View Full Version : Veterans fishing trip

John C
11-01-2021, 11:50 AM
Anyone know of any boats that take Veterans out on Veterans Day for free or give a discount
thanks in advance

Capt. Debbie
11-01-2021, 12:26 PM
Perhaps GoFundMe could help?

Seriously never heard of totally free. Only Vet & Senior discount fares on a few boats.

11-02-2021, 11:15 AM
Most boats have discounts. Some other boats do some free trips during the year. Since Veteran's Day is a day off for a lot of people, few boats could afford to give up all those fares on what is essentially a weekend.

NJ Dave
11-03-2021, 08:04 AM
Years back the Canyon runner offered free tuna trips for veterans on Veterans day

11-03-2021, 09:39 AM
Most boats have discounts. Some other boats do some free trips during the year. Since Veteran's Day is a day off for a lot of people, few boats could afford to give up all those fares on what is essentially a weekend.

I've known too many families whose son or daughter came back from serving physically or mentally scarred for life, or worse didn't come home at all. I'd assume most can say the same. I thought the whole concept of honoring and thanking our Veterans on Veteran's Day was to make it meaningful for them, not convenient for us. Don't think anyone is going to break the bank offering a few or half dozen free spots on a party, charter or private boat on Veteran's Day or any day for that matter to thank Veterans for their service and sacrifices. Personally I think every boat, for profit or private, can afford giving up a few spots to thank and honor Veterans and pay tribute to their colleagues who were willing to risk their lives or gave their life for this country. If not, what's Veteran's Day really about?

Before I get any push back for my opinion, I'm not coming at anyone specific with my comments. I just think it's a sad commentary if we think we all can't do something special for people in many cases who come back broken, or not, from serving this country on a day dedicated to them intended to recognize and honor their sacrifices and efforts.

Pennsy Guy
11-03-2021, 03:19 PM
What a novel idea. I think most of us are satisfied with a "Thank you for your service"; I know I am.....just sayin.

11-03-2021, 04:57 PM
It is not uncommon for 20 veterans to be on a party boat on Veteran's Day. Giving them entirely free fares would be a loss of 1500 dollars. Given that most boats are paying 1 dollar more per gallon than last year and about 40 dollars more per day in bait, it is very hard to write that money off. Party boats at least are not doing well enough financially to take this hit.

11-03-2021, 06:31 PM
Thanks to ALL Vets for your service!
Check out the below

11-04-2021, 08:45 AM
It is not uncommon for 20 veterans to be on a party boat on Veteran's Day. Giving them entirely free fares would be a loss of 1500 dollars. Given that most boats are paying 1 dollar more per gallon than last year and about 40 dollars more per day in bait, it is very hard to write that money off. Party boats at least are not doing well enough financially to take this hit.

Who said anything about 20 veterans? Most boats will be already sailing for stripers on Veteran's Day so there really are no additional costs involved. If you sail with 40 paying fares or 4 more veterans by invitation, fuel would essentially be the same. How much more would bait cost since most boats are snagging bunker or using plastics.

What's lost is revenue ONLY if the 4 veterans displaced 4 paying customers. It's unlikely that would happen but either way please tell me that's not the level we're at with this discussion.

How great would it be for a Captain to have a roll log of all military veterans on board that day, paying or not, and announce on the way out their names thanking them for sailing with them while acknowledging and honoring them for their service. Would be a nice gesture and means of saying thank you.

Military Veterans are a proud group, some of the most proud and honorable people on the planet. I agree 100% with Pennsy Guy, people who served aren't looking for handouts or charity. They'd settle for a little appreciation, respect and gratitude. How awesome would it be to show that gratitude and make them feel appreciated on Veteran's Day with a trip on the water.

John C, if your a member here, please send me a pm with your information and I'd be honored to help out getting some Veteran's out for an enjoyable day on the water on Veteran's Day. If your not a member, please reply to my post and I'll figure out a way we can connect and discuss options.

A person asks a simple question regarding how we can recognize a few Veterans and show our appreciation with a fishing trip on their special day and aside from Dave's post not one reply offers an option. Pretty sad.

shrimpman steve
11-04-2021, 11:04 AM
What a novel idea. I think most of us are satisfied with a "Thank you for your service"; I know I am.....just sayin.

