View Full Version : A Fisherperson needs your help!
09-04-2021, 11:14 AM
Ok so i get that things with the regulations have not gone the direction a lot of us would have liked but does that mean we stop the fight? No joke here but we could really use your help to keep at what I still believe is the right fight.
If you want to have a slot fish for fluke and stop taking only 18" females the discussion is on the table in some fashion. It will take support meaning $$ to lobby this through Trenton at the state level and of course through NOAA and others at the federal level. I have also been dismayed at times with the lack of results and took a little break due to family issues but honestly have been trying to support our fisheries since 2008. I have run multiple fishing trips and tried to honestly run fundraisers that I believe would support the cause for all fishermen in NJ. I still support SSFFF and RFA-NJ.
Gerry our fearless leader of this site has been onboard as well and been a huge help guiding common sense in a nonsense environment.
While this has been a pretty good year for summer flounder, better in some areas of the state than others your donation will help not only the charter industry that we all rely on but the fishery as a whole and one day I swear we will get the proper data through MRIP . What is undeniable is that NJ has one of the best fisheries in the nation and we mean to keep it that way
The Fisherperson that needs your help is YOU! All of us!. Please review the link below and consider sending a few bucks. The Link details some of the many accomplishments of RFA-NJ and our Lobbyists
I am also considering a few more fishing trips but get you all are frustrated. A little from the many would go a long way.
Thanks for reading this
09-04-2021, 02:41 PM
joined + donated
09-04-2021, 04:38 PM
Member for years & donate every Spring.
Gerry Zagorski
09-04-2021, 08:23 PM
joined + donated
Thank you!
Gerry Zagorski
09-04-2021, 08:25 PM
Member for years & donate every Spring.
Thanks again!
Gerry Zagorski
09-04-2021, 08:47 PM
Let me try and put things in perspective here. Each time we go fishing we happily spend at least $100, probably more. We do this because it’s worth it and it’s what
we do. What would happen if we couldn’t fish because of prohibitive regulations, closures, entirely closed fishing areas like the MPAs in places like California.
Take some of those dollars and invest in an organization that fights for your future rights. $5, 10, 15 or whatever you can afford, it all helps. No matter how much the show of your individual support puts wind into the sails of everyone in the organization to continue volunteer their time and energy to continue the fight.
09-05-2021, 12:18 AM
I caught, tagged and released RFA Stacey on the Barnegat Inlet north jetty many years ago, then a fisherman in Ocean City, MD, caught and ate her the next year.
Fin Reaper
09-05-2021, 09:46 AM
Joined and donated
Thank you for the reminder
09-06-2021, 11:05 AM
Dave thanks for your continued commitment to represent, on your own time, the interest and rights of the recreational angling community and the fishery itself. Your efforts don't go unnoticed. What's disheartening is even if it's been only three days, there's a total of seven replies. Three coming from the owner of the site and the initial post from yourself.
It's as simple as this, without organizations like RFA the recreational angler won't have representation. Fisheries management is clearly an example of "The squeaky wheel gets the oil". The wheel doesn't squeak without representation and representation doesn't exist without organizations like RFA and organizations like RFA don't exist without funding. Would be a good thing to see 800 views accompanied by 500 replies regarding contributions.
We're all here and this site exists because we have a common passion in life. If we want our children and future generations, both commercial and recreational, to co-exist and enjoy and benefit from those same passions and resources, here's an opportunity to have an impact or at minimum know you tried.
Remember the post I made a month or so ago where fisheries management's own data states there were 7 million recreational angler trips in 2018 with not one keeper fluke caught. The same post showed 4 plus million less angler trips since 2013 because quite frankly people are tired of catching quality fish and being forced to throw back dozens of fish per trip perfect size for the dinner table and in the process forced to harvest fish representing the future of the fishery. If you accept that, don't contribute but realize in doing so you accept the restrictive regulations we've been living with for way too long. If you don't, show your support. There's probably 4,000 members on this site. At $25 each, $100,000 could be raised to have substantive lobbying efforts directed at the decision makers in Washington which is what it's going to take to properly manage this fishery, insure it's future and have a fair allocation of quotas between sectors. If we don't have representation at both the State and Federal level, we won't have a voice.
