View Full Version : PROWLER5 - THURS. 12-30-2021 - BLACKFISH REPORT

Prowler 5
12-30-2021, 03:15 PM
Hey gang. We had a nice comfortable crowd of 19 customers today for a beautiful day out on the ocean for the end of December. We made two drops on the anchors today and seen life on both. Couple limits today. Big Joe had five and won today's pool. Dean also had his limit fishing the bow, some guys with 3, several people with one and 2 and some with just shorts. Fun day out on the water. We've been fishing with strictly green crabs and white leggers. We have a heated cabin and handrails for your comfort. We're definitely fishing Fri. and Sat. we have people coming down. We look forward to seeing you at the dock. Thanks, Capt. Scott