I truly thank you for your service!!!

shrimpman steve
11-04-2021, 11:04 AM
I've known too many families whose son or daughter came back from serving physically or mentally scarred for life, or worse didn't come home at all. I'd assume most can say the same. I thought the whole concept of honoring and thanking our Veterans on Veteran's Day was to make it meaningful for them, not convenient for us. Don't think anyone is going to break the bank offering a few or half dozen free spots on a party, charter or private boat on Veteran's Day or any day for that matter to thank Veterans for their service and sacrifices. Personally I think every boat, for profit or private, can afford giving up a few spots to thank and honor Veterans and pay tribute to their colleagues who were willing to risk their lives or gave their life for this country. If not, what's Veteran's Day really about?

Before I get any push back for my opinion, I'm not coming at anyone specific with my comments. I just think it's a sad commentary if we think we all can't do something special for people in many cases who come back broken, or not, from serving this country on a day dedicated to them intended to recognize and honor their sacrifices and efforts.


Capt. Debbie
11-04-2021, 11:11 AM
Anyone notice what's missing here in this string? Sponsors ignoring this thread.

No doubt honoring vets is a noble thing. I give half price tuition to vets and seniors in ALL my boating classes.

The down side in this debate is getting a once a year PB fishing patron.

I'm sure PB regulars could ask his PB crew any day for a discount any day. It seems Boat Loyalty is the name of the game in this kind of business.

11-04-2021, 12:01 PM
Dakota, on virtually any day I have worked or been on a crowded party boat, there are ten plus veterans on board. On Veteran's Day, (I worked and collected fares) it is not uncommon for a majority of the fares to be veterans. So it is highly unlikely that we are talking about just 4 fares. Most party boats give back to their communities quite generously with prizes for raffles, discounts for veterans and first responders etc.

11-04-2021, 01:09 PM
Dakota, on virtually any day I have worked or been on a crowded party boat, there are ten plus veterans on board. On Veteran's Day, (I worked and collected fares) it is not uncommon for a majority of the fares to be veterans. So it is highly unlikely that we are talking about just 4 fares. Most party boats give back to their communities quite generously with prizes for raffles, discounts for veterans and first responders etc.

I haven't been suggesting opening up an entire boat to Veterans on Veteran's Day. Maybe that's the confusion. Consider this as an advertisement added to your website.

All Veterans sailing with us on Veteran's Day will be eligible, in recognition of their service and dedication to this Country, for a free day on the water as a token of our gratitude for your efforts and sacrifices. To be eligible, proof of Veteran status is required at the time you pay your fare. Three (make it whatever number you feel appropriate) free passes on the boat will be raffled off upon sailing by one of the Veterans on board to enjoy a day of fishing on us as a gesture of our appreciation to the entire Veteran and Military communities. It's the least we can do to recognize and support the efforts of our Veterans and Military and say THANK YOU for your service.

That's it. Three spots. Not 20 or 10. While fares are being collected, anyone whose a Veteran has to show proof when they pay. Keep those stubs separate. Have Veteran's write their name, branch of the military and designation on the stub. After all fares are paid, any military fares go into a container. Choose one Veteran on board to pull three names. Do it in the cabin or back of boat while heading out so everyone is involved. Refund those three Veterans their money. You could even expand the concept to once a month. It's not going to break the bank, you'd be doing the Veterans community a tremendous service and truthfully the feeling people would get giving a little something back I personally believe would justify the cause. Sometimes we just need to slow down this crazy world we live in, give thanks for what we have, be grateful and recognize the people responsible.

Most important make it genuine and sincere, have the Captain get on the horn and announce the winners by name. Announce the branch of the armed forces they served and military designation from the winner's stubs. And in the process thank all Veterans sailing today and in general for their commitment to this country, we owe you a deep debt of gratitude. Recognition of their service is probably what veterans would appreciate and deserve most.

Not breaking the bank, control the process, recognize and honor all Veterans and whoever considers this would end up benefitting in more ways than not.

That doesn't necessarily address Veterans who can't even front the initial fare in hopes of having their name pulled, still think it would be decent gesture for a sponsor or someone with a boat to respond to the OP and get more details about his request. Military personnel are there every day when we need them, nothing wrong and everything right returning that favor.

To the sponsor base here, from an economic point of view, I'd bet this would strengthen your customer base or "Boat Loyalty" index as Capt. Frank referred to. From a philanthropic perspective, your operation would be looked at in a different light while doing a very good thing. As they saying goes, "You reap what you sow". Nothing wrong doing a little sowing for this upcoming Veteran's Day.

11-05-2021, 02:40 PM
Anyone notice what's missing here in this string? Sponsors ignoring this thread.

No doubt honoring vets is a noble thing. I give half price tuition to vets and seniors in ALL my boating classes.

The down side in this debate is getting a once a year PB fishing patron.

I'm sure PB regulars could ask his PB crew any day for a discount any day. It seems Boat Loyalty is the name of the game in this kind of business.