Dave, I don't have a PayPal account, too technologically challenged I suppose. Will figure out a way to get you a check. Thanks again for your continued efforts and commitment to the fishery.
09-06-2021, 05:25 PM
Thanks to the regulars that replied so far and this quickly.
Tom / All
You can donate with a regular debit or credit card also. There is another button just below the PayPal button.
Also while memberships are certainly important we are trying to raise funds directly for Lobbying and Winter meeting costs for representation in NJ FOR NJ. So not mandatory for a membership. Every little bit helps and a little from the masses goes even further.
Thanks as always
09-06-2021, 06:17 PM
This subject needs way more attention. I can’t explain how much I love this fishery. Id be lost without it, especially this time of year. The future needs this fishery and others in tact for future enjoyment and there ain’t nothing better then some fresh fish on the table. Thank you Dave, Gerry for your constant hard work in this matter! And Tom, you are a wealth of knowledge. Thank you again. Joined and donated! :D
09-06-2021, 08:59 PM
Done. Dave thanks again for your commitment to fisheries management.
09-08-2021, 03:33 PM
This subject needs way more attention. I can’t explain how much I love this fishery. Id be lost without it, especially this time of year. The future needs this fishery and others in tact for future enjoyment and there ain’t nothing better then some fresh fish on the table. Thank you Dave, Gerry for your constant hard work in this matter! And Tom, you are a wealth of knowledge. Thank you again. Joined and donated! :D
Thanks Eddie. YOU always step up for a fishery either sweet or salt or for a personal fishermen in need and it is much appreciated. Continued success when you fish which means everyday LOL and in life. You set a great example
09-08-2021, 03:36 PM
Done. Dave thanks again for your commitment to fisheries management.
Thank YOU Tom. I think we both need to be committed :D I have always appreciated our friendship, your support and your efforts to making our fisheries better. One day maybe we can get this done.
09-10-2021, 05:54 PM
So the goal here is to raise 5K for NJ lobbyist we already have and winter meetings. Not unrealistic
if 500 anglers ponied up $10 bucks based on the 300 thousand NJ anglers and probably 60 k here. We are at 5% of that goal. Come off season when the posts go to slot fish and why we are only taking 18" fish please remember where you stood when asked.
09-11-2021, 11:00 AM
Want to add to Dave's comments. For what it's worth, the population of the summer flounder stock declined by 140 million fish from an estimated 202 million in 1983 to 62 million in 1989. A 70% decline in 6 short years qualifying under any definition as a near collapse of the entire fishery.
In 2009, the stock population was estimated at 194 million, declining to 121 million by 2017. 73 million net fish removed from the population in 8 short years. The 80's decline was caused by over harvest, this past decades decline is caused solely by misguided regulations mandating the harvest of the spawning stock of this fishery. Almost 40 million less females and 70 million less sexually mature fish on a net basis were removed from the overall population between 2009 and 2017. All due to documented changes in catch composition caused by elevated recreational size minimums and ridiculous discard rates driven by the same regulations intended to protect and bolster the fishery. And management has the audacity to state they have no idea why recruitment levels have imploded.
In this years Elk's tournament, the Calcutta alone paid out over $25k. One tournament. Dave and the RFA are asking for $5k to not just implement a slot, they're asking to fund lobbying efforts as a means of changing how this fishery is managed and in fact save this fishery. If that's not worth $10, $25, $50 or even $100 dollars to everyone on this site, don't contribute. But a few years from now when you want to go fluke fishing and it's in the same shape as the winter flounder fishery is today you'll know why. And in some years time when you want to enjoy a trip on the Big Mohawk, Fisherman, Prowler, Golden Eagle, Miss Belmar Princess or any sponsor on this site and they're no longer in business, remember this thread.
