View Full Version : JCAA FLUKE TOURNAMENT 6/11/22

Angler Paul
06-06-2022, 12:54 PM
Please consider joining our 26th annual fluke tournament. We only had 53 entrants as of 6/3 and we are giving out thousands of dollars worth of prizes. Enter our doormat fluke category for just $25 and if you catch the largest fluke over 12 lbs. you will win 50 K cash. There is also a $1200 cash prize for the largest fluke caught in each of our 7 regions. The cash prizes are guaranteed regardless of the number of entrants. There are 1st to 7th prizes for each region so just about everyone may win a prize.
To top it off there will be a Grand Prize Raffle for a 14' G3 boat, 20 HP Yamaha engine and a Yacht Club Trailer. All entrants who come to the awards ceremony will be eligible for the drawing. The awards ceremony will be at Resorts Casino in AC with registration beginning at around 5 PM on 6/17/22. We will have plenty of door prizes, a 50/50 and all those who come will receive $25 in match play or $10 in slot play. We need to fill up the room so bring all you family and friends and make a night of it!
For complete details or to enter online or to print out a mail in or fax in application go to www.jcaa.org The fax number is 732-506-6975. Applications will also be taken via phone at 732-506-6565. If there is no answer please leave a message and we will call you back.

broken bobber
06-06-2022, 02:53 PM
What are the weigh in stations for each port

Angler Paul
06-06-2022, 09:27 PM
I don't have the list handy. Which port are you interested in?

broken bobber
06-07-2022, 01:37 AM
Sandy Hook

shrimpman steve
06-07-2022, 08:42 AM
I do miss fishing in these tournaments.

Angler Paul
06-07-2022, 06:41 PM
Here are the weigh-in stations:


7 Regions - 11 Official Weigh Stations

Regions Official Weigh Stations

1. Jersey City Liberty Landing Marina, 80 Audrey Zapp Dr., Jersey City, NJ, 07305.
201-985-8000 Email: info@libertylandingmarina.com

2. Sandy Hook Gateway Marina and Yacht Sales, 34 Bay Ave, Highlands, NJ, 07732
732-291-4440 Fax 732-291-2654. Located on the Shrewsbury River just north of Highlands bridge.

3. Shark River Inlet Fisherman’s Den, Belmar Marine Basin, Highway 35, Belmar, NJ, 07719
732-681-5005 Fax 732-280-0072

4. Manasquan River Hoffman’s Marina, 608 Green Ave., Brielle, NJ 08730 732-528-6200, hoffmansmarina.com.

5. Barnegat Bay South Harbor Marina, 118 Oregon Ave., Waretown, NJ 08758,
609-693-3658 Email: macsdock@aol.com
(Members of JCAA or the Forked River Tuna Club will do weigh-in.)

6. Long Beach Island Fisherman’s Headquarters, 920W 9th St., Rt., 72, Ship Bottom, NJ, 08008
609-494-5739 Fax: 609-494-9271 Email: Fishermansheadquarters.com

7. Southern
• Great Bay - Great Bay Marina, 45 Montana Drive, Little Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08087
609-296-2392 Fax 609-294-1685

• Ocean City - Fin-Atics Marine Supply LTD., 1325 West Avenue, Ocean City, NJ, 08226
609-398-2248 Fax 609-398-2712 Email- customerservice@fin-atics.com

• Atlantic City – One Stop Bait & Tackle, 416 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City, NJ 08401 609-348-9450

• Cape May - Jim’s Bait & Tackle, 1208 Rt. 109, Cape May, NJ, 08204 609-884-3900
Email: jimsbaitntackle@yahoo.com