View Full Version : Gambler 24hr tuna

Pennsy Guy
11-22-2021, 01:35 AM
What a stellar trip! Capt. Mike took us to my favorite canyon, south to the Lindenkohl. After setting the anchor in 64* 750', first "fish on" after 5 min. and first smallish yellow in the tank. A slow pick during the remaining dark of night until full sun up when the birds turned the trip into a lot of fun or work, depending on how you look at it. Like last week at night, one shark and during the day multiple cut offs. We had a total of 44 tuna, 80/20% longfin to yellowfin or about 35 to 9. Pool winner was a first time party boat fisherwoman with her first fish, a 65 lb. yellowfin. Thereafter, she jigged 4 longfin--what a way to have a first trip!!! Again, like last week, pink/white jigs were the favorite while butterfish was the favored bait followed by sardines, both on lighter leaders(25# fluoro was too light). I think high hook was 7 fish with an unseen fish fought for 40 some minutes. General consensus: it was an eyeball. NOAA was on with forecast, mostly cloudy but little breeze. No squid showed but did have a mola mola, a porpoise and a few Skippies passing, make an appearance. Kudos to Capt. Mike for heading south and to mates Nico, John and Jay for dealing with the many hooked fish tangles, head gaffing and dealing with all the other chores and requests. Also on board; Office manager Jill and "special guest" Greg...always a pleasure to fish with both of them.

11-22-2021, 06:34 AM
Nice !

shrimpman steve
11-22-2021, 09:20 AM
Fantastic report. Thanks for sharing!

11-22-2021, 02:51 PM
Hey Chuck. Glad you guys had fun. We were supposed go again tomorrow night but had to cancel due to weather. Looking to put one or possibly two more trips together. Water still looks great out there. As long as we can get the weather, we should be able to catch tunas into December!

Thanks for the report

Capt Bob

11-22-2021, 05:33 PM
Hey Chuck. Glad you guys had fun. We were supposed go again tomorrow night but had to cancel due to weather. Looking to put one or possibly two more trips together. Water still looks great out there. As long as we can get the weather, we should be able to catch tunas into December!

Thanks for the report

Capt Bob

Yes, I am in for one more trip!!!! to see one of the best crew's on the Eastern Seaboard top notch service with Excellent crew Capt. Mike, 2nd Capt. Walt (bait expert), Niko (jig meister), John (jig meister) and Jay (deck beast)....Chuck it was nice talking you with great advise how to get it done...thanks again for great trip...

Pennsy Guy
11-22-2021, 07:05 PM
Hey Chuck. Glad you guys had fun. We were supposed go again tomorrow night but had to cancel due to weather. Looking to put one or possibly two more trips together. Water still looks great out there. As long as we can get the weather, we should be able to catch tunas into December!

Thanks for the report

Capt Bob

Just told Jill to add my name, maybe two? Love it. You told me you'd like to catch tuna in the snow, so would I... how many more crazies can we get???

11-22-2021, 07:41 PM
Pennsy….LOVE reading ya reports. Thank you. Ya a trooper man. Man o man wish I can fish thru the hi and lo’s thru the season and not give up like you did. Awesome stuff man.

Pennsy Guy
11-22-2021, 10:15 PM
Pennsy….LOVE reading ya reports. Thank you. Ya a trooper man. Man o man wish I can fish thru the hi and lo’s thru the season and not give up like you did. Awesome stuff man.

Thanks Duffman, I guess some addictions are good. LOL