This isn't only about a slot, it's about having a voice to preserve a resource and legacy recreational and commercial activities that define shore communities and in many cases our lives. Would be tragic to see it disappear because hundreds of thousands of anglers and businesses in this area alone couldn't or wouldn't collectively come up with a measly $5k to support the organizations that are trying to make that happen.
So everyone understands the consequences here. Last year or possibly the year before there was serious consideration by fisheries management to introduce a coast wide slot limit with a one fish possession limit. That's how close we are to essentially losing access to this fishery. Think about the social and economic impacts if that happened and then tell me it's not worth beer money for a week trying to avoid that from happening.
We need the RFA's of the world, we need the Dave's of the world. They need and deserve your support. It literally takes a minute to help out any way you can in giving the public a voice and say in fisheries management.
09-16-2021, 09:26 AM
09-16-2021, 10:48 AM
Rumster thanks so much! Want to make sure when Pete finally retires from putting out fires he still has a fishery to offer his bucktailing seminars for!
C'mon guys, let's do something special here and make a difference. How about 5 or 10 more commitments today and see where that leaves us tomorrow. Somehow, someway we're going to facilitate changes in this fishery but we need support and your help. Let's work together and do what we can to get this fishery and the regulations back to where they were 25 years ago. Believe me when I say this, we'll all feel great being a part of what can be accomplished.
09-16-2021, 09:00 PM
Rumster thanks so much! Want to make sure when Pete finally retires from putting out fires he still has a fishery to offer his bucktailing seminars for!
C'mon guys, let's do something special here and make a difference. How about 5 or 10 more commitments today and see where that leaves us tomorrow. Somehow, someway we're going to facilitate changes in this fishery but we need support and your help. Let's work together and do what we can to get this fishery and the regulations back to where they were 25 years ago. Believe me when I say this, we'll all feel great being a part of what can be accomplished. Lol.... Have caught 2 out of my 3 double D`s on his boat..... C`mon guys, a few bucks is not going to break anyone.... Either help towards some reasonable solution of a political process or forever lose your voice.... Tight lines all.....
09-17-2021, 12:05 PM
Thank you sir! Your support is appreciated and much needed. Will keep you posted.
09-25-2021, 02:54 AM
09-25-2021, 08:58 AM
So far we have one whole leg and a foot to represent us in Washington, let's see if we can't get the entire lobbyist there. We'd arguably have a better chance presenting our thoughts about ways to improve the current management of the fishery. Gumada thanks for stepping up, please everyone continue showing your support. This fishery is just too important and too special to ignore.
09-30-2021, 04:15 PM
Thanks Gumada
Last I checked we are at 10% of the goal, Sad commentary on ALL of us I must say.
Come March /April the posts will start on summer flounder regulations for 2022. Some will say NJ Dept of Fish and wildlife will introduce a slot but we ALL know it wont happen. Some will say RFA didnt do anything but we ALL know thats not the case.. Tom Dakaota who has posted more about this situation since Tony Bogan has donated more than others.
Again why do 1% of fishermen have to do the work for the 99% of the masses? I have tried to understand and done my part but my god what $5.00 from each of you would do is so important if in masse given how may of us fish and bitch.
Unfortunately you cant fight this without support and lobbyists. The NOAA data will show high catch and high mortality rate. If you were on the water at all this year in NJ PP and north fish were there from July on and those of us out there had some very good trips but that doesn't mean we overfished.
The effort from yesteryear was non existent. in May and June from PP north to Sandy Hook we didnt even try for Fluke, Raritan Bay barely had a solid fishery. I dont believe south of PP was much better on keepers early or later.
