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Pennsy Guy
09-21-2021, 01:31 PM
Well now, the Nasty Lady showed up out in the canyons so the Gambler's first 36hr trip is a no go...I wish she'd just leave and stay away--forever!!! We all know that's not happening...

Ol Pedro
09-21-2021, 04:48 PM
Chuck, sorry the weather's crap. We both have been beat up way too many times by that nasty lady. Are you on one of the weekend trips?

Pennsy Guy
09-21-2021, 08:45 PM
No Pete, just the 36's and any Nov. trips added on. Hope to fish with you this year.

09-23-2021, 03:12 PM
Was out on another boat 9/15. Caught our boat limit of 100 nice mahi then anchored up on the edge. I missed a hit on my sword rod 10 minutes after dropping down then 30 minutes later landed a thick sword that was very close but decided to throw her back to grow up. Then it was dead for hrs until when I was the only one left on deck I hooked into a very good sword at 3 am. Fought her for close to 2 hrs and had her close many times unit for some reason my 200lb wind on snapped. We were able to splice it back in but it wasn’t meant to be for 15 min later she gone. Was heartbroken because I had her on the right gear. Don’t know if she weakened my leader on the bottom of the boat since she was doing what those swords usually do. Then we got a cpl mid size yellowfin hooked up and landed so even though I was whooped I figured I could handle them. Grabbed my 80lb rod that I had 60lb leader on that I had set up for daytime and dropped a small live squid down. Hooked up immediately to what everyone agreed was prob a big eye. Fought her for 2 hrs and had her up and down kind of close but then a probably 10 foot tiger shark chased her and she went into turbo mode and took over a football field of line into
My hollow backing in about 30 seconds. That was after fighting her for over an hr. Knew that with only being able to horse her so much on 60 it was just a matter of time. Got back a lot but she also gone. At the same time another buddy had same size fish that he also lost. Ended the trip with like 5 yellows. Can’t wait to get back out there and have my revenge.
Good luck to you guys and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for weather.

09-23-2021, 03:18 PM
Jsnake4444, if you dont mind me asking, how are you rigging for swords at night? What was the "bait of choice" that enticed you strikes/hook-ups?

shrimpman steve
09-23-2021, 04:18 PM
Jsnake4444, if you dont mind me asking, how are you rigging for swords at night? What was the "bait of choice" that enticed you strikes/hook-ups?

Usually a nice big squid with a cylume glow stick is the set up of choice. Unless things have changed.

09-23-2021, 05:43 PM
Sweet boys I have a tuna trip booked next Friday on the big Jamaica hopefully some fish will be biting there are 12 of us in our group

09-23-2021, 06:13 PM
I rig a big bait master squid on a 10/0 or 11/0 hook with enough weight to keep it down to the depth you want

09-23-2021, 06:14 PM
Usually a nice big squid with a cylume glow stick is the set up of choice. Unless things have changed.

That’s the money

09-23-2021, 06:33 PM
I can say this. My sword rod was a railrod rated up to 130 lb and I had it paired with an Okuma Makaira 50 with like 400 yards of 100 lb hollow to a 150 yard topshot of 100lb mono to a 25 yard wind on of 200 lb mono to a 300lb snap swivel to a 12 foot leader of 300 lb mono. Fought that big sword at up to 25 lbs of drag for over 1.5 hrs and it kind of owned me. It humbled me to say the least. Next year I think I will have a 50 wide

09-23-2021, 09:40 PM
I thought the mak 50 was a wide body that held a ton of line. Is it a newer or older model? Been considering biting the bullet on a mak 30 this year but opted for a new jigging setup instead.

Re: the squid, are you rigging it like a daytime deep drop bait? I'm obsessed with learning as much about swordfish as I possibly can. We had a tiagra 80w converted to electric assist by dolphin end of last season. Still havent put a broadbill on the deck of my fathers current boat. They find the weaknesses in your terminal gear...that's for sure.

