View Full Version : 9/6 Barnegat Bay Report

09-06-2021, 07:14 PM
Jason and I had our friend Ray (whom we hadn’t seen in several years) and his two youngest sons Aiden & Andrew out on the Reel Unnecessary for a day of Barnegat Bay blowfishing. Had one stop shopping as we had a good bite as soon as we dropped anchor. Caught in excess of 125 blowfish, keeping only 16 in addition to two of the biggest northern kingfish I ever saw. Also had a dozen+ pin sea bass and one 17” fluke. Everyone aboard had a great time.

09-06-2021, 08:14 PM
Kudos on your conservation. Sounds like u had a great day of fishing with the youngsters

09-06-2021, 09:06 PM
Don't know how great it is to see blow fish being caught in numbers we hadn't seen in decades. One of the tastiest fish there is and a blast for kids to cut their teeth on catching. I hope whatever caused them to disappear for years doesn't repeat itself. It's a great fishery for a lot of reasons.

As Togfather said, kudos on keeping enough for a decent meal and releasing the rest for posterity sake.

09-06-2021, 09:08 PM
Was great seeing Andy and Jason again. Two gracious hosts. Had a blast and fishing was great…..only took what we needed rest swam away healthy

Capt. Debbie
09-07-2021, 09:57 AM
Wow. They really have made a comeback.

That is the north end of Barnie? That's where we used to go as kids. Forked River ( Dick's Landing) and Bayville ( Trixie's & GLP). Ancient history.

09-07-2021, 07:41 PM
That is the north end of Barnie? That's where we used to go as kids. Forked River ( Dick's Landing) and Bayville ( Trixie's & GLP). Ancient history.

Although I’ve caught them at several spots north of the Mantaloking Bridge they seem to be smaller than the ones we caught yesterday just off the ICW behind IBSP.

09-08-2021, 06:06 AM
Jason and I had our friend Ray (whom we hadn’t seen in several years) and his two youngest sons Aiden & Andrew out on the Reel Unnecessary for a day of Barnegat Bay blowfishing. Had one stop shopping as we had a good bite as soon as we dropped anchor. Caught in excess of 125 blowfish, keeping only 16 in addition to two of the biggest northern kingfish I ever saw. Also had a dozen+ pin sea bass and one 17” fluke. Everyone aboard had a great time.

Very considerate of you, great job setting the right example, thank you.

09-08-2021, 05:59 PM
Skolmann do you know if the blow fish are along the wall or rocks at Point Pleasant, thinking to take a trip down it's a long ride for me and trying for the 1 blackfish, and try fluke, what is a good blowfish bait ?? thanks in advance for any help

09-08-2021, 09:09 PM
Yes there are blowfish along the wall but they are very small (or at least the ones that I have seen caught). Small pieces of clam work the best for me.

09-09-2021, 04:15 PM
nice job doc. we had em 2 at a time in the back by mantaloking on saturday but didn't keep any, theyll be bigger in a couple weeks