Fishing effort plays a big part in NOAA data. I fish weekdays and guess what the "fleet" doesn't exist
NJ will support for status quo as it has for many years but we all know you cant keep taking the females and while NJ wants a slot fish it cant be done if NOAA reports on catch, effort and mortality are based on the "best available" science or nothing changes.
We need to get Tom Dakota data , SSFFF Data RFA Data, JCAA data etc etc into the hands that matter and that takes a few bucks and lobbyists.
Funny most have posted that about we Need lobbyists but yet here we stand without the means to get it done.
AGAIN: Your donation goes to the NJ Chapter of RFA and will be used for ONLY NJ fishing rights and we DONT get paid, its ALL volunteer
10-01-2021, 09:43 AM
Guys I'm not going to preach because everyone here knows what's happened in this fishery. And it will keep happening until summer flounder goes the way of winter flounder, whiting, cod, mackerel etc. No one ever thought those fisheries would disappear from our local waters but they all did in the blink of an eye. If you think that can't happen to the summer flounder fishery, you'd be wrong because it's already happening. Only one statistic I'll bore you with. In the last stock assessment, between 2010 and 2017 the stock declined by 73 million fish of which approximately 40 million were mature females and most of the 73 million were sexually mature fish both females and males which means the overall spawning stock of this fishery is being destroyed. All triggered by the use of increased size minimums to constrain catch in the recreational sector and the consequences of that decision across the entire fishery.
The data from the most recent stock assessment is screaming there's a significant problem in the fishery. Unfortunately that data mandated by law to drive decisions is being largely misrepresented or completely ignored. Why? We can argue that point but it wouldn't change the state of the fishery one bit.
It's very simple, we have a choice to make. We can work together utilizing our individual skill sets to save this fishery or stand by and watch it fail. In making that choice, consider how different your life would be if this fishery didn't exist. The social consequences would be enormous, the economic consequences to shore communities and businesses dependant on the health of this stock would be substantial to both the commercial and recreational sectors.
If losing this fishery doesn't concern you, ignore this post. However, if it's future health is important to you, your kids and grandkids, please contribute what you can. RFA, Dave and similar organizations fighting for the preservation of our rights and the survival of these resources for all our benefits need your help to get this data in the right hands and change the fortunes of a once thriving fishery.
Personally, I'm disgusted with how many fisheries we discuss in terms of "remember when" as opposed to how great they are today. We all have an opportunity to effect the latter, please don't take that opportunity for granted. Your support and voice matter!
10-01-2021, 01:30 PM
link isn't working... donate link at bottom of goes to a paypal page that says "This organization's page is broken."
10-01-2021, 01:47 PM
Acabtp, could you do me a favor and try again. I just did and it worked fine, maybe Dave saw your email and corrected it. The link should take you to RFA NJ website, hit the donate option and that should give you the option of making either a PayPal or debit / credit card contribution.
Thanks for your support, pointing out the issue and when you retry could you please post if you were able to get through.
Thanks again for your help!
10-01-2021, 02:55 PM
link isn't working... donate link at bottom of goes to a paypal page that says "This organization's page is broken."
acabtp: checked this out and link seems to be working properly. You have to enter a dollar amount before clicking the pay buttons, again your choice of paypal or debit / credit card. Also you dont have to join RFA NJ if you only want to make a donation
Please advise or anyone else if you are having any issues.
Thanks for your support!
10-02-2021, 09:21 AM
Yep, link is fixed now
Kicked in another $100... Let's keep these fish around for everyone's kids and grandkids!
10-02-2021, 11:19 AM
Acabtp.....thank you and those who have contributed!
There's a 34-page paper I'm finalizing, which will be summarized as well, going to the Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, which National Marine Fisheries Services ultimately reports up under. NOAA, NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council Members from the Mid-Atlantic and New England Regions, State Senators for every state involved in this fishery and Representative from shore based communities will be copied by email as well. Document should be ready to send within the next two to three weeks.
