View Full Version : Shore/Land Based Fluke Report

06-05-2022, 07:21 AM
Because I’ve only had small windows in which to fish so far this season, I haven’t been out on our boat (or a party boat) that much. So I’ve been grabbing 2 hours here, 90 minutes there and hitting some shore/land based fluke spots that I’ve frequented over the past few years.

For the most part the bite has been consistent with one spot yielding numerous 20”-22” fluke and the others an occasional 18”+, decent amount of 17-17.99 and a lot of shorts (when conditions are right).

Still waiting for another spot to heat up as it’s been on the slow side there-especially fishing a single killie-which over the past few years has been the go to bait there.

Having the best success using a single light jighead tipped with GULP. A technique which I’ve been fishing since I started jigging/bucktailing for fluke way back when but has been refined to a science by another NJFishing.com member.

Going to gradually start moving away from my back bay spots and start concentrating closer to the inlets and beach fronts.

Although it looks as if I’ll be having more time to get I out on the boat, nice to know I can still get some productive “water time” for 1-2 hours if need be.

Gerry Zagorski
06-05-2022, 09:33 AM
Way to do it Doc!