View Full Version : Welcome Kill Shot Charters

Gerry Zagorski
05-31-2022, 10:17 AM
Please help me extend a warm NJFishing.com welcome to Captain Gabe and Mate Ryan of Kill Shot Charters out of Atlantic Highlands Municipal Marina.
(732) 608-4077

The Kill Shot is a really immaculate 40' Willis Beal / RP with 670 horsepower Cummins diesel, spacious cabin with private head, heat and AC, and double anchor tree. Charters available for up to 6 people both inshore and offshore.

Captain Gabe and Ryan know the area, both grew up here and have been fishing together for over a decade. .

Welcome Captain Gabe and Ryan, sweet boat you got there and best of luck fishing this year!

05-31-2022, 02:02 PM
Captain Gabe and First Mate Ryan, welcome to the site. I am sure you will be very successful. Looking forward to meeting up with you . Best wishes for a great season....Pete