The document will show, based on their own data, current regulations are destroying this fishery. The economic impacts involved already have been enormous. It's all there, no one has taken the time to connect the dots. This document will.
I want to find a way of posting it through a link on this forum and start a petition to change the regulations. Until the people managing this fishery are forced to acknowledge the damage the current regulations are causing the fishery and the economy, nothing will change. I have the analysis, I need the people who can carry that message to Washington. This is 4-5 years in the making and my work is absolutely spot on. That's why RFA's and Dave's request for a lobbyist is so vitally important to save this fishery and create the voice we need at the level we need it at. We have the data and analysis which is indisputable, we need your help and support getting the data in the right hands and on the table to hold management of this fishery accountable for the substantial decline over the last decade.
As Dave already mentioned, this is all volunteer work on personal time. No money raised here will be used for anything other than delivering the message to save this fishery and benefit both recreational and commercial sectors.
I implore members here to meet the $5k quota so we have someone hand delivering a strong message to Washington and our very own State Representatives. I don't mean to over dramatize the situation, but we're truly at the crossroads with this fishery. We can't continue killing off the spawning stock, continue harvesting a disproportionate number of females, kill the recruitment strength of the stock, kill millions of sexually immature fish in the process and expect this stock to have a future. It has to change and it has to start now. PLEASE show your support any way you can!
10-05-2021, 11:57 AM
Done and Done
10-05-2021, 02:52 PM
GDubya07 thanks so much for your support! Every donation counts and gets us closer to correcting the declining trajectory this fishery has been on for way too long. Making a mistake is one thing, allowing it to continue for who knows what reasons is inexcusable. Regulations have to change, your contribution will help see that happen. Thanks again!
10-05-2021, 03:42 PM
Thanks for the link and all your hard work.
Have been an RFA member for a few years. You made it easier for me
to donate a few extra bucks so my grandkids can one day enjoy my passion.
10-06-2021, 08:36 AM
Tom I know your post was directed to Dave as it should be. His commitment to help preserve fisheries for everyone's benefit is inspiring. We're not talking about blowfish, kingfish, croakers etc. here, we're talking about the future of one of the mainstay inshore fisheries in the Mid-Atlantic Region and good part of the New England Region. Fluke, Stripers and Blues always highlighted summer months followed by winter species for generations.
These fisheries are facing challenges never before faced. A rebuilding plan for stripers has been established and is working, same for bluefish. Management of the summer flounder fishery, on the other hand, has employed the same failed strategy over the last decade as the stock and recruitment levels continue their substantial declines. Why changes haven't been introduced is anyone's guess but it certainly isn't supported by the volumes of data science has provided. The regulations going into the 2022 season have to change so the rebuilding process can begin to save this fishery from it's own regulations.
It won't be hard, the blueprint is already there from the nineties. Why management ever elected to replace regulations that promoted the most explosive growth in the history of the fishery with ones that resulted in substantial declines over this past decade is truly a question without a rationale answer.
Tom your post is in the spirit of this fund raiser. To preserve a fishery for future generations, one our grandparents, parents and all of us enjoyed for the better part of our lives.
Thanks again for your contribution and commitment in helping make that happen!
10-06-2021, 09:59 AM
Donated for a great cause. Thanks again for all the hard work you have been doing through the years.
10-06-2021, 11:45 AM
Thanks ACABTB, Gdubs, Tom Kaye and Rocky for the support! Appreciate your taking this up hopefully we can get on a little roll here and more will follow suit.
I will keep you posted and the work ahead and where we think its going as time goes on.
Thanks again it all helps!!
10-22-2021, 12:26 PM
Dave thank you and the countless others who do the grunt work
11-05-2021, 07:27 PM
Bueller / Anyone? Still way short of the goal
11-13-2021, 10:05 AM
Bueller / Anyone? Still way short of the goal
Well Dave as they say, the best laid plans of mice and men. Think Bueller would consider going to Washington on our behalf? Might as well book transportation for one foot and one leg to represent the fishery and all sectors rights as it certainly appears you're efforts will come up well short of the measly $5k goal.
