View Full Version : Surf report 11/16/21:

11-16-2021, 05:55 PM
Back to the scene of the crime, 7th Ave Seaside Park, dead low tide. Hit the beach late afternoon, the bars and troughs were very visible with the West wind low tide, gin clean water. Mostly just fished the trough I fished yesterday since it was a long walk between bars. Bright fading sunlight, some birds diving way out unlike yesterday when they were diving in close. Nothing.
Really miss my old St. Croix, miss how I could feel that rod "load" on every throw. The outfit I used today was okay, got out pretty far but not as far as the old surf outfit. The wind is supposed to honk 10 different directions the next 3 days, maybe I can get out again Friday night. 6 more weeks of this and then that's it ! Maybe a few rats 1st week of January, but that is all till the spring.

11-16-2021, 11:44 PM
Caught, tagged and released 5 in the Monmouth County surf in the evening on a metal and teaser rig.

11-17-2021, 08:33 AM
nice windowpane! They're cool & under appreciated...

11-17-2021, 01:23 PM
nice windowpane! They're cool & under appreciated...

Great to eat as well.. Better than Fluke IMHO.. I like them as much as Winter Flounder... Meat is a tad thin, but really good...

11-17-2021, 02:03 PM
As a kid in the 70’s I caught a ton off the Mani wall. I was told by old timers then the meat was poisonous. I believed it for years! To this day I’ve never eaten one.