View Full Version : Sea Hunter - sorry to see 'ya go...

11-18-2021, 04:56 PM
Atlantic Highlands loses another party boat in 2 weeks when Captain Rob Semkewyk retires to NC and the boat moves to Montauk.
Fished with Rob today, boats were railed after the great rpts over last 2 days. Today was tough but Rob got 'er done and miraculously I won the pool. Here's his report, gonna miss u Rob:

Yesterday was like a Striper invasion from the back bay to long branch.it was like you could not miss. Today. Was like another world we had a few little shots early then it was painful for the rat of the day I saw them on the fish finder but they were not hungry. Today was a day of rest for the we ended up getting a few shots at the end of the day I can’t say it was a bad day just not as good as the ones prior See you soon Capt Rob

11-18-2021, 07:02 PM
One of the most fun striper trips I was ever on was with Rob..
We were in the middle of over a mile of bass crashing on top .
He turned off the boat , came down on the deck , and said anyone who can’t catch a bass here . Throw the rod in the ocean even if it’s a rental rod , and he would give you your money back .

We caught bass every cast for hours

ALS Mako
11-19-2021, 06:48 AM
Congrats larry on the pool. Sad to hear another boat going out of jersey. A shame there is not a younger generation stepping up to run the party boats. I know it's a hard life.. seems most are going the way of charter boats.

11-19-2021, 09:37 AM
Congrats on the pool Larry! Nice fish.

Enjoy retirement Capt Rob.

Sad to see another boat leave AH. How many head boat slips are there? 8 or 9?
Gonna be only 4 boats left? How things have changed.

11-19-2021, 09:52 AM
Larry glad you had a couple great days on the water. Bass fishing has been great when conditions are right. We have all the bait needed and the right regulations in place....FINALLY.

Sad day to see the Sea Hunter pack it in. Been part of the Atlantic Highlands fleet for decades. It's an industry people are shying away from in this area due to over regulation. Even more reason to sign the summer flounder petition I posted yesterday because if and when the day comes when non-preferred coast wide measures are mandated which means 2 fish at 20" and a season which maybe spans two months, what fishery is going to pay the bills. Every year we're getting closer to that happening because every year the current regulations continue hurting the fishery.

Don't know what the outcome of the petition will be or the correspondence being sent to Washington but I know it'll potentially put all of us, our sponsors and the fishery in a better position than sitting back waiting for fisheries management to address the same problems they've ignored over the last decade. Truly it's the only instance I can remember in my life where a stock is deemed rebuilt and declines every year since with no attempted changes to address those declines.

Capt Rob, enjoy your retirement in NC and best of health in your retirement years. Thanks for all you've meant to recreational fishing in this area and all the memories you created for your patrons!

11-20-2021, 12:14 PM
Speaking of party boats leaving does anyone know the fate of the Elaine B?

No Keepers
11-22-2021, 11:22 AM
Will miss the Sea Hunter. Not a regular because I have my own boat. Jump on it every year for a trip when I pull my boat. First party boat I took my boys on.

Enjoy your retirement Capt. Rob. Will miss you and seeing the Sea hunter on the water

Gerry Zagorski
11-22-2021, 11:37 AM
Nice pool win there Larry...

Happy Retirement Captain Rob... Fair winds and following seas!

11-22-2021, 11:56 AM
Enjoy your retirement, you earned it!!! Fished with you many times and it was a great experience!!! Sorry to see ya go but*********.

11-22-2021, 07:25 PM
Who bought the Sea Hunter?
What will she be called in Montauk?

11-22-2021, 10:45 PM
What will she be called in Montauk?

Fin Chaser

11-24-2021, 06:46 AM
He was my go to boat for stripers for as long as I could remember.
Rob and Richie were tops.
Are those hoodies collector items now. :D