Just an fyi, I'll have the draft to the Secretary of Commerce, NOAA, NMFS, Congressional Representatives, State Representatives representing shore communities, Members of the ASMFC and MAMFC ready in a few weeks. Would like you to review and comment before sending out to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo.
The summer flounder fishery, and there's no other way of putting this, is being destroyed by asinine and archaic regulations. There's so much we can do if we just take time to articulate what we feel and support the groups that support the fishery. But we don't. We bitch and moan and when it comes time to put our money where our mouths are, we bitch and moan more. Summer flounder is headed in exactly the same direction as winter flounder and we're letting that happen. Never thought I'd see us throw in the towel in my lifetime but actions speak louder than words.
Review the four attached charts. Summer flounder is on the exact same trajectory winter flounder has been over the last two or three decades. Substantial cuts in landings weren't enough to fend off declines in the fishery. It's not about landings in the absolute as much as it is about landing the correct age classes. Kill the spawning stock, kill the breeders, kill recruitment and kill the fishery. Pretty basic concept fisheries management refuses to acknowledge or doesn't comprehend. Personally I believe it's the former. Take close note of recruitment trends between stocks in the first and third chart. Recruitment is a leading indicator of every fisheries health and these trends driven by regulations mandating the harvest of wrong age groups will kill these fisheries. It's an absolute certainty. Winter flounder is already destroyed, summer flounder is following suit.
Compare the attached charts from the summer and winter flounder stock assessments. Substantial cuts in landings over the years in both stocks were not able to fend off declines in both stocks. As I said, harvest the breeders, kill already depleted younger age classes in the process, kill recruitment, kill the fishery. It's no different than a business, if revenue continues to decline you can't possibly compensate by cutting enough operating costs before ultimately closing the doors. Marine fisheries can cut landings all they want but as long as we continue harvesting the wrong age classes recruitment will continue plummeting and no amount of cuts in catch with a presumed 25% natural mortality rate will save this fishery. Regulations will only change if we have a voice and we'll only have a voice if we have representation in Washington in the form of a unified lobbying effort. Other than that, enjoy blue fishing because that will be the only game in town during the summer months and when all pressure falls on that fishery it's chances of survival are slim to none.
12-02-2021, 06:59 PM
Just a reminder what RFA-NJ does for us anglers and this is the short list.
I highlighted that we hired a Lobbyist below to make a point and that point is that lobbyist works with RFA-NJ on behalf of NJ Anglers through the convoluted process to help us get the best possible fishery regulations obtainable. Most on here asked for this and we did it. With that comes a cost and without fundraising we have no chance to keep this going.
See below: its ALL Volunteer.
Please if you can help do so even if its 5 bucks. WE are 90% short of the the $5000.00 goal meaning we got around $500.
You can hate the process but stop hating the groups or individuals that try like hell to make a difference.
Just sayin We lose the funds we lose the voice!
You do NOT have to join RFA to donate but we hope you do
Non Profit Chapter of the National RFA that specifically represents NJ anglers interests in Trenton
– All volunteer NJ board with no salaries
– Raises funds for political influence in Trenton
Uses Funds and Energy in a Variety of Ways
– Influencing and supporting political campaigns and elections
– Applying political influence to fishing related legislation
– Hired a lobbyist in 2020
Recent Accomplishments
– Early reopening of fishing related businesses during Covid Pandemic
. Curbside bait pick up for tackle stores
. Limited load charter and party boat fishing
– Held the line on NJ Fluke regulations allow NJ angers to keep 18 inch fish
– Allowing NJ to have regulations that can be different then surrounding states
01-12-2022, 02:06 PM
Hi again. Some funds would go a long way in getting our voice heard louder especially while we are fighting for a NJ slot fish!
We didnt even come close yet on the 5K goal but are still working for NJ regardless and hope you see that.
