that fishing. Now they want to shut down porgy fishing. I'm sure that is not a big help to businesses and recreation. Sounds like an intentional to put a nail in the coffin of many people fishing and tackle shops who support them.

This is not "data"....this is visible, undeniably real....everyone knows it.

As far as pensions and vacations....you name one Govt Agency that doesn't offer these benefits as they put people who put their lives on the line out of business. You show me the people who put these regulations in place and I guarantee that they have pensions and vacations far exceeding the people who's lives. businesses and dreams they destroy.

Give me the names and I'll personally go and find out what they receive in compensation.

Then they should give their compensation back for the past 20 years. Would be reparation for those who lost their businesses, found memories and dreams.

06-11-2022, 11:52 AM
You can find more information here: https://www.mafmc.org/
Also we are not talking about NOAA here just the MAMFC

Not beholden to any federal agencies, do work as a volunteer for RFA-NJ, SSFFF etc in a capacity I have always believed to have the best interest in recreational fishermen/ women to better our access and sport we all love in general.