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06-05-2022, 12:31 AM
Had 2 short fishing windows to squeeze in solo.

Got out Fri to a surprisingly nasty bay by 4. Decent breeze from the ESE and some decent rollers once past the lee of the Hook. Not what I was expecting condition wise. Got started just as tide died out at 5 so conditions were less than great. Decided to pull lures down the Reach to the Triangle and back East. Mojos and Stretches went untouched and had a hard time keeping the brown grass from fouling the lures. Switched to X-Raps in shallow heading back East and managed 2 rats before calling it at sundown.

Back at it Sat by 6:30 planning on close Fluking. Bounced around some bunker pods throwing shads but no takers. Started bouncing the bucktail and got a slow bite going. Again brown grass was a nuisance. Dead sticked a rod with bait and it went untouched. Managed a few 16-19” flatties but bite was slow. Called it by 9:30 with other commitments on land.

Water brown in close, cleaned up heading East. Surface temps 67-69. Marked tons of bait everywhere.

Salty Dog
06-05-2022, 06:38 AM
Good report. Thanks. Encountered pretty much the same on Wednesday. Fluke and did manage to catch our jersey limit of two over and four tweener's. Nasty water and brown growth. All fish were taken in the skinny water.

Gerry Zagorski
06-05-2022, 07:14 AM
Was out Wednesday afternoon as well, was going to go out front and Striper fish but 4 - 5 foot seas kept us inside…. Trolled mojos and umbrella down the reach between Earle and Keansburg lots of bait but not a touch. Tried live lining and jigging as well to no avail.

06-06-2022, 03:36 PM
Great report as always Duff, Glad you are getting out!

06-07-2022, 09:49 AM
We had a 3 man limit on Saturday, dropped two at the boat.