If you agree please consider whatever you can afford to help us keep up the fight.
Thanks to all that responded to the RFA National survey and all comments are appreciated.
01-15-2022, 11:17 AM
Joined and donated!!!
01-15-2022, 02:19 PM
Joined and donated!!!
Thank YOU. Much appreciated and important to the work going forward.
01-23-2022, 02:47 PM
Rejoined & donated. ( I was a member a few years ago. Thanks for all the work you guys do on this and for the reminders to the rest of us
03-21-2022, 06:48 PM
Me too.
Glad they accept PayPal for donations.
07-06-2022, 02:52 PM
TRENTON– The Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) is thrilled to announce that we’ve found our new Executive Director. After an exhaustive nationwide talent search for a new Executive Director, vetting over 60 qualified candidates, one name rose to the top—Robert A. Nixon. Mr. Nixon has made a name for himself as one of New Jersey’s leading legislative lobbyists and strategists. He’s the founder and President of State House Strategies, a government affairs consulting firm. He also serves as Director of Government Affairs for the New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association, New Jersey’s largest law enforcement officer union.
“I am excited to help lead the RFA into the future, both as an avid saltwater fisherman and as a public policy professional,” Mr. Nixon says. “I think we can accomplish great things, and I can’t wait to see where we can go.”
Robert T. Healey, Jr, RFA Chairman of the Board of Directors added, “Rob’s got the right blend of experience and industry knowledge to be successful as the RFA’s ED. I’m proud to stand with him in advocating for anglers’ rights and to help stem the tide of overreaching government regulations.”
Nixon began his career in New Jersey government in 1993 as a political consultant and legislative aide to a number of elected officials and candidates, including former State Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Bill Gormley. Prior to and since becoming a lobbyist he has managed or advised on a variety of municipal, State Senate, General Assembly, and Congressional races in New Jersey.
No stranger to fighting for the rights of recreational fishermen and boaters, Mr. Nixon has previously represented the RFA as a lobbyist in Trenton and was responsible for the enactment of the law prohibiting the commercial fishing of menhaden in state waters and numerous other pro-fishing bills. Since 2002 he has been the lobbyist for the Marine Trades Association of New Jersey and has led the charge for pro-boating laws like the sales tax cut, the protection of marinas under “Public Access” rules, the elimination of regulations on boat manufacturing, and other critical issues. A passionate saltwater fisherman, Nixon enjoys backcountry fishing in the Florida Keys and surf fishing here at home.
Mr. Nixon is currently serving on the Board of Directors of the New Jersey Schools Development Authority which oversees the State’s multi-billion-dollar school construction program. He was named Chairman of the Board of Directors by Governor Murphy in December of 2018 and he also serves as the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Authority. He was also recently appointed by the Governor as one of the seven members of the New Jersey Personalized Handgun Authorization Commission.
He received his undergraduate degree in Politics from Saint Joseph’s University and a Master’s Degree in Governmental Administration from the University of Pennsylvania where he currently serves as an instructor teaching a course on Government Relations and as a Capstone Advisor at Penn’s Fels Institute of Government. Rob was honored with the Faculty of the Year award at the Institute’s commencement in 2013 and 2016.
About the RFA:
Founded in 1996, the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) was the first national grassroots political action organization established to represent the rights of recreational fishermen and the recreational fishing industry on marine fisheries issues.
The RFA’s mission is to safeguard the rights of saltwater anglers, protect marine, boat, and tackle industry jobs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our Nation’s saltwater fisheries.
01-14-2023, 06:01 PM
Joined and donated 👍
01-16-2023, 04:36 PM
Joined and donated 👍
Thank you! As you can see a lot is going on that needs attention and support. Appreciate your help.
Also sorry if I missed anyone personally with a TY. It all matters and as always appreciate the support.
01-20-2023, 12:26 PM
Thanks for posting - had no idea the association existed 👍
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