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View Full Version : Big Jamaica 10/8 and 10/9 Tuna Reports

10-09-2021, 05:48 PM
Offshore Tuna Report 10/8 & 10/9
Slow Tuna Fishing one Day - Excellent Tuna Fishing the next!
We sailed off shore for tuna on Wednesday/Thursday.
The weather was beautiful, and the ocean was like a lake.
We were right back in the same area we had the
boat limit the trip before.
We read plenty of tuna throughout the trip and caught
some real beauties between 80 and 100 lbs, along with the
35 to 50 pounders, but not enough of them.
We headed back out Friday evening. Northeast wind was
moving in for the weekend but most of the ride out was calm
except for the last few miles.
It was a bit choppy but, nothing that we haven't seen before.
After looking around a bit we settled on a spot and dropped anchor.
It only took 15 minutes to get the first tuna in the boat.
10 minutes later we caught another, and then, about a
half an hour later, the bite turned on and it was tuna
mayhem until about 5:30 in the morning.
We had a lull after that and then, picked slow until it was
time to head in.
We didn't quite make a boat limit but, we had an excellent
catch of 30 to 50 lb yellowfin with a couple of larger ones mixed in.
Chris Zotti from Summit New Jersey caught his limit early.
Captain Ron from Piscataway New Jersey also caught his
limit, along with a number of other passengers.
The tuna were caught on both bait and jigs, but most were
caught on bait. Butterfish was the hot bait today.
It looks good for our upcoming trips.
We also heard some good reports from the Hudson Canyon
with good catches of yellowfin and longfin tuna over the
last couple of days.
A number of our trips are sold out but we still have
openings towards the latter part of the month, and
on the NEW DATE we added leaving 6PM Sunday, October 17th.
The Jamaica is scheduled to sail at 7AM on Tuesdays and
Thursdays for 31 hour trips, and Friday and Saturday night at 6PM for 22 hour trips.
We may add some additional Sunday night departures.
You can check out our schedule and also purchase tickets
at our website at www.bigjamaica.com.
Further information call 732-528-5014