Slip It In
09-24-2021, 09:06 AM

Great report and sorry about the heart breakers and jealous you made it out. I am itching to head out for some daytime and nightime swords. This time of year is a special time in the canyons however the weather has me tied to the dock. I think its time for a bigger boat.

But i do have to ask why your sword setup so complicated? Why so many mono to mono connections? Is that due to head boat fishing and doing double duty for other things? Why not just go solid braid backing with bimini, to wind on, then short leader, could probably add 25% more line to your setup.


Capt. Debbie
09-24-2021, 10:33 AM
That and a 5 or 6 lb weight to get kind of vertical.

Usually a nice big squid with a cylume glow stick is the set up of choice. Unless things have changed.

John D.
09-24-2021, 11:18 AM

Great report and sorry about the heart breakers and jealous you made it out. I am itching to head out for some daytime and nightime swords. This time of year is a special time in the canyons however the weather has me tied to the dock. I think its time for a bigger boat.

But i do have to ask why your sword setup so complicated? Why so many mono to mono connections? Is that due to head boat fishing and doing double duty for other things? Why not just go solid braid backing with bimini, to wind on, then short leader, could probably add 25% more line to your setup.


Agree. Best reel have ever used for swords is a Tiagra 30WLRS as it has the upgraded drags and spool capacity is designed for braid and is not as bulky as a 50.

Pennsy Guy
09-24-2021, 11:46 AM
Jsnake, I feel your pain, I really do---been there, done that...lost a double marker(at least) after a 2+ hour fight---we saw it once when its head came out of water 100' out; and a big yft---needed 1 more circle to gaff---when a small mako chased it; that was on 30# test after 40 minutes.

There's a 90% right or wrong when it comes to gear. Got a sword with 80#, butter fish and 3/8oz. It swam into the hull(literally) & got gaffed just as my rod doubled over. That took less than 2 min. 10 min later--woman tile fishing with 20# on an old Penn had a 55# sword get tangled in her line---boated it after a tussle. Her husband, rigged for sword, never had a touch---go figure.
Another time, guy got hooked up on 40#, "piece of shit rod" he said---had to keep realigning guide section with reel section---after 1 hr, they boated a 150# eye ball. Exceptions to the rule I know, just a part of the 10%...You just never know.....

09-24-2021, 01:58 PM
My 1st and only sword landed to date came on a weird mackerel that I pulled out of a butterfish flat. There were 3 or 4 in the flat and I put them all to the side for hook baits bc they were in nice shape.

After a number of hours on the drift I brought one of the tuna baits in as we had zero action, dropped the leader down to #40 fluoro and drifted one of the macks on a 3/0 or 4/0 live bait hook right to the edge of where our boat's lights stopped--maybe had 1 oz of lead on it. Sure enough, not more than 10 mins of working that line back and forth a sword ate it lol. About 50 min later of babying the fish on like 12 lbs of drag we sunk the gaffs into a #125 fish. It was awesome and nerve-racking.

So who the hell knows lol... they eat what they want, when they want and where they want...

Pennsy Guy
09-24-2021, 02:58 PM
My 1st and only sword landed to date came on a weird mackerel that I pulled out of a butterfish flat. There were 3 or 4 in the flat and I put them all to the side for hook baits bc they were in nice shape.

After a number of hours on the drift I brought one of the tuna baits in as we had zero action, dropped the leader down to #40 fluoro and drifted one of the macks on a 3/0 or 4/0 live bait hook right to the edge of where our boat's lights stopped--maybe had 1 oz of lead on it. Sure enough, not more than 10 mins of working that line back and forth a sword ate it lol. About 50 min later of babying the fish on like 12 lbs of drag we sunk the gaffs into a #125 fish. It was awesome and nerve-racking.

So who the hell knows lol... they eat what they want, when they want and where they want...

