View Full Version : Surf Fishing Novice - "Saturday report" and a quick Q
11-08-2021, 09:53 AM
Hey everyone,
Went out Saturday morning to IBSP with my dad (I have my "sportfishing pass") got to the water around 8AM and found the wind pretty strong, and sea pretty rough and foamy with taller waves starting to break pretty far out, splashing suds pretty far up the beach.
I see plenty of reports of fish caught that day, and I felt like I couldn't really get more than a few decent casts here or there, and definitely couldn't get past the breakers. I tried bait chunking (My dad is a bait n wait only kinda guy) and throwing a 3-4 oz bucktails, the wind was too strong for me to cast a mag darter or SP Minnow without the wind taking it. I only stayed out for about 2 hours before it felt like a waste of time.
I've been doing plenty of reading as far as gear, and recently just upgraded to some "nicer stuff" so I think I'm good in that regard, I would say my cast is not great, and I struggle to get "really long" casts - which a lot of guys say "doesn't matter that much"
I guess as I'm still pretty amateur (have not been able to bag a striper yet despite starting surf fishing around this time last year - that is not a complaint just a fact) I am just wondering if there is anything I could have done differently to overcome the conditions? Or is it sometimes bad weather conditions just really make the fishing difficult and it is what it is? Did I even have a shot with my casts only making it "between" the breakers?
I work M-F 8-5PM and am about an hour from the beach so I don't really get a chance to go outside of the weekend. and of course the fishing and ocean conditions are always a lot better when I'm stuck in the office vs when I have a chance to go.
11-08-2021, 10:38 AM
This time of year a lot of fish are caught right in the suds. Wind in the face is primo along with a bit of a churned up surf. Tailor your gear to what the fish are feeding on. Adult bunker = plugs; sand eels, peanuts, spearing, minnows of other kinds, any remaining mullet = metals (and you can add a teaser 2' above your tins if you'd like). If you keep your casts with things like SPs, mag darters or hydro-minnows low enough, you can steal a few extra yards. Avoid lob casts as they're obviously more subject to catching the wind and putting an insane bow in the line, and you'll fall victim to wind knots.
The distance of your cast isnt overly crucial unless the fish are past the breakers. Then its a waiting game if you cant reach. It's more important to learn what the beach and seas are doing. Wear polarized sunglasses, identify the sand bars, cuts, drop offs and any other noticeable structure distinctions as the water recedes after hitting the beach.
Another thing to consider if cast distance is a hinderance--line weight. I typically fish #30 8-strand but keep a spare reel spool with me (or in the car) with #20 on it if needed. I often put just as much time into preparation as I do fishing...
11-08-2021, 11:37 AM
Very sound advice from someone with more experience than I. I appreciate it. Will look to read a bit more about what bait is in the surf before I start throwing as well as looking to release my casts a little later. I didn't hit any wind knots (Throwing 30-40LB braid) but I was getting some pretty sharp bows in the line and everything was hooking hard to the right as I was trying to reel in.
I was getting decent throws on the heavier bucktails. Obviously as someone new to the game I'm probably too worried about casting distance, moreso than I should be. I will do some more reading on how to read the beach.
11-08-2021, 11:37 AM
I was a little north from you Saturday. Fished for 3 hours before first light and a little after sunrise. The conditions were what I like, alot of whitewater and a good sweep. The SP was getting pushed around too much so I threw a heavy needlefish and 1.5oz bucktail. Stuff that will hold in the rougher water. Diamond jig or bottle plug and some of the heavier glide baits. Time your cast to land behind the breaking waves to work your lure under a blanket of foam. 90 percent of the fish I catch are within 50 ft. I got skunked bad last week but its part of the game. I saw reports of some really nice fish caught too but chasing reports really never works out for me.
11-08-2021, 12:03 PM
I was a little north from you Saturday. Fished for 3 hours before first light and a little after sunrise. The conditions were what I like, alot of whitewater and a good sweep. The SP was getting pushed around too much so I threw a heavy needlefish and 1.5oz bucktail. Stuff that will hold in the rougher water. Diamond jig or bottle plug and some of the heavier glide baits. Time your cast to land behind the breaking waves to work your lure under a blanket of foam. 90 percent of the fish I catch are within 50 ft. I got skunked bad last week but its part of the game. I saw reports of some really nice fish caught too but chasing reports really never works out for me.
Looked like fish caught were further north on Seaside. IBSP seemed rougher. My pops and I checked the very first area at IBSP and it seemed a bit calmer and off the boardwalk too (had to get some Marucas tomato pie)
Again appreciate the insight, I'm taking this all in from the guys that have been doing it longer than I.
11-08-2021, 12:55 PM
You are welcome. I'm no expert I just like to surf fish. The guys that caught were in the area at the time the fish pushed the Bunker in. Wednesday afternoon it was Bayhead and Asbury. Friday night it was IBSP. Thursday morning I had a school in front of me starting to push in and the boats came in and put them down at the same time a friend called me to say it was on fire in the back. So instead of running around I just stuck with some good structure spots. The skunk got me but I will be back. You gotta build up confidence in your presentation. Its a big part of it.
11-08-2021, 01:01 PM
I've done enough fishing in the past year or two to not let the skunk let me down. I will openly admit my plugging presentations are not great.
I just see rough seas and higher winds ahead for next weekend and I'm wondering if that's a totally killer for the surf game. Sounds like its not I just need to alter my presentation and what I'm throwing. its just tougher casting conditions. Just a bit bummed I was stuck at work late last week where it seemed a bit calmer/easier to fish and the bite was really really good.
11-08-2021, 04:27 PM
1.) Fish at night.
2.) Get a good headlamp.
My first striped bass I ever caught was in front of the Tiki Bar in Point Pleasant with those bright lights shining on the water. The fish hit 2 cranks from being beached. I'm not much on the foam and NE wind as was the case this past weekend.
I use the SP Minnow with a teaser 18" above that, just plug and walk the beach. Bait and wait is good in March and April. My best nights on the beach I had snow in my headlamp.
11-09-2021, 08:45 AM
1.) Fish at night.
2.) Get a good headlamp.
My first striped bass I ever caught was in front of the Tiki Bar in Point Pleasant with those bright lights shining on the water. The fish hit 2 cranks from being beached. I'm not much on the foam and NE wind as was the case this past weekend.
I use the SP Minnow with a teaser 18" above that, just plug and walk the beach. Bait and wait is good in March and April. My best nights on the beach I had snow in my headlamp.
Thanks Andy,
My dad is a preferred night fisher. Our ideal timing is get there an hour before sunset, and high tide shortly after the sun goes down. So I've caught some small blues and whatnot, so again I'm not disheartened, just wondering how I can improve. I'll keep at it for atleast another month. Gotta get my money out of this mobile sportfishing pass haha.
I have some LED headlamps that I got for a trip to upstate NY last year around this time (Great Sacandaga) incase I wanted to get in on the night bite. Didn't use them much, but they'll be great for surf fishing IBSP.
Planning on going back out this weekend. Doing some reading on how to read the beach. Will throwing a fishfinder with bunker chunks, and
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