Capt. Frank I agree 100% with your post. The only point I'd challenge is I don't believe we're talking about once a year fishing patrons. Veterans like us enjoy fishing and fish year round. This could be a win / win for everyone but instead silence. Someone makes a post asking if there's consideration from essentially sponsors to help out our Veterans and not one person has the decency of a reply. Even a reply that says no would be better than completely ignoring the question on behalf of our Veteran Community.

Sad to put it mildly. John C my offer still stands. I'd be more than happy to personally pay for some Veterans to enjoy a day on the water on Veteran's Day in appreciation of their service to our country. PM me if your further interested in discussing.

11-05-2021, 09:50 PM
I volunteer for Heroes on the Water (https://heroesonthewater.org/chapters/new-jersey/). We take veterans out kayak fishing for free. One of the most prominent sponsors of this site once came to us and offered to take a bunch of veterans, from the VA hospital, out on his boat. If I recall we had somewhere between 15 and 20. His only condition was that a couple of us came too (no charge) be their mates so it wasn't too much extra burden on the crew. He did it for FREE! It was a very kind gesture and very appreciated.

I think a lot of these sponsors do stuff at varying levels. I know the Mi-Jo tends to put together veteran trips. I don't recall if they were free or discounted. I believe Pete from Atlantic Bait & Tackle teams up with him as well.

Speaking of Pete, he has a forever 15% discount for Veterans when paying with cash.

John C, I'll PM you.

11-05-2021, 10:04 PM
Jon very much appreciate your post, your involvement and time spent with Heroes on the Water and you offering to reach out to John C. I'm sure your follow up will mean a lot to him, it does to me. THANK YOU!

11-06-2021, 08:30 AM
Somewhere on this site (or maybe on FB) I once saw a boat near the Raritan that offered free trips for 100% disabled vets. It was amazing to see the photos of those elated guys with big fish.

As an unwounded/lucky Navy retiree, the benefits my family gets are wonderful. It amazes me how many free meals I could collect on 11/11 (if I were interested in gaining more weight). I just can't see myself expecting any more thanks and freebies than I already enjoy. This may sound corny, but I've learned over time that in a whole lot of ways a career in service is its own reward.

I'd prefer to see more freebies for disabled first responders, especially for the parts of NJ inside the gravitational field of Lower Manhattan.

11-06-2021, 08:52 AM
RescueDogger well said. I assume people do things at different levels as Jon mentioned, but In today's world medical workers, first responders and Veterans stand out more than ever as people who repeatedly place themselves in harm's way based on their career choices to serve our needs. They do it willingly and it benefits us all.

People, men and women, love a day on the water and fishing. I just see that dynamic as a great opportunity to recognize these heroes and have fun in the process. I truly believe what I suggested would work and be a win win for everyone. Immediate recognition, a big thank you and a chance to give back to people who've given us a lot more in return.

It would be a great thing to see someone try.

11-06-2021, 12:44 PM
Seabass Marathon 14 hour Adult $110 Senior/Military $95 Kids under 14 $55

Seabass Extended 12 hour Adult $100 Senior/Military $80 Child under 14 $50

ALL DAY SEABASS 7:30am-4:30 pm Adult $90 Senior/Military $80 Child under 14 $45
3/4 Day Adult $65 Senior/Military $55 Junior $45 Child under 14 $30

Cod $100, Child $50 (Rod rental $8)

Half Day
Adult $55 Senior/Military $45 Child under 14 $25 - Rental Rod $5

All Day Fluke
Adult $85 Senior/Military $75 Child under 14 $40

9 HOUR BLACKFISH 6 AM- 3 PM Adult $75 Senior/Military $65 Child under 14 $40

14 Hour Winter Wreck - 3am-5pm Adult $95 Senior/Military $85 Kids under 14 $45

12 Hour Winter Wreck - 5 am -5 pm Adult $85 Senior/Military $80 Kids under 14 $40

Ten bucks is ten bucks

11-06-2021, 06:02 PM
Frugal, what boat is that?

11-06-2021, 11:27 PM
Frugal, what boat is that?

Not a sponser anymore, but not to hard to figure out. Get your thinking caps out.

11-07-2021, 07:53 AM
I know what boat it is TWO but rates without a name doesn't help the OP.

11-07-2021, 10:08 AM
I know what boat it is TWO but rates without a name doesn't help the OP.

OK it's the J2 and 25% off for vets on 11/11.

11-10-2021, 03:32 PM
John replied to your pm, please reply if interested and I'll try getting you set up for tomorrow.