I hear that. That big sword I had on ate a "Boston" with 4oz. after 10-15 min.

09-25-2021, 04:14 PM

Great report and sorry about the heart breakers and jealous you made it out. I am itching to head out for some daytime and nightime swords. This time of year is a special time in the canyons however the weather has me tied to the dock. I think its time for a bigger boat.

But i do have to ask why your sword setup so complicated? Why so many mono to mono connections? Is that due to head boat fishing and doing double duty for other things? Why not just go solid braid backing with bimini, to wind on, then short leader, could probably add 25% more line to your setup.

The 100lb mainline ends with a loop and the 200lb wind on is for abrasion resistance because they seem to love to bottom of the boat and on a head boat they aren’t moving for you. 300lb from the swivel to the hook is for protection from that sharp bill.

09-25-2021, 04:43 PM
I thought the mak 50 was a wide body that held a ton of line. Is it a newer or older model? Been considering biting the bullet on a mak 30 this year but opted for a new jigging setup instead.

Re: the squid, are you rigging it like a daytime deep drop bait? I'm obsessed with learning as much about swordfish as I possibly can. We had a tiagra 80w converted to electric assist by dolphin end of last season. Still havent put a broadbill on the deck of my fathers current boat. They find the weaknesses in your terminal gear...that's for sure.

I have the gold Makaira 50. It’s def a tank of a reel but I caught my 100lb sword last year on an Avet 30 narrow without a problem.

You can’t go wrong rigging the squid like daytime deep drop but for nighttime there are a lot easier ways that work also. I use both. I usually start with a rigged one that I did at home and then if I have to drop another I just quick
Rig one. I have had good luck with both

09-25-2021, 07:26 PM
Agree. Best reel have ever used for swords is a Tiagra 30WLRS as it has the upgraded drags and spool capacity is designed for braid and is not as bulky as a 50.

The Tiagra is bulletproof but it’s heavy. After hooking that sword last trip I would stay with a 50 as a minimum. The Makaira 50 probably weighs less then the Tiagra 30w

Pennsy Guy
09-26-2021, 07:17 PM
The 100lb mainline ends with a loop and the 200lb wind on is for abrasion resistance because they seem to love to bottom of the boat and on a head boat they aren’t moving for you. 300lb from the swivel to the hook is for protection from that sharp bill.

I'm curious, don't you guys pass the rod under the pulpit when it goes under the boat?

09-26-2021, 09:46 PM
I'm curious, don't you guys pass the rod under the pulpit when it goes under the boat?

When you have time you move around the boat. But when you have a green sword near the top sometimes you don’t have time before they shoot under the boat. They are WAY different from a tuna.

John D.
09-26-2021, 10:49 PM
The Tiagra is bulletproof but it’s heavy. After hooking that sword last trip I would stay with a 50 as a minimum. The Makaira 50 probably weighs less then the Tiagra 30w

The tiagra 30 wrls is a beast and IMO far superior to a Makaria 50. On every level.it’s not bulky or heavy at all. In fact think it’s less weight although neglible. The drag is far superior IMO

Ol Pedro
09-27-2021, 09:04 AM
There's a 90% right or wrong when it comes to gear. Got a sword with 80#, butter fish and 3/8oz. It swam into the hull(literally) & got gaffed just as my rod doubled over. That took less than 2 min. 10 min later--woman tile fishing with 20# on an old Penn had a 55# sword get tangled in her line---boated it after a tussle. Her husband, rigged for sword, never had a touch---go figurew.[/QUOTE]

I was on that trip !

09-27-2021, 09:49 AM
#24, Ol Pedro

You're always on a TRIP. Far back as I remember !!!!

U learn any new Knots ???

09-27-2021, 09:50 AM
I actually checked this Thread, Hoping Pete had a TUNA Report.

Ol Pedro
09-27-2021, 10:12 AM
When you have time you move around the boat. But when you have a green sword near the top sometimes you don’t have time before they shoot under the boat. They are WAY different from a tuna.

