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11-10-2021, 02:12 PM
Forked River Tuna Club’s Blackfish Tournament Rules

1. Boat Tournament: Maximum 6 Anglers per Boat at $125 per Boat

2. Overall Heaviest Single Fish wins. In the event a tie, the boat
who weighed in first will maintain his place.

3. November 27 and 28th 2021 are available fishing Days. Captain’s must
declare which day they are going to fish at the Captain’s Sign Ups. Day 1
fishing begins after the Captain’s sign ups. Day 2 fishing begins Nov. 27th
at 730pm after the First day weigh-ins. Weather days will be Dec 4th and
Dec 5th.

4. Boat Captains can elect to fish both days for an additional cost of $125
for up to 6 anglers. Boat Captains wishing to fish both days must pay
up-front for both days during the Captain’s sign ups prior to the start of
the Tournament. Each day’s fish must be weighed in on that day. Each
day is a separate entry, NO COMBINING FISH from both days. You
save only paying for one Calcutta for both days.There are no refunds
if the Captain’s choose not to fish the second day.

5. You must leave and return from a New Jersey Port.

6. Captain’s Sign up is Friday November 26th 2021 at the Forked River
Tuna Club, 18 Bay Ave Forked River, NJ. Doors open at 630pm. Sign
ups begin at 7pm. Boat Captains must stop by the Club(or in his
absence his designee) to fill out the wavier form and sign up sheet. All
Info will be posted up on our Facebook pages under FRTC Tournaments
and Forked River Tuna Club Friends Page

7. All weigh ins will be at the Forked River Tuna Club Pavilion along side
the Clubhouse. Weigh -ins are 6pm to 730pm on Saturday Nov 27th and
6pm to 730pm Sunday Nov 28th. Boats can weigh in once daily.
Absolutely no exceptions. All weigh ins on Saturday will be posted by 9pm
Final weigh ins will be posted by 9pm on Sunday on the FRTC Tournament
and Forked River Tuna Club Friends Facebook Pages.

8. Awards will be right after Final Weigh ins on Sunday at 730pm at our Club

9. All Decisions by the FRTC Tournament Committee are FINAL

Calcutta per boat:
$100 Heaviest Single Fish
$50 Heaviest 3 Fish Stringer
$50 Heaviest Sea Bass

Forked River Tuna Club
18 Bay Ave
Forked River NJ 08731
Info Text 6093132281