Yes they are ! The neat thing about swords are they are all different. I have Made the pass many times for Chuck and others on Tuna and Swords. It's always good to have the insurance of heavier line. I like to use an 8' 180lb floro leader with a large super Mutu hook to match the bait. A green lightstick three foot up. A Sampo swivel between leader and main line. Then slide enough 1lb eggs to hold straight in the current. I like 80lb mono on a 6/0 size reel. Live or fresh dead Squid are the go to baits.

Ol Pedro
09-27-2021, 10:36 AM
#24, Ol Pedro

You're always on a TRIP. Far back as I remember !!!!

U learn any new Knots ???

Yes I did. I learned a new stand straight dropper loop!

09-27-2021, 10:56 AM
#28, Pete, better then the one I use???

Ol Pedro
09-27-2021, 01:19 PM
#28, Pete, better then the one I use???

I think so. It's a modified ganion loop.

09-27-2021, 08:53 PM
The tiagra 30 wrls is a beast and IMO far superior to a Makaria 50. On every level.it’s not bulky or heavy at all. In fact think it’s less weight although neglible. The drag is far superior IMO

I would love to know how it’s FAR superior. Ask all the guys on the west coast that fish long range boats out of San Diego which they would prefer. As I stated the Tiagra is a tank but for a 30w you are looking at 55.6 ounces and for a Makaira 50 only 61.4.

09-27-2021, 09:03 PM
The tiagra 30 wrls is a beast and IMO far superior to a Makaria 50. On every level.it’s not bulky or heavy at all. In fact think it’s less weight although neglible. The drag is far superior IMO

Let’s not even begin to compare the Tiagra 50 to the Makaira 50. Now you are talking 83.4 ounces to 61.4. Maybe for a trolling reel the Tiagra is good but I think the Makaira is far superior as a standup and railrod reel.

John D.
09-27-2021, 09:35 PM
I would love to know how it’s FAR superior. Ask all the guys on the west coast that fish long range boats out of San Diego which they would prefer. As I stated the Tiagra is a tank but for a 30w you are looking at 55.6 ounces and for a Makaira 50 only 61.4.

Ummm….do you realize I am not talking about the 30W but the 30WLRS?….do you know what the tiagra WLRS series was designed for and what the acronym stands for?….

09-27-2021, 09:48 PM
Ummm….do you realize I am not talking about the 30W but the 30WLRS?….do you know what the tiagra WLRS series was designed for and what the acronym stands for?….

Ummmm…. Do you realize how old that reel design is and how heavy it is. Do your homework. The Tiagra is a great reel but there are better options in my opinion. Like the Makaira and def the penn Visx series.

09-27-2021, 10:55 PM
Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.

09-28-2021, 03:40 PM
Ummm….do you realize I am not talking about the 30W but the 30WLRS?….do you know what the tiagra WLRS series was designed for and what the acronym stands for?….

If you do your research the Shimano Tiagra 30WLRS is just a 30w that only has different drag cams so that it has better freespool when at its higher drag settings. This is due to the guys on the west coast freelining live baits for their big tuna. Every other aspect of the WLRS is the same including only a max drag at full of only 34 pounds and overall mass weight. By the way the Okuma Makaira 30 has a max drag of 55 pounds and my 50 has over 80 pounds at max. Even though I would never come close to using those drag settings I would rather fish a reel well below its max drag than to push a reel to its limit. But I do admit the Tiagra is very tried and true and will last a lifetime and is not a bad choice. Whatever you fish I hope you the best of luck.

John D.
09-28-2021, 05:08 PM
If you do your research the Shimano Tiagra 30WLRS is just a 30w that only has different drag cams so that it has better freespool when at its higher drag settings. This is due to the guys on the west coast freelining live baits for their big tuna. Every other aspect of the WLRS is the same including only a max drag at full of only 34 pounds and overall mass weight. By the way the Okuma Makaira 30 has a max drag of 55 pounds and my 50 has over 80 pounds at max. Even though I would never come close to using those drag settings I would rather fish a reel well below its max drag than to push a reel to its limit. But I do admit the Tiagra is very tried and true and will last a lifetime and is not a bad choice. Whatever you fish I hope you the best of luck.

I did do my research and mainly reacted to your statement was which reel to west coast people use (which really has zero relevance for here) and pointed out the WLRS was designed for the west coast long range trips. Lol their is also a kit to easily swap out and modify the drags but not relevant here. It’s the perfect sword reel for me on the East coast. Thx

09-28-2021, 05:39 PM
I did do my research and mainly reacted to your statement was which reel to west coast people use (which really has zero relevance for here) and pointed out the WLRS was designed for the west coast long range trips. Lol their is also a kit to easily swap out and modify the drags but not relevant here. It’s the perfect sword reel for me on the East coast. Thx

It was ADAPTED to the fishery years ago with a change in drag cams. It is prob one of the least used reels now for that purpose. I’m glad it’s the perfect reel for you. I wasn’t the one that stated it was better or worse. I actually acknowledged it’s a great reel but it is def not even close to being in the same league of a Okuma Makaira or a Penn VISX.

09-28-2021, 05:41 PM
I did do my research and mainly reacted to your statement was which reel to west coast people use (which really has zero relevance for here) and pointed out the WLRS was designed for the west coast long range trips. Lol their is also a kit to easily swap out and modify the drags but not relevant here. It’s the perfect sword reel for me on the East coast. Thx

Oh and it has a FAR SUPERIOR DRAG was what you said. I want to buy a reel for $600 and have to buy a kit to make it fishable. Best of luck expert

John D.
09-28-2021, 09:55 PM
Oh and it has a FAR SUPERIOR DRAG was what you said. I want to buy a reel for $600 and have to buy a kit to make it fishable. Best of luck expert

Dude you are relentless. Lol I only poked fun of your “what do you think the west coast guys use” when, not only is it irrelevant to east coast fishing but became obvious you didn’t know what WRLS stood for.

I have a Penn 16vsx and would not recommend it for swords although it is a beast of a reel.

I love my WRLS of luck to you.

09-28-2021, 10:35 PM
I find the convo interesting only bc I almost bit the bullet on a mak 30 this year. I've used pretty much nothing but tiagra 30 and 50 lrs on my fathers boat.

The reasons I've considered the mak 30 are as follows:

-The re-engineering by Tiburon and Cal Sheets
-The success west coast guys have had
-The growing success some of the best northeast charter captains are having with them
-And if I've researched correctly, they can hold more hollow core than a tiagra 30w LRS. (Plus the stronger drag, granted I'll never fish 55 lbs lol)

However, I've also read and was given first hand review by a few respected canyon captains out in Montauk re: some of the maks plastic parts which I'm leery of bc I use my gear hard. They've said they're good reels but threw some caution about the plastic parts and handle.

Ultimately it comes down to preference and what you're targeting. I hope the jabs cease bc it's a good pro/con discussion topic.

Ol Pedro
09-28-2021, 11:03 PM
Dude you are relentless. Lol I only poked fun of your “what do you think the west coast guys use” when, not only is it irrelevant to east coast fishing but became obvious you didn’t know what WRLS stood for.

Isn't it a 30WLRS which stands for 30 wide long range special? How is it irrelevant in East coast fishing? I would think that a reel with better freespool would be good for chunking and jigging. I use the same reels and hooks that I did out West and they catch the same on both coasts. A lot of the tackle we use is playtested on Long Range Boats. Irrelevant for you maybe but not for me. It's ok to disagree. I use what works for me. How many monster tuna and swordfish have been caught on Penn 6/0's filled with 80lb mono? Just the ramblings of an old man.